Specific. So cant fully agree with plays like a quake game, it feels sort of a cheap imitation of a quake game. I doubt people as competitive as dahang and rapha are content being anything less than number 1. the movement, the weapons, the concept of the gameplay, the asymmetric/vertical map design, Edited by phaZon at 20:58 CEST, 28 April 2017. 9,581 views - Wed, May 17 at 0:24.
That's why I said tier 2. Case in point is their new duel mode that they've come up to replace original duel.
QC will be my only arena shooter game installed on my pc by the end of this year. They changed weapon behavior, changed slightly the maps but everything else stayed. It's since the beginning that "it's only a matter of time" before rapha's team reaches the top. etc. We're also talking about the differences in health/armor/speed and hitbox size. Why'd you have to go and ruin it right at the get go?
You just speak out of your ass without a clue. That's what I meant. :D. the engine feels somewhat floaty/laggy compared to previous idtech engines (even including quake 4) tbh, (however, disclaimer: I have not played qc in lan so maybe like baseq3 it is decent on lan but falls off rapidly with ping. Your fresh experience/opinion on Diabotical? Q3 was a shit show before OSP and CPMA mods. If that's the chick or Vegeta, then they are both incredibly lame. For over 20 years guys have complained quake is brown, now you want it back? I'll check it out when I next install QL. Quake Balls! Permanent link. What's the current consensus on the Champions mechanic? Edited by _flx at 11:22 CEST, 29 April 2017. but you could check out crash's hawt boobs in a mirror. Also, sabre didn't make this game...they provided some technology. To quote vamp1re, on the super secret Discord: "QC plays like Quake but looks like UT2K4". Still you can't help but appreciate the work they've done on the character models (not the characters themselves though). It's what happens when you just speak out of your ass without a clue.
okay, and why exactly is that a bad thing? What links here. or just quake with balls, Edited by c1 at 23:29 CEST, 28 April 2017, Those games core gameplays still work don't mean Quake's does, but QC is still just deathmatching with abilitys :D, Edited by c1 at 17:50 CEST, 29 April 2017. It's as if they designed the game without any game modes in mind. sad that some people will never adapt. Edited by megaman3 at 20:11 CEST, 28 April 2017. F2P MP Arena FPS online game.
I think teamliquid is really good in OW but not as consistent as current top 3 teams. Error: post_ip (2001:9e8:32:7100:adca:a2c5:53bb:eb69) too lo. Tbh, since Q3 no quake was ever very good or even polished up on release. Untill you get alted, Edited by function9 at 22:10 CEST, 28 April 2017, Edited by phaZon at 17:58 CEST, 28 April 2017. lmao. Someday you'll have over 1000hrs into this game. The problem with QC is that it doesn't look like a Quake game, but it plays like a Quake game. Can't speak for qw or q2, since I wasn't around for them.
you are so right about nades. Lineage: Quake III arena & Quake Live. Special pages. Lets ask the important questions, will it be on steam. People rage quit in long matches, or they have to throw the match because other things come up.
I stopped at 1.6 and picked up CSGO about a year ago after not playing CS for about 5 years. Nope abilitys does change the core gameplay. PGL Quake Champions Open: 1 : 3 rapha: $10,000 2017-08-26 3rd: Tier 1: Quake World Championship 2017: Duel: 2 : 1 DaHanG: $30,000 2011-01-23 1st: Tier 1: Intel Extreme Masters Season V - European Championship Finals: 3 : 0 av3k: $4,000 2010-08-15 2nd: Tier 1: QuakeCon 2010: Intel Quake Live Masters Championship: 2 : 3 Cypher: $7,500
Edited by Alborz at 00:35 CEST, 30 April 2017. Dude are you serious?
Page information. It’s just too long. Yeah they arent the best, but there are MAYBE 10-12 teams even on their level. Yes, but before game becomes #1, our community need to work very hard. Liquipedia Discord: Join #arenafps to assist in the creation of the wiki.
Rapha vs Dahang – Quake Pro League – Stage 3 Week 9, онлайн игра Quake Champions. Must be many very critical comments, suggestions, discussions, Well but first they have to put away the "Q3 with better graphic" mindset, and accept this new Quake with champions, will you accept a quake with 2 goals and a ball?
Edited by _flx at 18:46 CEST, 28 April 2017.
Channel details Language English First seen Jun 29, 2015 Last seen Mon, Sep 28 at 20:50 Followers 36,587.
All rights reserved. & show matches (alpha) - Quake Pros (& fans). rapha's non-nda thoughts on Quake Champions (April 26, 2017), Quake Pro (and 5-time QuakeCon World Champion), rapha, recent thoughts on Q:C. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. No quake was polished in release, especially q3.
Katowice — Quake Pro League Stage 2 Finals (0) JUST ANOTHER .JPG (26) Rapha cheating the rules? Big player models that are more or less uniform in size, a brown color palette, simple lightning (no lights that have no purpose), no abilities. All the art design and models, environments were made in house, by id software employees. It also offers a feeling of having some kind of chance for the noob (lol its true). Stream Page.
Needless to say it was a shock. Followed By xQcOW. Related changes. Deathmatch FFA leaderboard - QC Ultra Violence. ye. You would think with the success of doom that they wouldn't have squandered the multiplayer.
Edited by butcher_kgp at 00:13 CEST, 29 April 2017, No. Hmmm... go play CS 1.0 and then try CS:GO, it's MASSIVELY different. VF MYZTRO SERIOUS The Best Aimer in the World, Corporations are taking too much political power, https://www.twitch.tv/videos/138370086?t=04h42m03s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRm1RC1Fz9M. A big problem with this fundamental change is that some of your most popular game modes, like Clan arena and duel, suddenly don't really work without an even playing field. (I like the voice actor, but it does not suit Quake.). for my taste these are probably the worst announcer sounds I ever heard in any video game :< Don, You telling me that DBZ guy in QL is better? It adds more depth in the casuals point of view, but less depth in the veterans point of view. 2GD coaches ZenAku on duel and talks about old days, You tought 3 flags in CTF was bad?
Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), https://www.twitch.tv/videos/138370086?t=04h42m03s, media allowed: closed beta reviews & gameplay (May 2, 2017) (NDA still in effect), Russian video of the full duel video (Z4 vs Sync), [H] Quake Champions closed beta key [W} Offer.
Maybe you don't realize it since you never stopped but there's been so many changes - new guns, nade physics, new economy, molotovs, skins, etc. Stream History See more stream logs ... #2 most watched Quake Champions channel #2 most watched English Quake Champions channel. General Recent changes Pending changes Random page. When that pro-fag can come here and actually post his own opinion, then maybe i'll take it into consideration. - QuakeCon Aug 2016 - game play trailer. Cool. i got like 30FPS with my voodoo 3 and somewhere around 512MB of RAM. Upload file. This is such a dipshit nitwit community. Just another hater who's is more than likely shit at quake and 'EZ' overwatch. Which fundamental(s) did they nail exactly? not true the core gameplay stayed.
everyone has access to the same characters, and it's basically expanding upon their concept of what team arena was.
Maybe some OW players feel that way too. But on the flipside this game is not going to allow any mods). Do not neglect a single detail! I mean Fifa17 is popular atm so why not combine those elements and make the best quake ever? Twitter Facebook Reddit Tencent QQ VK Weibo WhatsApp Other. It feels like a quake game.
I included q3 in that list. etc. Tools.
If it is the new Vadrigar, he's better but still not close to as good as the original q3 one: Well, I don't have QL installed anymore to check what voice I get with cg_announcer 2, and it is not documented in the console guide, nor have I heard it in any stream I've watched. It wasn't really an argument. This channel has no emotes.
Just stop.
Rapha: The GOAT of Quake March 16 2019 Shane “Rapha” Hendrixson didn’t smile when he was up on stage, holding the trophy for placing first at DreamHack Winter 2018. That's what all Quakes share, good looking simplicity, and then there are stylistic differences between Q1/Q3 and Q2/Q4. I'll give you $20". Printable version. If you don't believe me install the q3test and see how polished you really think it is.
It's not just the abilities that contribute to the uneven playing field. Rapha: "That's on Reddit for sure" rapha - Quake Champions. - PAX East (Mar 2017) - (beta) 5v5 TDM - general public. Because the assets are of much lower quality. (13) Strategic and Tactical terms (22) AGENT QC ONLINE CUP … I kind of liked SM better than QC actually, " Rapha... you think you can talk gooder bout QC on stream so peeps don't think it's shit? Edited by Gobotz at 23:11 CEST, 28 April 2017. I might stop queuing CA entirely, because of this reason and no other reason. "All they see about the game is using your weapons and shoot the shit out of each others", Edited by CaptainTaichou at 18:21 CEST, 29 April 2017, I remembered read somewhere that they'll add more team game modes, that's what i'm hoping. According to Tim Willits Sabre are doing most of the work when it comes to art and characters: Edited by Qvist at 00:44 CEST, 29 April 2017.
Syncerror lowers the bar. Rapha viewership statistics in Quake Champions tournaments. It is just how I feel about guns, and I am speculating that I'm not the only one. © Valve Corporation. Really? Edited by c1 at 18:20 CEST, 29 April 2017. rapha: Results.
TL is definitely on the rise with the Shadder2k pick up, and they have some incredible players in Dahang and Rapha.
Edited by rawrawraw at 22:28 CEST, 28 April 2017. Basic skills like positioning and many more are almost useless because.... abilitys.
:D. cmon his team has taken maps off rogue recently. q3 was saved by OSP to make it somewhat playable online and finally made amazing by cpma netcode. I'm wondering why the 'link' in the op is actually pointing to a different site... (insert typical ESR 'hardcore' comment "Oh noes Rapha sold out, corporate shill, etc...). Q4 and ql weren't that great either. It's a recipe for disaster for competitive quake, but it's fine for casuals which is who they are targeting.
Xian is the name of the guy who gave his voice to the original Q3A announcer. learning entry smokes and flashes, at least when i actively played cs go (6-12 months ago), a person could solo queue to LEM without any concern about teamwork, because of the huge advantage that good nades give.
All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Still dont see the hate, I actually agree with what Rapha is saying, I have played all 3 beta's and I really like the game.
This core fundamental is gone in QC because their target audience isn't Quake or afps fans, but instead people who like ability based shooters like Overwatch. The most popular matches of the team and the tournaments in which they participated. Dude, we didn't heard you these previous 4 times, say again, who's fucking whom, and how? play the game, which is still in beta (true beta not ow kind of cbt), then talk.
Browse SMW properties. A "Living" Quake game (updates, esports, etc) Developer: id Software, LLC & Saber Interactive Publisher: Bethesda Softworks, LLC - Announced June 2016 (E3) - CGI debut trailer. Why should i need to learn b2r jump? Even just the fact you only get one weapon in OW is enough to make it very boring for me.
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