Notices to renew online are mailed to licensees 90 days prior to expiration date with online renewal instructions. Generally, current assets include the following: Note: The Board doesnotconsider notes receivables from related parties as a current asset. The application is reviewed and general questions will be asked about contracting experience and to make sure the license classification covers your type of projects. NEW! Make sure your entity is filed in the same name as the financial statement. See "Reciprocal" information for trade exam waivers. The renewal form is available online for anyone needing a financial balance sheet at: The financial statement may be self-prepared by the contractor and is not required to be prepared by a licensed CPA when their monetary limit is $3,000,000 or less. The application for a certificate of renewal must be submitted to the Secretary of State on or before March 1 of each year. Note: If you have been disciplined or convicted of a felony, the Board will not accept. For businesses that gross more than $3,000 and less than $10,000 annually. (NOTE: Do not take the BC exam unless you can show experience on your application or may be limited to specific class.). The monetary limit is the total dollar amount per each individual contract or project. License issuance takes 4 to 6 weeks. Business & Law(required for all new applicants; does not have to be taken by the same person taking the trade exam)and a trade exam may also be required. There are two types of exams: The Tennessee"Business and Law"exam is required byallcontractor license applicants. The Board was originally established in 1931, and today remains a bridge between the consumers and contractors of Tennessee. %%EOF In addition, the financial statement may be examined by the Comptroller of the Treasury or their designee. Payment can be made by personal or cashier's check, but not cash or credit cards. This is an excerpt of the "Classifications Outline" and the following trades do not require a trade exam; based upon equipment and experience, unless, obtaining more than five subcategories under one major classification (or as indicated below): Building Subcategoriessuch as: "Acoustical Treatments" (BC-1;) through "Irrigation" (BC-33;) Full "BC" exam would cover all; BC-A would cover all for residential, only. You will be mailed a license certificate which will have your license ID number, classification, expiration date (this is the same information required to be on the outside of a bid envelope!) For masonry less than $100,000, the BC-9 is acceptable for a prime. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for mail delivery. The "Online Renewal" process is the quickest and most convenient way to renew. Request information on this class. BC-A/R Limited Residential Restricted License - *$125,000 Limit Or Less Section 5. Parent Company Guarantor - Guaranty Agreement must include a financial statement from the parent company and it is not required to be an audit or review, unless, the subsidiary did not supply the audit or review. Monetary limits are based 10 times the lesser of both working capital and net worth (plus experience). The renewal is required to be submitted 30 days prior to the expiration date to prevent working with an expired license, as there is NOT a grace period. Contractor License - Application For New (Initial); Reinstatement; or Additional Licenses, Exam Information - Candidate Information Bulletin, Exam -PSI's "Candidate Information Bulletin", Contractor License Classifications - Outline, Corporation/LLC/LLP(Registration with the Secretary of State), Business & Law Reference Manual(NASCLA - Online Order), Pre-Approval for Plumbing/Mechanical CMC/CMC-A, Reciprocation - Waiver of Trade Exam / License Verification Form, Guaranty Agreement and Bond Forms - Policy, Guaranty Agreement (Format and Instructions), Registration for Exemption - Construction Services Provider, Tennessee International Chamber of Commerce, Residential Restricted License Information (BC-A/r), Tax / Business Licenses, etc. The license does not have to be reinstated the same as it was prior to expiring. a licensure testing partner that balances test security with accessible test delivery The assurance of every license is only as strong as the consistency of licensure test delivery and the reliability of test content. Pay close attention and select "Reinstatement of Expired License" on Page 1. PSI uses your social security number to register for the exams for identity purposesand you are required to provide a photo-ID. Also, developed lots for sale. Upon receipt of the increase request, it will be presented to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting; no interview is required for revision requests. You may check the status of the license issuance at:License Search. Low Voltage (less than 70 volts): Sound, Intercom, Fire Detection; Telephone Lines (CE-F); and Cabling (CE-G); or *Alarm Systems (CE-D) - No exam with our Board for a low voltage CE-D; however, must obtain license with the "Alarm Systems Contractors Licensing Board" for their separate licensing and examination requirements. Contractor Revisions- Contractor's requests to revise or upgrade their license are due by thelast day of the monthprior to the Board meeting. Reciprocity is atrade exam waiver, only. Contractor's License- Must be received by the20th of the month prior to the Board meeting. Business and Lawexam is NOT required to be retaken. The testing center does not allow using books which have notes written inside and you may not write in the books during the examination. Thepre-approval formis located in the "Candidate Information Bulletin" or from our website and may be faxed or emailed to the Board's office at: Fax# (615) 532-2868; orE-mail or call (615) 741-8307. Personal supplemental financial statements may be prepared by the contractor, in addition to providing their required review or audit. Build residential houses only, take the BC-A exam. Exam Prep Courses Contact: (615) 353-3333, Chattanooga State Community College 62-6-507 and Rule 0680-07-.05). In addition, only silent, non-programmable calculators may be used when taking the exam. 62-6-102and covers a very broad area, which includes construction, installation, movement, repair, etc. Step 1: General Renewal Information What you need to know about the expiration of your license and general renewal information Step 2: Completing Your Renewal Application Instructions for completing a renewal application Step 3: After Submitting Your Renewal Application The renewal process and how to ensure your license has been renewed You may register online with PSI to schedule an exam (they are set up by appointment) and offered in various locations statewide. These applicants will receive a letter notifying an interview is required. (See T.C.A. Staff must receive within a reasonable time prior to the Board meeting to have in time to process (review, audit, copy for members, add to meeting books, etc.). To reinstate a contractors license expired more than 12 months, a contractor must: complete the Contractors License Application; select Reinstatement on page one (1); and list the license ID# of the expired license. The license is obtained in the name of the entity providing the financial statement. Work on electrical transmission lines/sub-stations, needs CE-A,H (high voltage), only. If the 20th is on a holiday or weekend, the next business day is considered the deadline. The law requires renewals to be submitted to the Board30 days prior to the expiration datein order to prevent working on an expired license, which is considered a violation of law. If the application was lacking information and incomplete, you will be notified of additional information needed. AGuaranty Agreement (GA)may be supplied with a contactor's personal financial statement or parent company's financial statementto supplement the licensed entity's working capital and net worth. Contact: 931-473-5587, Limited Licensed Electrician(LLE)Projects less than $25,000, Limited License Plumber(LLP)Projects less than $25,000, Home Improvement LicenseProjects $3,000 to $24,999. Exam scores are generally accepted for two (2) years by the Board. *Note: Alarm System licensees are exempt from obtaining an additional license as a contractor, pursuant T.C.A. Here's how a contractor can get their license reinstated: Complete the "Contractor's License Application.". In addition, a sub to a sub would need to be licensed whenever there are more than one (1) subcontractors on the project. However, if you place the license in retirement after renewing the license, you would not be required to repay renewal fees or resubmit the financial statement, insurance, etc., since they were supplied earlier with the renewal. Filings may be submitted with them beginning November 7, 2022 at For questions regarding Worker's Compensation Exemption filings, please call (615)532-1319 Secretary of State Tre Hargett See the definition of masonry in the law in T.C.A. Tennessee Construction Licensing Licenses are typically required for individuals and businesses that provide construction industry services. Section 62-6-112 and Rule 0680-1-.16 of the Tennessee law for a complete listing, or review in the application; and also a "Classification Outline"is on the website's "Other Resources"). Obtaining more than five (5) subcategories would require a trade exam. All licenses must be renewed every two years. If you have moved, state mail is not forwarded. If the QA leaves the licensed entity, the license remains with the owner and they have90 daysto replace the QA and supply the revision form,"QA - Notice of Change"before the license becomes invalid or the classification is removed (TCA 62-6-115; Rule 0680-1-.23) See the "Revision" forms for changing, adding, and removing a QA. Are you renewing your license? Raw, undeveloped land is not a current asset. *Note: Highway contractors bidding to the Tennessee Department of Transpiration (TDOT) would need to pre-qualify with this department and a license from our Board may not be required. Many of these forms are included as part of the "Contractor's License Application" instructions section. WAIVER OF INTERVIEW Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Contractors Renewal Retirement and Revisions. For example, a license with an expiration date of 3/31/2012 (2012 Renewal) was retired on March 1, 2012 for two years with a retired expiration date of 3/31/2014, then if the license is reactivated on June 1, 2013, the contractor would be required to pay the 2012 renewal fees ($200) when bringing out of retirement and the license expiration date would remain the same as 3/31/2014 (after renewing the 2012 renewal). All the steps to reinstating a contractors license are the same as obtaining a new license, with the exception of the exams. (At renewal time, the Guaranty Agreement or Bond may be removed by making a request to the Board and providing an updated financial statement meeting the requirements, to replace it.). Contractor Revisions Amendments/Changes To Existing License, Online Transfer-Change Mode of Operation Resource Packet, Clickhereto view a video demonstration on how to create an account, Exam Information - PSI Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB), Plumbing Mechanical CMC/CMC-A Exam Pre-Approval, Corporate / LLC - Business Filing and Registration, Qualifying Agent (QA) Add / Change Request, Guaranty Agreement, Bond Forms and Policy, Line of Credit Form(To supplement Working Capital, only), Reciprocation - Trade Exam Waiver Agreement, Reorganization/Merger/Change of Ownership, Verification of License - Reciprocation Information, Section 4. Submit the non-refundable $250 application fee for a two-year . If you cannot locate this number, you may contact theContractors Boardor theCustomer Service Center(be sure to include your license number). You will then submit an application to the state licensing board with required documentation. Retirement may be on an annual basis; biennial basis; retired with a maximum of seven (7) consecutive years; or as long as the license has an active status, it may be retired anytime by providing the $25.00 retirement fee for each year. Also must provide information if disclosure of convictions, complaints, or judgments is needed. Please visit us here: For best results, please limit the number of search fields. Thank you for visiting CORE! Always allow30 daysfor processing! If you'd rather not apply by snail mail, the contractor license Tennessee application will allow you to . A contractor's license is required prior to contracting (bidding or negotiating a price) whenever the total cost of the project is $25,000 or more. %PDF-1.5 % In addition, there is no limit of the number of projects a contractor may perform, as long as a project has not been split into phases to circumvent the law. A "Reviewed" or Audited financial statement from a CPA is required to renew for those with a monetary limit of$3,000,001 to Unlimited. Hardship requests (those qualifying for an early/emergency review prior to the next Board meeting) should be sent by email after completing the online application. The issuance of a certificate of responsibility or residential license by reciprocity to a military-trained applicant or military family member shall be subject to the provisions of Miss. In order to apply online, you must first set up an account at You will need to have a Indv/Org# to create your account. A personal interview is not required unless notified to appear. Cash and cash equivalents available for current operations. All blocks must be checked. Line of Credit In order to increase the license more than $125,000 to remove restriction, must take the exams and provide a reviewed financial statement. Process Piping - covers welding of the piping system; NO test, (CMC-B) classification. The person taking the exam will know immediately whether they have passed or failed the exam. The staff will process your license to be issued after approval by the Board meeting. There is not a required dress code. For questions concerning your renewal or to send missing documents, the Board's renewal section may be contacted by email For more information, see " Financial Statement Change s". *Effective July 1, 2014, the name cannot be similar to another licensee. Renewals submitted without all the required information to renew, cannot be issued and an extension to contract on an expired license cannot be granted. Subscribe for Board Updates . This would also be the case for a contractor wanting to reinstate an expired contractor's license. The financial statement portion of the application is not public information and considered confidential (may be released only by a Subpoena with an Order of Protection). Contractor's failing to complete the license renewal within 12 months of the expiration date, would need to complete the new license application. However, if the contractor fails to apply for a license within this time period and remains active in the construction industry, such as performing projects where a license is not required (under $25,000), or working for another licensed contractor, or in another state, etc., then the Board may accept the scores after the two year period. Expiration of indemnities occurs at renewal time (no more than 2 years). In order to obtain aContractor'slicense (required for projects $25,000 or more), the following is the "Application" and "Exam" information to download and print or you may call our office at 1-800-544-7693 and we will be happy to mail you an application package: The above items are needed to obtain a contractor's license. There is not a grace period to continue to operate while the license is expired; however, a contractor has renewal rights up to 12 months before they are required to complete a new license application to reinstate a license. A license cannot be renewed if has been expired for 12 months; must apply for a reinstatement utilizing the initialcontractor's license application. You maydownload the renewalfrom the"Forms and Downloads". The contractors interview may be waived if the contractor's application was received complete and in order. Individual First Time Application or Applying for Another License Discipline NON-CURRENT ASSETSare the following and not current assets, since they generally are not expected to be converted into cash within one year: *The Board may accept a Guaranty Agreement from stockholders or related parties, supplied with their financial statement, to consider counting this as a current asset. First Name * Last Name * Email * Primary Phone * Address. Municipal Utility (MU)such as: Underground Piping (MU-A); Grading and Drainage (MU-C); Gas Distribution and Transmission Lines (MU-A,1). FAQs . . Contractor License - Application For New (Initial); Reinstatement; or Additional Licenses Section 2. and insurance to be in the new name. Since the limit is based on the lesser of the two, a contractor with a working capital of $10,000 and net worth of $200,000 would qualify monetarily for a limit of $100,000. See law updates for Workers' Compensation at the "Laws, Rules and Regulations" section of the website. *ABondin the Board's format may be suppliedin lieu of the Guaranty Agreement, in the amount of $500,000; or $1,000,000 for an Unlimited monetary limits. Those needing a license revised prior to the Board's next meeting may qualify as a"Hardship"(request for early/emergency review) if the owner of the project needs and supplies the request. Submit a personal or parent company financial statement with a *"Guaranty Agreement". Be sure to list all experience of owners and officers. The Board office cannot fees in their office and must be provided to the Cashier. Also, must obtain licenses with the, Geothermal System requires a CMC-C (HVAC) exam. Contractor - Renewal & Retirement Section 3. When reinstating a contractors license, you may apply for this new reinstated license with a name change, change in mode of operation, license limit or classification. 62-6-135). Click here to signup. If you experience problems with PSI, the exam vendor, you may report these complaints to our staff by email at:Contractors.Home-Improvement@TN.Gov. The Board may require the submission of additional financial information and may also require the financial statement to be audited and attested to by a certified public accountant (CPA).

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