Everything can be a dirty joke if you are just brave enough. Which English actor won the 2014 Academy Award for best actor for his role in The Theory of Everything? If you don't know these, Mickey will be very disappointed. I am not sure if I should be proud or sad that I did better on this quiz than my kids did. In this article you will find 30 quiz questions and answers on your favourite movies. This Movie Trivia Quiz Will Separate The Film Experts From The Beginners. Stop what you’re doing. Which 2020 film starring Robert Downey Jr tells the story of a physician who can talk to animals? Find quizzes on any topic and practice or compete with friends. Pick the link in the movie-actor chain. 17. Who is the only Disney princess who was inspired by an actual person? If you’re looking for some more variety, we’ve also got a TV pub quiz, music quiz and sport pub quiz… We're pretty sure a couple of these describe "The Hangover" as well. The hills are alive, with the Sound of....oh, wait, that's not a Disney movie....nevermind.
5. It's never a good sign when the poster is more memorable than the movie. What is the name of the hobbit played by Elijah Wood in the Lord of the Rings movies? Incredibly the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is not on this list, we are guessing he is number 101. 29. The first Pixar film was released in 1995. From Oscar winners to family favourites - this quiz includes questions from films that have made you laugh, cry and scream at the top of your voice. Everyday we will prepare for you a … BuzzFeed Staff. From Oscar winners to family favourites - this quiz includes questions from … Sporcle has 81,513 Movies Quizzes that have been played 372,742,977 times. 16. 24.
What pop vocal group performs at the wedding in Bridesmaids? The best movie posters capture the spirit of a movie in a single picture. And for the record, we think you're doing a grand job.
2. In our film quiz game you will find new Daily Challenges. Here are the 30 movie questions to test your general knowledge along with the answers. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Put your film general knowledge to the test (answers are included), Sign up to our newsletter for daily updates and breaking news. Right here. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. The 2019 film Pet Sematary is based on a book by which author? Which Ben and Matt co-wrote Good Will Hunting?
9. You can't have a a great Disney hero unless they face a worthy Disney villain. In the movie Frozen, which song does Elsa sing as she builds the castle? As far as we know... Cinderella, Mulan, Snow White and others couldn't be in this quiz due to their eponymous movie titles - can you name these animated ladies that don't have movies named after them?
We were going to include Stitch, but what the heck is that thing? 4. On what date is the Frank Capra classic It's a Wonderful Life set? Reporting on what you care about. Back then, we thought office lamps were just boring pieces of furniture.
In most cases, even the most innocent question would bring out the naughty side in you. Fill in the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LLWG75D. We still can't understand how more Paulie Shore movies haven't been nominated. The Best 2,000 Movies of the 20th Century, Every Oscar Nominee for Acting Born in the UK, Marvel Cinematic Universe: Oldest to Newest. This quiz may provide adequate protection in case of a Roland Emmerich movie. ♥ More than 1 000 000 downloads around the world! In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “You talkin’ to me?”. Which show about Danny and Sandy was made into a film with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John? Seven Dwarfs.
Take a trip down memory lane that’ll make you feel nostalgia AF. Join an activity with your class and find or create your own quizzes and flashcards. ‘Royal’, ‘Golden’ and ‘Square’ They can all precede the word ‘mile’ 2. Only Someone Who Knows That "Thor: Ragnarok" Is The Best Marvel Movie Will Pass This Quiz "See you later, new Doug." Seeing as we are all in lockdown and can't actually attend a pub quiz we thought we would bring you the next best thing - a set of general knowledge questions to test you from the comfort of your own home. 13. Rude Quiz Questions and Answers Play a Movies Quiz on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. Thank you!
With Matthew Macfadyen, Sian Clifford, Mark Bonnar, Aisling Bea. Good luck! Animated movies loved by those aged 3 to 100, can you remember them all? They need to make a Stan Lee movie where all the superheroes make cameos. Quit pretending you can’t hear the children squabbling. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. What is the name of Jack Sparrow's ship? 3. 14. If you like movie trivia games this app will be great fun for you! Right now.We are asking you to take part in our Great Big Parenting survey to show the world, politicians, fellow parents, just what life is like in Lockdown.Help us paint a true picture of how this crisis is affecting you and your loved ones.If it feels like we are living through history, it’s because we are - and this is your chance to help us record it.
Step away from the school books. The real winner are the audience members who get to leave after this award is presented. Report this user for behavior that violates our Community Guidelines. Best trivia game about movies! When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. Think you know everything about the world of cinema and movies? 8. The best Movies trivia quizzes on the internet. Which British actress won the Best Actress award at the Oscars in 2019? Grab the popcorn! Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for writing what 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook? 10. Our. This quiz does that 24 times! 26. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! BuzzFeed Staff. Can you make it through first year without getting sent back to the Muggle World? Which musical based on Romeo & Juliet was a 60s Oscar winner? Which movie features Bruce Willis as John McClane, a New York police officer, taking on a gang of criminals in a Los Angeles skyscraper on Christmas Eve? For students — Enter a Quizizz Code 15. Some movies feel like they go on forever, but eventually they all end. 19. For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director? You have to love Disney, you don't really have to BE a princess to be a princess. by Daniella Emanuel.
You'll need The Force to make it all the way through this bunker. Which singer starred in The Bodyguard? We're all for whistling and everything, but whistling while you work would just get irritating after a while. Obsessed with travel? ‘Ball’, ‘Brown’ and ‘Charlton’ They are all surnames of famous people named Bobby. 3. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best … Guess the movies, TV shows & cartoons with the best movie quiz! Which movie star is killed off in the opening scene of Scream? 12. Well now it's time to test your knowledge. Don't worry, no one has ever been killed by trivia. 25. 22. If only every movie was as good as its poster.
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