It's how I learned to shotgun a beer IRL! Was interested in that Salinger movie, but he crammed his way into it. Still have no respect for him, even if she was stupid. @Jsierra Light as a feather stiff as a board. No. However, on the set of his latest film he has reconnected with an old friend from the past. Neve always seemed kind of fragile to me, so I guess he capitalized on that. CHARIS was the first to get this right after a whole lot of wrong names. This is a great reveal and I can not wait for New Year's Day! She also did not return after the first season and her parents were pressured into not saying anything by making them feel it was their daughter's fault for always coming into the changing room of the much older actor. Oh what the hell. I worked off Michigan Ave when they were dating and used to see them around town too, second what @iknowpeople said. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. There were a bunch of music CDs on a stone ledge in the yard. I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. it KILLS me he is such a douche. Strikes me as self-important douche. No I don't think that's normal, headrot, send it again? This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? I've always had a feeling he was shady. "Only on the pages of this blog, which is rather the point. Free answer: a blind item! It seems to me that those who are doubtful (including me) are doubting that Neve was the "innocent trampled flower who gave up her bloom for love" she's portrayed to be in this blind. He's very smart, very charismatic and interesting AND at the same time a complete dick with women. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. Once sat and had a few cocktails with him as we watched a Cubs game at the bar at Harry Carey's. In the movie, this is a loving and heroic act. Good luck and Godspeed to her and her career. Glad she's doing o.k, I always liked her. Campbell ain't exactly a rocket scientist when it comes to brains, but Cusack is a legitimately talented actor. Patreon. No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. Saturday, July 24, 2021 Blind Items Revealed #1 July 17, 2021 I told you years ago the alliterate one was dealing with the streaming company. Apparently, he doesn. "Only on the pages of this blog, which is rather the point. I bet if he had been totally honest, she would have still stuck around, love makes people very stupid, men and women, but then I'd have no sympathy for her because he laid all his cards out on the table. Lets talk about it. And the response was one I wasnt expecting. Supposedly John told her no matter any reception for a performance she should not become pretentious or self righteous about the press. She may have stuck with it too long and taken him back too many times but that's no excuse for his behavior. I'd rather watch his sister acting anytime.The moral of the story women is unless you've already walked up the aisle, so you at least can be compensated for putting your career on hold, do not put your career on hold for any man and even after - if he really loves you, you will both find a way to make it work. This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? The creator behind Deuxmoi also warns that, when it comes to TikTok and message boards, it can be extremely easy for a rumor to take on a life of its own. And I'm with the ones who are not buying Neve is the martyr hear. Years ago, when she was living in this big corner house in the Lakeview neighborhood, she reused to have anyone shovel the snow. Don't forget Better Off Dead! Oh, Lane Meyer. The question is whether she lied to her husband the whole time she was dealing. I will always love Lloyd Dobler, but I am one of many who confused Cusack with that character. January and February 2003. Its crazy that someone would buy a People magazine just to be fed PR. I don't see the "trampled flower" theme in the blind. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit Ha, no, I'm in the States. Soon thereafter, she was on the back of his Vespa and they rode off into the night. They seemed happy and very unassuming. What @elise said. @Rangers Me too! He's infamous for treating women, well, almost as badly as Piven does. This is why we can't have nice things! Also, he's been quoted several times since their split saying he now has trust issues. What's she doing now to move her back up to a B? Follow @Entylawyer Advertisements. Apparently this world now includes his new found love for women in their 60's. That's great for them since our director is approximately half their age. Joan, is my favorite of that family. So fine, but one can still play along for fun. You know what they say. I actually got this one!!! She goes out with him, he cheats, she takes him back, he cheats. Use your brain, ladies! I went into the back yard, but all she had were a bunch of really, really old computer monitors. OMFG! By Allie Jones. Had no idea he was such a dick. She's so lovely, I like her. What did John say on Twitter? Hope for the best for her. Nor that you were Canadian. Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. It has a pretty big cult following in the online Gossip community. Its a lot easier to say conspiracy theory than it is to say pop culture hunch, she concedes. Other times, the opposite is true. It makes me sad that Midnight in the Garden of Good and evil is my fave movie. Not possible. Popular Posts from the last 30 days. This article reads like a jealous psycho-bitch "if I can't have him, I'll see to it no one else wants him" tirade. Crazy Days and Nights New from CD&N today Oct 15 - not too exciting. I must say he was very kind, friendly, and patient with me. She had to do nude scenes to get parts five yrs ago and I think she did one French film and I hear nothing anymore. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blogs proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Neve Campbell was fairly successful at that time. Just thought that was weird. Campbell continued to star on Party of Five while making Scream sequels. What the Hell Happened to Neve Campbell? Campbell had the lead role on a hit TV show which lead to a leading role in a hit movie franchise. The children were also becoming adults, so the stipends for them were drying up. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. John is a dick though, I tried to follow him on Twitter, hell no, Neve should've just dropped his ass. Then, some early twenty something random sat down at his table. I think Neve's career went down the drain because she is a crappy actress. I actually paid money to see it in the cinema 3 times! They seemed happy and very unassuming. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. What else does she lie to him about? Please. Many of us made the cardinal mistake of thinking he was the nice nerdy guy he plays in movies, LOL.Cheating is bad enough but stringing her along on the wedding thing, that's just cruel. The neighbors were really pissed.Then, there was the neighborhood garage & yard sales. Everythings on my phone. I think Neve's career went down the drain because she is a crappy actress. But Ive also had to learn along the way. But Neve is an idiot and I would sincerely like to know what damaged her so much she thought she needed to put up with that. @Rangers Me too! Once sat and had a few cocktails with him as we watched a Cubs game at the bar at Harry Carey's. No. Don't think we would be a great match (I like guys) but I can definitely be your CDAN fiance--it is a jungle here sometimes so it might be good ; ). Probably Piven just bloomed into full dickishness *with* his success, and Cusack drew away from him.As for what happened between him and Neve -- well, I'm with Rhody. They lived together in a condo on Chestnut Street right off of Michigan Ave in Chicago. haha thanks Brenda--love back. While shooting Pushing Tin she was worried about Queen Elizabeth which had not been released yet and sought John's advise. I followed one of my favorite actors, Adam Baldwin, for a while before I had to remove. Its one of my all time favorite movies. My buddy has worked in Hollywood forever and would never front for a scumbag.C'mon, we know that most of the CDAN BI's from the last few years are fabricated, right? Me too! OMFG! She walked away from Scream, hence the time between 3 and 4. She isn't famous like a celebrity. Troy and I always say, Not every blind item is true, Williams says. His early movies were my jam, especially Say Anything. Pity. I did- and then I realized I was an idiot for taking him back, then I got smart, and didn't date him any more. According to the blind, she was aware of his ongoing cheating almost from the get-go. Didn't work with the guy, but did meet him and even had a few weird meetings. But when it's obvious that the hacks ghosting the site now are fabricating a whole series of attacks on someone, you have to call BS on that. I've never even had Nanaimo bars but they just sound so delicious. AKM, are you Canadianana too?? Or when he leaves his wife for you, you marry him, and he 5 years later he leaves you for that 22 year old he met at the gym. I went into the back yard, but all she had were a bunch of really, really old computer monitors. I wonder what she turned down? No. He worked with Cusack in 'Say Anything ". She has to be in a good mood and you have to catch her at just the right time. You have to be careful of that. I think its just gonna make PR work overtime.. But its interesting because when we hear about pop culture, youre really just getting PR fluff pieces. Right? Cusack is a known dick to women. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Neve Campbell was fairly successful at that time. Become a Patron! no relationship at his age raises real questions. Crazy Days And Nights. I followed one of my favorite actors, Adam Baldwin, for a while before I had to remove. Awww, I loved Lloyd Dobler and that makes me sad if any of this is true. Not like I'm his type anyway. I fell behind and now need to do some catch-up so I can be a useful (-ish) part of the discussion. Then, some early twenty something random sat down at his table. #1 - This A list director at least by reputation and name recognition has always lived in his own world. I believe it. Seeing her at 10 AM on a Saturday morning without makeup is a truly terrifying experience!This is a woman who makeup was invented for! @TTM - IKR?! "what a scumbag. Like Norma Desmond, these tidbits were once big, but the newspapers that carried them got small, and they became more like character actors, familiar if faded guest. Joan is not that sweet. but maybe i'm just biased because i like her. We all know there are two sides to every story. There isn't even a shred of "gossip truth" to the idea that John Cusack is a sleazeball with women outside of CDAN.I mean, we know that most of the BI's are fabricated, right? I actually got this one!!! one of my good friends had THE biggest crush on him she got angry at me for talking about what a smug truculent dickhole he was in real life. Karma is a bitch though, because Spin King is at death's door from the disease Bayley Blue is battling. She is 32 now.He's kind of gross. Totally ruins my image of him. Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. Sometimes all things are true at the same time. Me too! This is a blind item. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. Years later I moved further north in town (Ravenswood/Lakeview) and used to run into Joan and her family all the time, to where we'd exchange hellos and one time we sat at their table at a favorite n'hood restaurant we both used to frequent and chatted a bit. Its almost like the Mandela effect, she adds. Its very insular. Is this normal? granted i know none of the players so what do i know. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke February 5, 2023 Even the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner, knows a teenager is too young for him. Theres nothing glamorous about it. I went to them & was flat out shocked she was participating. He definitely doesn't look so good these days--he looks like his creepy character in The Paperboy. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. Clearly the guy sounds like a dick. Marry me! Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. While Campbell continued working, she fell off the publics radar.What the hell happened. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. @Sherry, ITA. Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Like Joan or his mother would cut him out of their lives because he was cold and calculating with the females he strings along? Neve was in four of the Scream movies, so I guess she didn't put too much stock in the "franchises are dumb" opinion. I must say he was very kind, friendly, and patient with me. Guess who? Initially gathering steam at the onset of the pandemic, Deuxmoi has since expanded to more than 1 million followers, while its mysterious creator has been recognized by major media outlets ranging from Vanity Fair to the Today show. blind items Oct. 7, 2016. Aww Neve. ?I'd rather hear about Bruce Jenner and his weird pony tail and shaved Adam's apple. John C and Kevin S are such pieces of shit. what a scumbag. On a near-daily basis, McNamara digs through blind-item. Going back and forth on getting married and finally breaking it off? Crazy Days and Nights is a website that deals in blind items about celebrities, mostly sent in from anonymous tipsters. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. 6 comments. Yeah. Neve was in four of the Scream movies, so I guess she didn't put too much stock in the "franchises are dumb" opinion. I loved him in High Fidelity. Wasn't there a story about him shitting his pants while filming a war movie and making a crew member dispose of them? I saw him at a My Bloody Valentine concert a couple months ago---he is not aging well so keep your head up Neve! The timeline matches up with her relationships - divorced in 1998, dated John from 1998-2002, and then married three years after their split. And I'm with the ones who are not buying Neve is the martyr hear. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blogs proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Neve seems like a great person. I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. In the 90s, the blind item enjoyed a renaissance in juicy celebrity columns like Page Six and the Village Voice, which published anonymous, unconfirmed bits of gossip concerning the rich and famous that would be sure to get readers talking while the publication itself could steer clear of any potential lawsuits. I thought that Cusack and Piven had a falling-out right about the time the stories started coming hard and heavy (no pun intended) about what a deliberately monumental dick Piven was. Crazy Days And Nights (@cdancompanion) Instagram photos and videos cdancompanion Follow 455 posts 3,282 followers 16 Crazy Days And Nights Your daily dose of blind items from CDAN and other sources. Goes Out newsletter, with the week's best events, to help you explore and experience our city. He just might be a decent kind of guy overall just not in romantic relationships; she just might be focused and sensible, just not during romance.It happens. Just no. There were a bunch of music CDs on a stone ledge in the yard. She re-made the ring, that is public knowledge, which I also think is weird to do. The neighbors were really pissed.Then, there was the neighborhood garage & yard sales. Bummer he's a dick. it's the annual blind item reveal from CDAN, let's get to sipping Blind Items Revealed February 3, 2012 There is one A+ list movie actor who brought his girlfriend on the honeymoon with him. 1/Neve is in the 4 Scream2/John Cusack has a weird reputatioon :he would be as difficult as Ed Norton on set3/Never is propably a nice woman but a limited actress4/ here in this blind,it's her who wants to come back every time. Not attractive, not a good actor.pfft. Another TikTok creator breaks down a rumor that Harry Styles team is quietly deleting unfavorable articles about the singer, and another points out how a blind about Elon Musk separating from Grimes was, in fact, true. One of TikToks most followed blind-item experts is a creator named Shannon McNamara, who posts under the name @FluentlyForward. Shes talented. Supposedly John told her no matter any reception for a performance she should not become pretentious or self righteous about the press. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. Say someone doesnt like Taylor Swift, and they see a blind that says shes mean. I remember I saw a blind item about Addison Rae on one of the websites, so I made a TikTok about it, like, Ooh, has anyone else seen this? Looks to me like she wasn't the only one who got seriously hurt there.Bottom line is that there are only two people who REALLY know what happened in their relationship, and only one person who knows what happened with her career. I know what the pay off is for him, he wants his cake and eat it too but it still makes him a douche and it would appear a control freak and control freaks sometimes end up being abusive. ?I'd rather hear about Bruce Jenner and his weird pony tail and shaved Adam's apple. After Scream, she might have been offered other franchises that she turned down at his request. He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Like Joan or his mother would cut him out of their lives because he was cold and calculating with the females he strings along? Theres all of these rock star musicians who have been allegedly having sex with all of these underage groupies, she says. off topic, I sent the enties in a photo for the reader photos a few weeks ago, it hasnt been posted yet, I sent one in for the last reader photos too and it never got posted. According to the blind, she was aware of his ongoing cheating almost from the get-go. Not surprised. Redfish, totally understand what you're saying. Just accept the attention with as much grace as possible; the same with bad reviews.Broken hearts and bad form in sexual relationships are unfortunate but common. He threatened to destroy her career but she found a mentor who actually is not afraid to go to war with the mogul and the mogul backed down.. This is exciting stuff. Today's blind items from Crazy Days and Nights. And he was downright appealing in "Serendipity".) . I was just thinking about her yesterday! The old friend was his drug dealer who has always been known as the drug dealer to the stars. With notorious douchebags, there are not always two sides to the story, unless "He behaved like the notorious douchebag he is" counts as a side. Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; We are coming, sheriff says, Newsom, IRS give Californians until October to file tax returns, Californias snowpack is approaching an all-time record, with more on the way, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, Hosts Dan Hughes and Carolyn Gracie depart QVC as parent company announces layoffs, Olivia Munn is in a no-win situation. haha thanks Brenda--love back. Glad she's doing o.k, I always liked her. I know what the pay off is for him, he wants his cake and eat it too but it still makes him a douche and it would appear a control freak and control freaks sometimes end up being abusive. Oh, Lane Meyer. The timeline matches up with her relationships - divorced in 1998, dated John from 1998-2002, and then married three years after their split. Mazel tov, Brenda and Derek! So this isn't a shocker. Was friendly and nice. But there are at least two sides to every story -- and clearly, only one is being told in this blind. Other times, shell recount the blind-item history of famous celebrity couples, such as the recently public Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick, or talk about celebrities who have no incriminating blind items whatsoever (Emma Stone, Zendaya). Also, I didn't realize you had a blog. She should do Tv if she isn't. With notorious douchebags, there are not always two sides to the story, unless "He behaved like the notorious douchebag he is" counts as a side. No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. Cusack and piven were BFF. He behaved like a total dick. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit I worked off Michigan Ave when they were dating and used to see them around town too, second what @iknowpeople said. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. It was greatly disappointing because I used to love him back in the day, especially in one of my favorite all-time Christmas movies, The Sure Thing. 13 radiationdoser1029 3 yr. ago I follow CDaN big time and am going to check out the guesses (he can take months to reveal). Sunday, January 01, 2023 Blind Items Revealed #23 August 17, 2022 As far as I know there has only been one investigation into the activities of a star of this long long long running children's show and it didn't involve anyone who was actually on the show. So this isn't a shocker. Prior to the #MeToo movement, blind items could be a frequent source of unverified information hinting at predatory behavior in the entertainment industry. there are far more scandalous accusations she could have made if her only goal was to hurt him. Years later I moved further north in town (Ravenswood/Lakeview) and used to run into Joan and her family all the time, to where we'd exchange hellos and one time we sat at their table at a favorite n'hood restaurant we both used to frequent and chatted a bit. @Mango: totally agree! If unsure if youre doing #2, refer to #1. Also, I didn't realize you had a blog. He's infamous for treating women, well, almost as badly as Piven does. I had just been reading blind-item websites for maybe six years, McNamara says, name-checking the long-running blind-item blog Crazy Days and Nights. His early movies were my jam, especially Say Anything. How can we learn more? says Williams. He's a prince in my fantasies. Campbell continued to star on Party of Five while making Scream sequels. No I don't think that's normal, headrot, send it again? She's just cool. Absolutely I will send some: regular, mocha or peppermint? Well, I've done that--for good reason--an my ex-fiancee did her best to make my life hell afterwards. Guess who? Don't forget Better Off Dead! @Jenn, I LOVE Grosse Point Blanke, and Joan Cusak, too. sure she may be bitter and trying to get back at him, but with these accusations? The show, which has been running for over five decades had to quietly retire an actor who got one of the barely teen actresses pregnant. @Jenn, I LOVE Grosse Point Blanke, and Joan Cusak, too. Made them do EVERYTHING for him.On a side note, people used to always tell me that I looked like Neve Campbell..I also ended up marrying someone with the last name of Cusack. I should ask my friend J.G.. He was well cast in The Paperboy. However, there is such a thing as being a masochist. No. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. Don't think we would be a great match (I like guys) but I can definitely be your CDAN fiance--it is a jungle here sometimes so it might be good ; ). She's a cool person who happens to make a living filming movies. This foreign born actor is a superhero. The Juiciest Anonymous Gossip of 2017 Here are the best blind items of the year. I don't know why so many of you are hammering her. Awesome actor, bad tweeter (twitterer? I've had a few Cusack sitings one of which a few months ago. It sounds like typical mid-20s relationship crap. The world is full of asshole men, but if a woman is that slow to figure it out, I don't have much sympathy.Seriously, the BEST book I've ever read on dating is "He's Just Not That Into You." i always felt a connection to neve campbell and an attraction to john cusack even though I am too young to have had a HS crush on I know why. I really hope someone would cast her in a huge movie. Oh what the hell. And all of the Chicago peeps say how sweet and unassuming Joan is. So shes decided not to play the game at all, Jiaoying Summers joke about Chinas one-child policy made everyone laugh except TikTok censors, Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan actor, dies after brain aneurysm, Daisy Jones & the Six becomes the first fictional band to hit No. But I can understand the heartbreak if she truly felt he was the one. A customer came up to me to make a purchase that looked familiar and making general conversation I told him that I thought I knew him from somewhere. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke February 5, 2023 Even the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner, knows a teenager is too young for him. Aww Neve. Blind Item Revealed About Amber on Crazy Days and Nights Revealed Today: 05/12/2022 This A- list actress recently tried to pay a former lover a lot of money to keep the lover from filing a lawsuit alleging violence against the actress. I'd give you a giant teddy bear bigger than you any day. Used to love him. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? "I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). Since that story I have my doubts about him. It sounds like typical mid-20s relationship crap. Also, this is all one sided. Good to know that I can trust my gut. Its a 24/7 thing, seven days a week, however-many-hours-Im-awake-in-a-day thing. I went to them & was flat out shocked she was participating. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Items Revealed #1 No personal attacks on other commenters. Hope for the best for her. Between this and Keanu not bathing for weeks, my heart is getting crushed. Other times, shell recount a history of incriminating blind items surrounding celebrities who have not faced a public scandal but are still rumored to engage in predatory behavior. I was just looking for active CDaN subs and that's how I found this post, so your timing was perfect for me :) What did John say on Twitter? She was on the same plane as the couple and checked into the same hotel and the wife was none the wiser at that point. 2 dollars. I'd be pissed if I were Neve, and saw that my "friend" and confidant aired my dirty laundrythat is, if it's even true. Damn you Cusack! This sucks. November and December 2002. Also, this is all one sided. I'm no apologist for John Cusack, but I've never read a douchebag slam on the guy except on CDAN and I do know someone who has worked with him and liked him. That she's hanging onto it into her 40s (to the point she has to hide from him for an hour, or that she still can't speak of it unless she's in the right mood) tells me more about her need for personal drama than it does about how dicky he was. Regarding the now-disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein, a 2016 item on Crazy Days and Nights reads, Her career could have crashed and burned when she refused the legendary advances of this producer/mogul. But I can understand the heartbreak if she truly felt he was the one. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. I like John as an actor - I hate most modern rom-coms but I adore Serendipty. She is 32 now.He's kind of gross. This was back when I hung out in the Rush St. bars and would see them now and then. Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). He is no Lloyd Dobler. Aren't Cusack and Piven best friends? I looked at her & realized it was Joan. Amber Heard This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 11 Related Topics A-list comedian/actress has a new show and its time people know how awful she is. This anonymous, potentially incendiary clue is just one of the hundreds of notes the Instagram account Deuxmoi receives in a day.

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