Dwight asks him if he's on board; Eugene assures him that he is. Eugene is captured by Rosita and Daryl while heading outside to test the homemade bullets.
Eugene warns that they are running out of time on multiple fronts, pointing to a walker approaching through a hole in the fence. Eugene likely shows no remorse for Simon's death.
Gabriel says nothing as he storms back out. Gabriel concocts a plan to group up next to large fireplaces in the church and realizes they'll have free Negan from his cell so he doesn't freeze. While he acknowledges believing in future friends might be foolish, he exclaims that, after everything they've lost, he is willing to be the fool, and simply asks for others not to deride him, as he believes this potential alliance is worth the risk. After Negan explains Eugene's security detail, Eugene asks if there will be a wine supply, he confirms this. He then tests it and is contacted by Rosita back from Alexandria. In tonight's episode, "Time For After," he secures his place in Negan's good graces after offering him a solution to the walker invasion problem. Negan is underwhelmed, to which Eugene responds that it is merely something of personal pride. He then asks if she does, indeed, have access to the wheels she mentioned earlier. Eugene ponders his words, looking down at the dry red paint on his thumb. Eugene tells him he is a survivor, which Abraham dismisses. He also has been keeping charts of the baby's growth and reveals his findings to Siddiq. However, Eugene's life is saved by Rosita who shoots down the Saviors. Eugene points out flaws in that plan as well, claiming it would cause unrest among the workers. Months later, Eugene helps Rosita take care of her daughter, Coco. Eugene refuses to leave without the others, but is unable to stop Nicholas from commandeering the van.
Enough waffling is enough. He tells Abraham that he was not trying to get him killed and was looking for their opportunity. Eugene is overweight, possesses virtually no survival skills of h… Due to some of his personality quirks, Eugene may have Asperger's Syndrome, a fact that producers have hinted at. Then, she jokes, "Or is it your source of power?" Eugene and Rick have a good relationship.
Eugene learns that Dwight has been exposed as a traitor, but doesn't reveal his own knowledge of this fact. Eugene suggests heading back to the church but Abraham insists on continuing. Finally, Eugene decides to help Gabriel and Doctor Carson escape despite the likelihood that it will result in Gabriel's death due to his condition. In this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, we hit the road to D.C. with Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Maggie, Glenn and Tara. Eugene eventually comes up with a plan to lure the walkers away using the music player he gave Sasha, but is foiled by Dwight. The Walking Dead's Angela Kang on Season 10 Finale, Maggie's Return, and New Characters, The Walking Dead Avoids Grisly Death From the Comic With Last-Minute Rescue, The Walking Dead: World Beyond Star Teases Rick Grimes Movie Purpose. As Eugene flies the drone, Dwight turns his gun's aim towards it and fires several times, destroying it. He exits the Sanctuary alongside Negan, Dwight, Simon, Regina and Gavin.
At first they get along when Frankie, Tanya, and Amber keep Eugene when he first comes the Sanctuary. Plus any actor who can rock a mullet like Josh McDermitt is a-ok in our book. The next day, Eugene watches as Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with the missing kids.
He asks for canned pasta in tomato sauce. Eugene is okay but walkers arrive at the bus. Michonne then demands to know what the cure to the outbreak is. Eugene says he put crushed glass in the fuel line back at the church and that the vehicle should have failed before it even got to the road. When Tara asks why he did that, Eugene says that he couldn't survive on his own. Six years later, Eugene along with Rosita, Aaron and Laura find Judith in the woods helping Magna's group. When Denise tries to preform surgery, Holly dies. Juanita once again apologizes to the group, and goes on to chose the route based on a game of eenie-meenie-miney-mo.
It is unknown how Sasha reacted to Eugene's lie, but she seems to be on neutral ground with him regardless. Laura escorts Eugene to the factory floor, where a crowd has gathered around the furnace. Eugene asks Michonne if he can scrap the satellite for valuable parts and she grudgingly agrees, making everyone help out. He is almost killed by Carter, but is saved as Rick, Michonne, and newcomer Morgan Jones walk in on them and disarm Carter.
Eugene is tasked with helping Glenn, Tara, Noah, another supply runner Nicholas, and Aiden find components of a power grid in a nearby warehouse. He says the chimney makes it unsafe to light anything else on fire, so Gabriel decides they're moving to Aaron's house. The two begin a slow conversation, with Eugene mentioning that Tara saved his life multiple times before he did the same. Dwight manages to break free from Eugene, who is hit during the shootout.
In the mid-season premiere "No Way Out", Eugene helps kill the remaining herd, showing his growing acts of bravery. Negan and Gabriel, who escaped the trailer by covering themselves in the viscera of the walkers, have made it safely here. Several Saviors perched at the window are fired upon by Tara, Morgan and the lookouts as Daryl crashes the truck into the Sanctuary, breaching the walls and allowing the herd to pour in. Eugene is questioned by Negan, disappointed that Eugene's efforts have not completely alleviated the issues at hand and that his two captives have somehow escaped undetected, unaware that Eugene was responsible. Eugene drops a glass jar which alerts Carter of his presences.
At night, Daryl, Jesus and Aaron locate Eugene hiding in a barn cellar.
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