You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Claudia on Nameberry. If I wasn't named Claudia I would think about naming a daughter it. Claudias are extremely, Probably the most amazing human being to have ever walked this earth. when I first heard it, it wasn't my first thought of a good name, but now the more I hear it the more I like it. Claudia is a Roman name, but it the Bible it occurs in the New Testament, which is written in Greek.She's immortalized in Paul's salutations at the end of his second letter to his young friend Timothy (2 Timothy 4:21).Apparently, Claudia was among the congregants of Paul's Roman church, who visited him during his second incarceration in Rome (see 2 Timothy 1:8, 1:17 and 2:9).She and some others …
On May 6, gunmen grabbed a woman they apparently believed to be Claudia as she left the Extreme Fitness Gym in Culiacan.
I still hate Claude and Claudette. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Claudia is "lame". Give the meaning to Claude and then at least the feminine versions don't have to share the burden. Biblical: a Christian woman of Rome greeted by Paul in his second letter to Timothy. Claudy, Claudita, So, to me, it has a more special meaning than "lame."
(Spanish) Feminine of Cladius (see Claude). But it's still a decent name. Claudia was a common girls’ name in ancient Rome, borne by the wives of both Nero and Pontius Pilate. How can a definition be rude? Who was the genius who came up with this name's meaning? An independant and free spirit she causes a whirlwind of chaos where ever she goes. Claudina Why do you say this used to mean something else? Claudie, The name was thus used by those looking for religious names which were not those of saints. While some parents may be put off by the common "lame" meaning, some etymologists theorize that the name may relate to the word for enclosure or clause, an alternate meaning that may appeal to a child with a form of this otherwise appealing name. “Karen” vs. “Becky” vs. “Stacy”: How Different Are These Slang Terms? Claudiane, I'm starting to like this name but I dislike the meaning. Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. As a result, it was taken up in the sixteenth century and has been in moderate use ever since. But I love the name! HOW DOES THIS NAME MEAN LAME??? Clodia, © 2020 That makes zero sense. Ttypically very fair-skinned. Feminine form of CLAUDIUS. I love this name. (Though I am sure it used to mean something else). I love the look of this name, and the sound. I dislike the 'clawed' sound in it, but it's starting to grow on me lately. Klod, I don't know...I wouldn't say I hated this name but I definitely don't like it. This name sounds gorgeous, elegant, and sophisticated, yet it means lame? That is such a rude meaning! Model Claudia Schiffer gave it an infusion of glamour, as had earlier Italian actress Claudia Cardinale. Amazing person. Is Mexico's Kim Kardashian-Lookalike Assassin for Real.
I really hope it gains popularity over the years, I think it dropped off the Top 1000 in 2019.
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