Zelda was the youngest daughter of Alabama Supreme Court Justice Anthony Dickinson Sayre and Minnie Buckner Machen Sayre. It sold very few copies and received harsh critique. Born in 1900 in Montgomery, Alabama, Zelda was known as fearless, daring, disobedient and restless since she was a teenager. Getty Zelda’s marriage to F. Scott Fitzgerald was reportedly a toxic one, complete with alcoholism, mutual infidelity, and jealousy.

Seeking an artistic identity of her own, Zelda wrote magazine articles and short stories, and at 27 became obsessed with a career as a ballerina, practicing to exhaustion. Zelda, however, had another breakdown in 1932 and entered Phipps Psychiatric Clinic in Baltimore, where she wrote her only novel, Save Me the Waltz (1932). She was an icon of the 1920s—dubbed by her husband "the first American Flapper". His novel, The Romantic Egotist, was never published in it’s original format but after the war left for New York and reworked it to produce his debut smash hit, This Side of Paradise. In other words, just the sort of a modern-day salon that Papa himself may even have frequented had he been born a century later. Between 1930 and 1940, Zelda spent most of her time in and out of hospitals. However, neither Scott nor Zelda had a domestic streak, instead, they hired a nanny to take care of their daughter.
However, neither Scott nor Zelda had a domestic streak, instead, they hired a nanny to take care of their daughter.

In 1921 they had their first and only child, Frances Scott Fitzgerald. Save Me the Waltz, however, did not sell well, and Zelda turned to playwriting. . She was the daughter of an Alabama Supreme Court Judge. If you’re interested in becoming a part of the museum’s community beyond a one-time tour or donation, you can check out membership options here. “She had a really interesting and active life. Alabama Women's Hall of Fame - Biography of Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald. In 1921 they had their first and only child, Frances Scott Fitzgerald.

Luckily for Second Lieutenant Fitzgerald, the November 2018 armistice was signed before his unit was deployed. The worst part was that her husband publicly accused Zelda of plagiarism and undermined her literary skills as third-rate. Zelda Sayre was the youngest child of Judge Anthony Dickinson Sayre and his wife Minnie. They fell deeply in love, and, as soon as he could, Fitzgerald headed for New York determined to achieve instant success and to marry Zelda. And she had the potential of becoming more, much more than a wild child, flapper, and inspiration for other artists, maybe more than her husband. Although they never divorced, the couple was estranged when F. Scott died in 1940. He also copied, verbatim, entries from Zelda’s journals and put them into his books, blurring the line between fiction and reality. According to Vassar archivist Laura Streett who processed the collection, Scottie’s daughter Eleanor was the main caretaker of the papers following her mother’s death in 1986.

Her earliest letters to Scott are distinctly girlish. In 1974 she co-wrote “The Romantic Egoists,” a journal of clippings and photographs from her parents’ lives.
She worked on her second novel, called Caesar’s Things, and she painted scenes from Alice in Wonderland, the Bible, and New York locations like Times Square, Washington Square Park, and the Brooklyn Bridge. Scottie is buried at the foot of their grave. Additionally, both Zelda’s great-uncle and grandfather served in the United States Senate. The game was an immediate hit. As a child and teenager, she led a wild existance in the quiet town of Montgomery, AL. See more ideas about Zelda fitzgerald, Fitzgerald, Scott and zelda fitzgerald.

They were so in love with their lifestyle that they continually sought to recreate their experiences through art, ultimately in their published novels, using personal diaries, photographs, and letters.

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