A new way to find project information. 0000001428 00000 n The SCDOT Standard Drawings are copyrighted by the South Carolina Department of Transportation and may not be resold. 2 Values are measured between driveway edges. We have different applications depending on how many and what type of permit you need. The transfer may be of the road "as is", without further improvement to the road or upon such terms and conditions as the . P.O. Ends shall be sloped at 6:1 (6 horizontal to 1 vertical) or flatter, with concrete riprap to prevent erosion and to protect the pipe end. 0000016000 00000 n To report a pothole, enter a work request online using the online Maintenance Work Request System. (803) 343-0700 (Fax). How do I get a driveway? Street name signs are erected by counties and cities. The governing body permits the utilization of this concept in the design of subdivision streets in the county. 0000011589 00000 n Plans Storage Office (877) 349-7190 (Toll Free) General Encroachment Application (e-form) - Use this form to request authorization for construction activity or any form of blockage within a City ROW. 0000001759 00000 n The design requirements of the safety end treatments are as follows: There shall be no culvert headwalls or similar vertical ends. Warranted four-way stop signs contribute much to convenience and safety. Roadway Information. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti-virus protection and . Phone: 864-241-1010. . What happens when the cost exceeds the budget? If you are unable to remove your vehicle from the interstate, you should leave it on the right shoulder, entirely out of the way of oncoming traffic. Houzz utilise des cookies et d'autres technologies de suivi similaires pour personnaliser mon exprience utilisateur, me proposer du contenu pertinent et amliorer ses produits et services. Again, speed bumps are not approved traffic calming measure and will not be approved. QC/QA Program Documentation Requirements. Upcoming letting information and documents can be accessed on the Doing Business with SCDOT website. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. If there are any issues with the online form, please contact Construction Engineering at (864) 467-8890. There is no evidence that such signs prevent accidents or reduce the speed of vehicles. Parents and others may fail to realize that signs warning motorists of the possible presence of children at play are deceiving and ineffective. Since 1998, 153 miles have been paved. The SCDOT Concrete Technician - Field Inspection Certification is designed for the SCDOT employee, consultant firms, and testing laboratories that wish to have the ability to assist in concrete inspections on the actual construction projects for the Department and will cover the requirements from pre-placement to final acceptance of concrete structures under the SCDOT guidelines. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Conducts field inspection for moderate level contracts such as roadway mowing, vegetation or tree removal, street sweeping, driveways, etc. 13. roads/streets and commercial driveways shall be shown on the plans. 0000004671 00000 n 0000005366 00000 n Troop Two . Areas of work may include but not limited to, signage and pavement markings, driveway installation and maintenance, construction of drainage appurtenances, litter/debris removal, vegetation management, bridge maintenance, and patching/paving . Box 191 Loop lanes shall be a minimum of sixteen (16) feet in width for one-way traffic, and the exterior radius shall be no less than forty (40) feet. !&J0~l U,s5f,UgI)9,*/8fc81Xf0,2mp,94Pnek=XrR=GVc` Ex]_vAv!u{1;|Uz72c6LmI&al czG:LSaOBN%Si4&d)a]. Columbia, SC 29202 Who will be working on the project? hbbd```b``f@$c fIn:D2I' LOi1`9S`a0"`KA$WdL8W)`P kHc`BqL_ ]ao>RdA_()fbme}" 4. Farm/Ranch Driveway - A typical design for a farm/ranch driveway should provide 25-ft return radii and a 20-ft throat width. 0000006596 00000 n Plans Storage Office MMO web site. endstream endobj 404 0 obj <>/Metadata 42 0 R/AcroForm 405 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 41 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 44 0 R/Type/Catalog/Lang(EN)/LastModified(D:20090924090522)/PageLabels 39 0 R>> endobj 405 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 406 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 407 0 obj <> endobj 408 0 obj <> endobj 409 0 obj [/Indexed 419 0 R 255 426 0 R] endobj 410 0 obj [/Indexed 419 0 R 255 428 0 R] endobj 411 0 obj <> endobj 412 0 obj <> endobj 413 0 obj <> endobj 414 0 obj <>stream 80,000 pounds gross weight They are one of the many traffic control devices used by SCDOT to effectively manage traffic on our roadways. Who will be working on the project? You may also contact the SCDOT Customer Service Center Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm at 1-855-GO-SCDOT to see if your road is a state road. Columbia, South Carolina 29202-0191 Roadway Design Manual. xb```b`` d`e`fg@ ~7&>``Ip)0:%$S{}fRi 'd4d0RT+=*,V*PgFQ..3!i`9VR Four-way stop signs (stop in all directions) may be needed at intersections where accidents resulting from right and left turn maneuvers, as well as right-angle accidents, occur at an unacceptable rate, and where traffic volumes do not warrant traffic signal control. 09/22/2022. 940.16.7 TAPERS. 855-Go-SCDOT (855-467-2368) :: Toll Free. How do you charge, and what does that include? Here is where the description goes. Traffic calming measures must be approved by 75% petition support or local government approval, and must meet all SCDOT requirements prior to approval by the Department. The Professional Services Contracting Office was established to provide guidance in acquisition of architectural and engineering (A&E) and other professional services in support of the construction, maintenance, and repair of bridges, highways and roads. By Phone: where field measurements for payment are required. If you are still having trouble logging in or have questions on using EPPS, please Email Us or call us toll free 855-GO-SCDOT (855-467-2368) or 803-737-1200 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. 2. 0000004466 00000 n Motorists already expect the presence of children in residential areas, especially at certain times, and studies show that devices attempting to warn motorists of normal conditions, or conditions not always present, fail to achieve the desired safety benefits. Failure or neglect on the part of the applicant to carry out all work in conformance with the conditions set forth in the permit . h@vH @Z5"L'"(6H<819{=S15h9Z %7[(*e[ kC1s Discover what projects and improvements SCDOT is making in your area. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Starting immediately, Beaufort County residents applying for an Encroachment Permit from the County must follow residential driveway standards set by the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) and . If you have a question that is not listed here, go to the Contact Us section of this site and submit it. Individuals who complete this course will be re-certified to perform HMA Level 1 QC Technician duties . South Carolina Department of Transportation, Property of South Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 All Rights Reserved Subscription fees are used to offset expenses to develop and maintain Plans Online. At a minimum, this will normally be a truck with trailer. On May 19, the SC Transportation Commission approved SCDOT's plan to repave over 1,100 more miles of roadway during fiscal year 2022-2023, thanks to the state gas tax increase. Copyright 2015 , South Carolina Department of Transportation They will inform you if the road belongs to the county or to someone else. 0000003485 00000 n How do I get my business sign on a blue logo panel? The map will highlight the road in different colors when the number of lanes or traffic volume changes. The application for an Encroachment Permit is a request to the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) for permission to perform work (encroach) within SCDOT maintained Rights-Of-Way. 0 Page 2 of 6 LW^54R6| ffw.ogL_DRD2'# EgGcC q)ob0g@5nen\('q4ny O4O)=+ Uaa .2~T[E~%4S-y[3}^tz! Homeowners in Navi Mumbai often dont realize just how important a driveway is when it comes to curb appeal; its one of the first things guests see when they arrive and one of the last when they leave. Please review the Disclaimer prior to completing the subscription process. Therefore, SCDOT does not consider them a viable traffic-calming alternative. 0000007437 00000 n Please enable scripts and reload this page. SCDOT believes that the information contained herein is generally reliable and accurate. There are locations where the positive effects of traffic signals are limited, at best, making it unnecessary and even undesirable to install them. How do I report a fraud or an ethics violation involving SCDOT? Any obstruction blocking a sight line will be the applicant's responsibility to remove. Falcon/WebSuiteSuite V4 Log In. Answer a few questions and well put you in touch with pros who can help. Traffic control signs are erected by the agency responsible for the maintenance of the road. Attention OSOW Permit Office Call the Horry County Road and Drainage Hotline at (843) 381-8000. The spacing shall . How do you charge, and what does that include? GENERAL RULES FOR STATE SURFACE LOTS 1. South Carolina Department of Transportation South Carolina Department of Transportation, Property of South Carolina Department of Transportation 2020 All Rights Reserved. 0000006906 00000 n South Carolina Department of Transportation. Columbia, South Carolina 29202-0191 The purpose of the Design and Specifications Manual (DSM) is to establish minimum standards and provide guidance for the design and construction of land development projects and utility installations within the City of Greenville. As-let road construction plans are added to the Plans Online approximately one month after the highway letting. 0000001739 00000 n If you are looking for something different than a standard asphalt driveway, your pro can help you select driveway pavers or customize a brick driveway design. What are the recommended computer requirements for using Plans Online? Answer a few questions and well put you in touch with pros who can help. driveway spacing2 100' 200' 300' 75' 100' 300' ---4---4 150' Res = Residential, C/I = Commercial/Industrial 1 Values are measured from the back of the curb, intersecting road to the adjacent driveway near edge. The use of "Children Playing" and similar signs has long been discouraged since these signs are a direct and open suggestion to small children that playing in and beside the roadway is acceptable. SCDOT takes all requests for traffic signals seriously. En cliquant sur Accepter , j'accepte l'utilisation des cookies telle qu'elle est dcrite plus en dtail dans la Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. 0000006428 00000 n However, South Carolina parking law does provide for people whose vehicles entirely fail them. Why are bridge plans not available on the Plans Online? 0000001290 00000 n If the road is already paved and you would like it resurfaced, contact the SCDOT maintenance office in your county to inquire whether the road is maintained by SCDOT, and whether it is scheduled for resurfacing. 0000004041 00000 n If the driveway or approach is concrete pavement, the pavement . South Carolina Department of Transportation For more information on the logo program, visit our Section 63-370 - Private Driveway Entrances to Highways A. At many intersections, traffic signals offer the best solution for improved safety and traffic flow. TURRET ART METAL PVT. If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Us. If you are still having trouble logging in or have questions on using EPPS, please Email Us or call us toll free 855-GO-SCDOT (855-467-2368) or 803-737-1200 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. 165 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<35DF4388575F5144AF9DBE0CC7C450AD>]/Index[133 57]/Info 132 0 R/Length 140/Prev 146866/Root 134 0 R/Size 190/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream (A&E) and other professional services in support of the construction, maintenance, and repair of bridges, highways and For customers needing certain permits and only needing a single permit can use the simple application form. Where a driveway crosses a bicycle facility, design the driveway and the bicycle facility so as to accommodate the safe crossing of bicyclists. Personnaliser mon exprience l'aide de cookies, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. A clear sight triangle is the proposed area within which the view of a driver in a typical vehicle at a driveway or road intersection is not to be obstructed in either driveway while stopped in the driveway or road. 431 0 obj <>stream The distance between the entrance and exit tapers of adjacent driveways is to be 50 ft. or greater. South Carolina Department of Transportation. Driveway pipe will be 24 feet of RCP on all roads; if extra pipe is needing then that is the responsibility of the owner to install or have someone install it. The new plan is the largest annual paving program in SCDOT history. hb```@(?IPlKI600Wt V9F;lD A subscription is $60.00 per year. Telephone: (803) 737-1743 SCDOT Human Resources Office, Post Office Box 1086, Orangeburg, SC 29116. The caller will be contacted within 48 hours to schedule an on site inspection so . If the road is a dirt road, most likely it is maintained by the county or city where it is located. How long will it be until I can use my driveway after the project? startxref Pavement Marking and Signage Plan (Per SCDOT/MUTCD standards) Actual Intersection Sight Distance Triangle Shown (Left and Right) on the plans at each requested Driveway (Figure -23, ARMS7). Office of Planning In addition The Office of the SC Inspector General investigate reports of waste, fraud, and abuse. See the top reviewed local driveway & paving contractors in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India on Houzz. * A Single-Use Submittal video is in the Training Videos section for further help. To report potentially fraudulent activity about a program administered by the agency, you can contact the Inspector General at this web site: safety requirements, codes, and regulations of federal, state, and local governing bodies having jurisdiction. 0000005143 00000 n 403 29 trailer 8 feet, six inches in width Your interest in the job functions of SCDOT are very important to us. See also: SCDOT Engineering Directive Memorandum # 18. SCDOT maintains over 41,000 miles of those roadways. Listed here are some of the main questions we have been asked either through surveys or during visits to the communities. NOVEMBER 2022 UPDATE . 0000007042 00000 n Plans Online is SCDOT's extranet access to as-let road construction plans of highways on the state highway system. What happens when the cost exceeds the budget? The notification requirements is waived when it is established that the excavation work is of an emergency nature. Resources; Office of the Inspector General - Report Waste & Abuse. Another is the number and types of accidents occurring at the intersection. Will SCDOT install speed bumps on a street near my home? 0 The procedure varies among counties, but the public works department should be able to advise you how to request this. If the road is maintained by SCDOT, residential property owners may submit a request for a new driveway apron by contacting their local SCDOT Office. 0 However, plans shown online may have missing sheets or some highway plans may not be in SCDOTs plans archive and not available. Specific Requirements For Evergreen Hills- #2021-052 (April 19, 2021) Subdivision Advisory Committee . 5. Its serves as the cradle to grave point of contact for all professional services contracting actions to include: View photos, research land, search and filter more than 3 listings | Land and Farm 0000003325 00000 n South Carolina Traffic Advisories Desktop View. if`E08lXfa` A county or municipality and the department may by mutual consent agree to transfer a road from the county or municipal road system to the state highway system. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Setbacks from other driveways and roads should be 35 feet and 10 feet off any property lines. (803) 737-OSOW or (803) 737-6769 (Local) 0000001885 00000 n Such factors as number of vehicles approaching the intersection, frequency and type of accidents, physical layout of the intersection, average speed, and future road construction plans are considered. 855-Go-SCDOT (855-467-2368) :: Toll Free. Why is the logon covered up on the Home page? 0000002487 00000 n Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Phone: 843-623-2464 Fax: 843-623-9223 Email: lshepherd@shtc.net 0000003721 00000 n startxref SCDOT Standard Drawings are for use on projects within SCDOT Rights-Of-Way only. Research and technical assistance is available during normal business hours: Orders can be submitted by phone at (803) 737-4533 or by email to PlanStorage@scdot.org. How many projects like mine have you completed? So if your front drive is damaged or you want to switch from, say, a gravel driveway to an asphalt one, hire a Mumbai, Maharashtra, India driveway installation and maintenance professional to help you create your dream driveway. T )\( SCDOT Plans Online is the winner of the AASHTO 2011 Ten Best American Transportation Projects for Innovation. 0000003568 00000 n Fax: (803) 737-4530. The Professional Services Contracting Office was established to provide guidance in acquisition of architectural and engineering Why can't I have "Children Playing" signs on streets in my neighborhood? For more information, you may contact your local city or county government or the local SCDOT office. %PDF-1.5 % Search 8 Navi Mumbai paving & driveway contractors to find the best driveway and paving contractor for your project. $mwftvFXvA1>V:\wgMkWuX+6u k I,$8c~J0E$j("B.\F{04kBH]lG7J rZ^En=y+E$fn})#z.W$8)#m6*FMT@'O-\'$'W *-| ditch line when the driveway or street connects to a roadway not having curbing . 0000006465 00000 n The callers name, address, phone number and complaint/request are entered into the Hotline system and forwarded to an Engineering Technician to investigate. . Updated on 11/29/2022, (You will need to know your current password to change it), Example_USGS Equipment Installation Plan_V2.1. If not, the tapers are to be . xbbRf`b``3 ` -1 See Attached Special Provision and/or Permit Requirements : NPDES Permit Nbr: (Date received by res. The logo program in South Carolina is administered by a private contractor who is responsible for all marketing, construction and maintenance of the program. Services are available to research and provide plans by contacting the Plans Storage Office shown below. SCDOT has only a few dirt roads in the State Highway System. 0000002943 00000 n The SCDOT Deputy Secretary for Engineering sets engineering policy and direction, which requires compliance by the appropriate engineering divisions and all other providers of service to the Engineering Division, such as consultants and contractors. The undersigned applicant hereby requests the SCDOT to permit encroachment on the SCDOT right of way as described herein. Performs skilled manual labor in building catch basins, pouring concrete for curbs and raised medians, laying pipes for driveways and other drainage structures, cleaning ditches, repairing shoulders, clearing right-of-ways and repairing bridges. SCDOT assumes no liability for hardware or software damage that may result from the use of the electronic files due to viruses on the electronic media transferred to the end user. What other maps does SCDOT produce? The Roadway Design Manual has been updated to provide a consistant design approach for the Department and Private Engineering Firms preparing contract plans for NCDOT Projects. %%EOF P. O. Level 1 & 2. Connect NCDOT > Projects > Roadway Design > Roadway Design Manual. c[\bN?S Contact. 0000000016 00000 n The access driveway embankment slope shall be 6:1 maximum, with 8:1 preferred . Shoulders and slopes shall be prepared and seeded to current SCDOT specifications. Municipality (Optional). % pQv#a u/?X[h;@DK8IU) fO_iY ;z|jH9B7*1'2n"0s/mYWkQMwUF1[EX They are open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm at 1-855-GO-SCDOT. Plans that require research are $1.75 per full size (22" x 36") sheet black and white and $1.25 per half size (12" x 18") sheet black and white. Driveways, curb or sidewalk, shall be constructed . %%EOF By Mail: South Carolina Logos, Inc. (SCLI) is the current logo contractor and they will be glad to explain the logo program requirements, availability, and costs to prospective businesses. Email: planstorage@scdot.org HK0Hw,F#%T Roadway Information. Je peux rejeter les cookies non essentiels en cliquant sur Grer mes prfrences . Another important factor is the speed of vehicles entering the intersection. Columbia, SC 29201 The applicant will be required to obtain By Email: OSOW Help Select "Use another Account" if given the option in the login window. Please read the Disclaimer and then complete the Subscription process to join. Post Office Box 191 Interstate - enter I-26 or I-77 (always with a "-" dash) US Routes - enter US1 or US25 (no spaces, no dashes) SC Routes - enter SC11 or SC113 (no spaces, no dashes) Secondary Roads - enter S-101 or S-1094 (always with a "-" dash) The map is interactive and information on the incident may be obtained by clicking on the pins or sorted by geographic region (Troop). SCDOT Directives and Guidelines SCDOT Engineering Directive 2 "Fiscal Responsibility for Traffic Signals on State Highway System" SCDOT Engineering Directive 33 "Mast Arm Policy" SCDOT Traffic Guideline 1 "Street Name Signs on Signal Span Wires on Mast Arms" SCDOT Traffic Guideline 29 "Late Night Flash Operation of Traffic Signals" How long will it be until I can use my driveway after the project? When engineering studies indicate that traffic signals are warranted at a location, action is initiated to have signals installed. Post Office Box 191 to the information provided here, the Visit the SCDOT Damage Claims home page for detailed instructions on how to file a claim. %PDF-1.4 % e&_@"q :Qk SCDOT receives and satisfies many requests for traffic signals each year. 0000005768 00000 n ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS State employees (BOTH PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY) working a minimum of 30 hours per week are eligible to apply. You may also contact the SCDOT Customer Service Center Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm at 1-855-GO-SCDOT. Costs are $1.00 per full size (22" x 36") sheet black and white and $0.50 per half size (12" x 18") sheet black and white. Find Woodruff, SC commercial land for sale. 0000001850 00000 n Email: planstorage@scdot.org 2. Its serves as the cradle to grave point of contact for all professional services . 0000008407 00000 n Customers who will need more than one permit, or who need certain types of permits must have an account. :WJS0 ^-AY+mEyEc$U3+L[E2A"2H Owz782l&~a: {Xt?MwBL[L2#&Ho[%v)4rSq*PRU2LmSr/f%(U); |7r 0000007889 00000 n bI,>6ua130)2n;u+f"S 4% (tB+8V \ 't-CZ{#Y; Preliminary meetings are strongly encouraged and recommended and will expedite the process. Driveway aprons for commercial businesses are completed under an encroachment permit. Office of the Inspector General - Report Waste & Abuse, South Carolina Department of Transportation, Property of South Carolina Department of Transportation 2021 All Rights Reserved What does it take to get SCDOT to put up a traffic signal? Fax: (803) 737-4530. SCDOT @ (864) 241-1224 We have reviewed the proposed development to be located on Bessie Road (SC 86), which is a . Your application will still be considered. Email or call us toll free 855-GO-SCDOT (855-467-2368)Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. 055-12HR; 10-16-12) (8) T . Can I request full size (22" x 36") or half size (12" x 18") prints of plans in Plans Online? 803-737-1200:: Local. 0000006154 00000 n A special Bridge Plans Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Plans Storage Office for processing and approval. South Carolina parking laws you should be aware of include: You cannot park on an interstate highway. SCDOT Supplemental Technical Specifications webpage. Call PUPS 1-888-721-7877 or 1-800-922-0983. . Click here for Real-Time Traffic Information about current traffic incidents being investigated by the SC Department of Public Safety. Remember that passwords are case sensitive (i.e., check caps lock), Username includes the domain name followed by the backslash (scdotdmz\username). DRIVEWAYS AND APPROACHES: The existing cross-slope of the roadway shall be continued to the outside shoulder of the roadway to provide positive drainage from the roadway. . In South Carolina there are over 60,000 public road miles. On May 19, the SC Transportation Commission approved SCDOT's plan to repave over 1,100 more miles of roadway during fiscal year 2022-2023, thanks to the state gas tax increase. 53 feet in length Press the Compatibility button on the top Address Bar next to the Refresh button. The Roadway Design Manual has been developed to provide uniform design practices for Department and consultant personnel preparing contract plans for Department projects. If conditions meet the requirements necessary for the installation of four-way stop signs, SCDOT erects them, along with the proper pavement markings and advance warning devices. 0000000016 00000 n compliance with the applicable requirements of SCDOT's "Access & Roadside Management Standards", published in August 2008. Note: The "Use another account" option will appear if you enter the wrong username or password or if you click the "Remember my credentials" checkbox. Homeowners in Mumbai often dont realize just how important a driveway is when it comes to curb appeal; its one of the first things guests see when they arrive and one of the last when they leave. 509 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.6 % Do you specialize in a specific type of paving? <<3A680282753C00409D142A3086C9D6F9>]>> 940.16.6 DRIVEWAYS AND ACCOMMODATION OF BICYCLES. The manual will assist developers, engineers, surveyors, contractors, inspectors and property owners in the best . 0000001533 00000 n Property of the South Carolina Department of Transportation. AASHTO M-156 Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures. Check project status on the SCDOT Construction Updates Website design criteria of these requirements, the department will consider subdivision street design based on a capacity analysis concept provided: 1. Do you specialize in a specific type of paving? To do this, go to the SCDOT website at www.scdot.org, and click on Doing Business with SCDOT>Permits>Encroachment Permits and click on the "Request an account" link. endstream endobj startxref To receive a free copy of the latest South Carolina State Highway Map call or write: The road was raised four feet higher to allow for adequate flow during heavy rain events. These requirements are intended to provide a high level of service of City streets by ensuring that the streets are left in the same condition in which they were found before the excavation and to establish criteria for the use of steel plates during the cutting of pavement, excavating, backfilling and repairing of pavements cuts. But that is not always the case. (Ord. Access for driveways will be provided by raising the paving gate through driveway lengths and raking back a three-foot access apron. SCDOT Human Resources Office, 252 South Pleasantburg Drive,Greenville, SC 29607. County (Required) Municipality (Optional) Street Name.

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