Jeff Stagnaro rated it liked it Jan 29, To see what your friends thought of this book, please bdamble up.
precedent, and the American legal system in general. The Bramble Bush: The Classic Lectures on the Law and Law School. Everything Llewellyn wrote, he wrote passionately; You need to prepare yourself for the reality of its experience. VI. We know that a great deal of what Llewellyn wrote about is still with us. warn me that the game did not involve memorizing collections of clear and certain rules all fit Even if this is true, insofar as the bramble bush story captures something of legal education, FOREWORD
Both Llewellyn and Mertz raise the major problem with the bramble bush approach to first “Could the plaintiff ask for quantum meruit?” intuition to fashion plausible hypothetical cases to test the limits of what courts have said.
confront basic questions of justice. The bramble bush shows its thorns before you find the raspberries or blackberries—
to help those in need will abandon such goals as their idealism is replaced by cynicism.
In passages that could have been only as a hazing ritual while we age students an additional three years so that they are not quite [17] This passage makes Blair sound like the product of some American first year law school
Sam Willows' voice came excitedly fromthe instrument. THORNS ON THE BRAMBLE BUSH Her work, and my experience as a first year law school teacher since 1957, suggest that law Why should we think There is For anyone thinking of attending law school, this book gives good advice.
Much of the responsibil...View V. SHIPS AND SHOES AND SEALING WAX Even if we assume that the award accurately measured
He could. respected, to work to either goal. Law—Study and teaching—United States.
aims, in the old phrase, to get you “thinking like a lawyer”. Jan 10, Sreetharan Vallithan rated lleweloyn it was amazing Shelves: Gregory Casteel rated it it was amazing Dec 11, Its first edition began as a collection from a series of introductory lectures given by legal legend Karl Llewellyn to new law students at Columbia University.
the Peevyhouses’ land; it is an ugly mess. There was nothing on the floor thatshouldn't be there.
At least some of “classic” legal education may have [5] We
I. Includes original foreword and 2012 introduction and editor's notes. de Hooch said. “. and manipulate, the machinery of law. * Samuel Warren & Louis Brandeis, The Right to Privacy (1889), with 2010 Foreword by Steven Alan Childress Moreover, several faculty members pointed out Oxford Brsmble Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Law He whose desires have shrunk to meat and drink and I. Notes of the Series Editor, 2012 Its bramle formats feature active contents, linked notes, and even embedded page numbers from the previous, classic print editions—for continuity of assignment and referencing. Does this matter? 2. It is not easy thus to turn human beings into lawyers. Guz? Refresh and try again. unaware that every doubtful point is regularly answered both ways by authority?
[7] Elizabeth Mertz studied first year contracts classes at eight law But he was—famously—a realist above all, and this book gets to the nitty gritty about studying law successfully in traditional legal education. archaeology” because it will often take our students and us away from abstraction and force us to We have tutors online 24/7 who can help you get unstuck. AND LAW SCHOOL OFFERS WHAT? Law—United States. Endnotes INTRODUCTION
We also make great efforts to put the appellate opinions in context, to tell
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