Do not implant a device if the sterile package, the device, or any device components show signs of damage, tampering, or if the sterile seal is ruptured, or contamination is suspected for any reason. Patients should cautiously approach such devices and should request help to bypass them. Patients who failed to receive effective pain relief during trial stimulation are contraindicated to process to the permanent implant procedure. For patients who do not feel paresthesia, sudden stimulation changes are less likely to occur and distract them while operating motorized vehicles, machinery, or equipment. communication equipment (such as microwave transmitters and high-power amateur transmitters). Before diving or using a hyperbaric chamber, patients should discuss the effects of high pressure with their physician. Patients who are implanted with nonadjacent multiple leads and patients who are sensitive to low stimulation thresholds may experience a momentary increase in their perceived stimulation, which some patients have described as uncomfortable or jolting. ), Undesirable changes in stimulation, which may be related to cellular changes in tissue around the electrodes, changes in electrode position, loose electrical connections, or lead failure or breakage, Stimulation in unwanted places (such as stimulation of the chest wall), Epidural hemorrhage, hematoma, infection, spinal cord compression, or paralysis from placement of a lead in the epidural space Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage, Paralysis, weakness, clumsiness, numbness, sensory loss, or pain below the level of the implant, Pain or bleeding where the needle was inserted, Seroma (mass or swelling) at the implant site, Allergic or rejection response to device or implant materials, Hardware malfunction that requires replacing the neurostimulator, Pain from a noninjurious stimulus to the skin or an exaggerated sense of pain, Formation of reactive tissue in the epidural space around the lead, which can cause delayed spinal cord compression and paralysis and requires surgical intervention (Time to onset can range 23 from weeks to many years after implant.). Some antitheft devices, such as those used at entrances or exits of department stores, libraries, and other public places, and airport security screening devices may affect stimulation. The IPG should be explanted before cremation because the IPG could explode. For complete and comprehensive MRI support, parameters, and precautions for all Abbott neuromodulation systems, please see the product manual for each of our devices. Safety Topic / Subject Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Systems, Abbott and St. Jude Medical. If they must go through a gate or doorway containing this type of device, patients should turn off their IPG and proceed with caution, being sure to move through the device quickly. Set the electrosurgery device to the lowest possible energy setting. Output power below 80 W is recommended for all activations. If multiple leads or extensions are implanted, the leads and extensions should be routed in close proximity. 737202011056 v5.0 | Item approved for U.S. use only. For more information about MR Conditional neurostimulation components and systems, including equipment settings, scanning procedures, and a complete listing of conditionally approved components, refer to the MRI procedures clinician's manual for neurostimulation systems (available online at All components listed must be implanted unless noted as "optional." Use extreme care when handling system components prior to implantation. Free from the hassles of recharging. Inserting the anchor. Needle positioning. Extension of the upper torso or neck may cause lead movement and alter the stimulation field (especially with leads in the cervical area), resulting in overstimulation or ineffective stimulation. The implanted components of this neurostimulation system are intended for a single use only. Abbott's neurostimulation therapies are designed to alter those signals as they travel to the brain, and minimize how you perceive pain.3 PROVEN SAFE AND EFFECTIVEWITH BENEFITS BEYOND PAIN RELIEF2, 4 One of the advantages of neurostimulation is that you can try the therapy using a temporary system before committing to an implanted system. The safety and efficacy for the treatment of patients who have back pain as the greatest region of pain have not been evaluated. Patient selection. Remove the stylet from the lead only when satisfied with lead placement. Therapeutic radiation. Do not suture directly onto the lead to avoid damaging the lead. 74372 MAT-2215216 v3.0 | Item approved for U.S. use only. Regardless if the device is deactivated, take care to monitor the device for proper function during and after treatment. If two systems are implanted, ensure that at least 20 cm (8 in) separates the implanted IPGs to minimize unintended interaction with other system components. Diathermy is further prohibited because it may also damage the neurostimulation system components. External defibrillators. This can result in component damage, lead dislodgement, skin erosion, or stimulation at the implant site. IPGs contain batteries as well as other potentially hazardous materials. After CT scanning directly over the implanted or externally worn electronic medical device: Have the patient turn the device back on if it had been turned off prior to scanning. Advise patients to not use their devices when engaging in activities that might cause them to get wet, such as swimming or bathing. Loss of coordination is a potential side effect of DBS therapy. Additionally, RFID devices, which are often used to read identification badges, as well as some tag deactivation devices, such as those used at payment counters at stores and loan desks at libraries, may also affect stimulation. 72184 MAT-2214513 v1.0 | Item approved for U.S. use only. Advise patients to not use their device when engaging in activities that might cause it to get wet, such as swimming or bathing. Using the tunneling tool. In some environments, the use of wireless functions (e.g., Bluetooth wireless technology) may be restricted. Do not resterilize or reimplant an explanted system for any reason. Use extreme care to not damage the lead with the sharp point of the tunneling tool. Poor surgical risks. Failure to provide strain relief may result in lead migration requiring a revision procedure. Explosive and flammable gasses. Stimulation frequencies at less than 30 Hz may cause tremor to be driven (meaning that tremor occurs at the same frequency as the programmed frequency). Patients who are implanted with nonadjacent multiple leads and patients who are sensitive to low stimulation thresholds may experience a momentary increase in their perceived stimulation, which some patients have described as uncomfortable or jolting. INDICATIONS FOR USE Unilateral or bilateral stimulation of the ventral intermediate nucleus (VIM) of the thalamus for the management of disabling tremor. For less than 30 m (100 ft) of water or pressures below 4.0 ATA, durations of less than 60 minutes are recommended. High altitudes should not affect the neurostimulator; however, the patient should consider the movements involved in any planned activity and take precautions to avoid putting undue stress on the implanted system. Component manipulation by patients. It is extremely important to select patients appropriately for neurostimulation. This system is contraindicated for patients who meet the following criteria: The following procedures are contraindicated for patients with a deep brain stimulation system. Before diving or using a hyperbaric chamber, patients should discuss the effects of high pressure with their physician. Radiofrequency or microwave ablation. Implant heating. The effect of other implanted devices, including deep brain stimulators, peripheral nerve stimulators, implanted drug delivery pumps, and cochlear implants on the neurostimulation system are unknown. Do not use the application if the operating system is compromised (i.e., jailbroken). Always remove the trial leads before implanting the implant leads to avoid the risk of infection that may cause death if the leads are not removed. Operation of machines, equipment, and vehicles. Sheath insertion warning. Infection. Implantation of multiple leads. Activities requiring excessive twisting or stretching. CRPS II (causalgia) is defined as a painful condition arising from damage to a nerve. The tip of the sheath may whip around and could cause harm to the patient. Physicians should also discuss any risks of MRI with patients. Securing the anchor. Clinician training. Charge density can be reduced by lowering the stimulation amplitude or pulse width. Infection. Pregnancy and nursing. Preventing infection. Diathermy is further prohibited because it may also damage the neurostimulation system components. separates the implanted generators to minimize unintended interaction with other system components. The safety and efficacy of implantation of leads implanted above the T10 vertebral level have not been evaluated. The Proclaim XR implantable pulse generator (IPG) is a novel device designed to supply low-dose BurstDR stimulation in a primary cell battery guaranteed to last 5-10 years with appropriate programming. Deep brain stimulation potentially has the following adverse effects: Possible surgical complications. External defibrillators. Do not handle the IPG if the case is pierced or ruptured because severe burns could result from exposure to battery chemicals. Object Category Spinal Cord Stimulation Systems: St. Jude Medical. Remove leads slowly (at a suggested rate of 1 cm/s while holding the lead between the thumb and forefinger) to avoid breaking the lead and leaving fragments in the patient. High stimulation outputs. Case damage. IPGs contain batteries as well as other potentially hazardous materials. Generators contain batteries as well as other potentially hazardous materials. Before diving or using a hyperbaric chamber, patients should contact their physician to discuss the effects of high pressure on their implanted system. Unilateral or bilateral stimulation of the internal globus pallidus (GPi) or the subthalamic nucleus (STN) for the management of intractable, chronic dystonia, including primary and secondary dystonia, for patients who are at least 7 years old. If needed, return the equipment to Abbott Medical for service. To prevent unintended stimulation, do not modify the generator software in any way. However, some patients may experience a decrease or increase in the perceived level of stimulation. For information that supports the clinical use of this neurostimulation system, refer to the clinical summaries manual for spinal cord stimulation (SCS) systems. Lead handling. The long-term safety associated with multiple implants, leads left in place without use, replacement of leads, multiple implants into the target structure, and lead explant is unknown. Always perform removal with the patient conscious and able to give feedback. Patients who are unable to properly operate the system. Electromagnetic interference (EMI). The force of the instruments may damage the lead or stylet. Storage environment. Store components and their packaging where they will not come in contact with liquids of any kind. radiofrequency identification (RFID) devices. Return the explanted IPG to Abbott Medical. Ensure the patients neurostimulation system is in MRI mode. Patients should not use this neurostimulation system if they are pregnant or nursing. The use of ultrasonic scanning equipment may cause mechanical damage to an implanted neurostimulation system if used directly over the implanted system. Application modification. Storage environment. Infections related to system implantation might require that the device be explanted. Scuba diving or hyperbaric chambers. Use care when reinserting a stylet. Injury or damage can occur during diathermy treatment whether the neurostimulation system is turned on or off. Our Invisible Trial System TM is a discreet, app . Securing the IPG. Instruct patients to avoid scuba diving and entering hyperbaric chambers above 1.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA) because these activities might damage the neurostimulation system. The following procedures are contraindicated for patients that have been implanted with this device: Diathermy therapy. Proclaim XR SCS System with BurstDR stimulation offers you superior* pain relief 1. Exposure to body fluids or saline. If a system does not meet the MR Conditional requirements, consider it MR Unsafe. If a patient experiences new or worsening depression or suicidal ideation, manage these symptoms appropriately. However, advise patients who feel uncomfortable paresthesia during postural changes that they should not operate potentially dangerous equipment such as power tools, automobiles, or other motor vehicles. Stimulation at high outputs may cause unpleasant sensations or motor disturbances or may render the patient incapable of controlling the patient controller. A multicenter, prospective trial to assess the safety and performance of the spinal modulation dorsal root ganglion neurostimulator system in the treatment of chronic pain. Abbott (NYSE:ABT) announced today that it received FDA approval for new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility for the Proclaim system. If the stylet is removed from the lead, it may be difficult to reinsert it. The severity of any surgical complication may be greater in patients with diabetes, particularly those with inadequate pre-operative glycemic control. Conscious sedation. Multiple leads. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Sheath insertion precaution. Electromagnetic interference (EMI). between lead ends is recommended); Verify that the neurostimulation system is not interfering with the function of the implanted cardiac system; and. Risk of depression, suicidal ideations, and suicide. Before reinserting the sheath, verify there is no damage to the sheath. The Proclaim XR SCS system can provide relief to . This includes oxygen-enriched environments such as hyperbaric chambers. Conscious sedation can cause side effects such as systemic toxicity, or cardiovascular or pulmonary problems. Case damage. This neurostimulation system is similar in technology and intended use to the systems reported in the literature and clinical studies. Removing components. In some environments, the use of wireless functions (e.g., Bluetooth wireless technology) may be restricted. Complete any electrosurgery before connecting the leads or extensions to the neurostimulator. Use extreme care when using sharp instruments or electrosurgery devices around the lead to avoid damaging the lead. Make the Bold Choice Insertion of a sheath without the lead may result in dural puncture. Neurostimulation should not be used for patients with comorbidities that could prevent successful implant or effective therapy. This neurostimulation system is indicated as an aid in the management of chronic, intractable pain of the trunk and/or limbs, including unilateral or bilateral pain associated with the following: failed back surgery syndrome and intractable low back and leg pain. Infection. Equipment is not serviceable by the customer. Advance the needle and guidewire slowly. To correct the effect of interference with other devices, turn off the equipment or increase the distance between the equipment and the device being affected. Changes secondary to neuropathic pain seen in CRPS I (RSD) may be present, but are not a diagnostic requirement for CRPS II (causalgia). Failure to do so may cause harm to the patient such as damage to the dura. If the sheath needs to be retracted from the epidural space, verify that the steering wing is rotated away from the needle mark no more than 90 degrees. Patients should be aware that during skydiving, the sudden jerking that occurs when the parachute opens may cause lead dislodgement or fractures, which may require surgery to repair or replace the lead. Unlike other SCS systems, the Proclaim XR SCS system is recharge free. For more information about MR Conditional neurostimulation components and systems, including equipment settings, scanning procedures, and a complete listing of conditionally approved components, refer to the MRI procedures clinician's manual for neurostimulation systems(available online

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