TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/yYjxVOsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirA5NT1a/82arpq6nqdnbW9zb21qLCxjn Sanded vs. unsanded grout: When using cementitious grout, youll face two options: sanded and unsanded. 0000037381 00000 n 0000028532 00000 n v0pbf9XWL/uFwf8ANOKu/Slt/wBXWL/uFwf804q79KW3/V1i/wC4XB/zTirv0pbf9XWL/uFwf804 gUvbwSSGa4e0nCnnJU8mFBiqZ2Ov3LW3mrVbmUtaaTdXEVsvFQES0t42loQtWrLz61xVJp9Y8xHR Or you may think that this grout will vanish after a normal wash. Dirt or water can damage it. xmp.iid:45182CFA102068118C1483DFCB52BE94 0pTw12O7FoEWI3unxhGe3jag+AsOVOlV8cVQHmTRNT8xpq+q+X/Lt1pFo+mw2X1WaBbee6nW7glq Lower temperatures and higher humidity will slow the cure times. Always remember that the tile joint will always remain full with grout. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2012-01-11T10:03:22-08:00 to 1/2 in. 1/16" Joint Width. CxMdsXMYqxO3qFmxVDa7/wAdTy5/20pP+6dqWKu8mf8AKH6D/wBs2z/5MR4qoeZ9WuLEx2qW1pdQ FUSION PRO SINGLE COMPONENT GROUT FEATURES / PERFORMANCE Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? saved 1VxVNrDT7TTLZbOxj9KBCSqcmahY1O7lj1OKpdrv/HU8uf8AbSk/7p2pYq7yZ/yh+g/9s2z/AOTE irv0x+XX/LPD/wBIzf8ANGKo3Sh5J1qZ4NPs4JHjXmwMHH4agftKPHFU1/w3oH/Vut/+Ra/0xV3+ xmp.iid:FC7F1174072068118A6D838E7B3D1870 Hold a lightly damp grout sponge flat against the tile If you take more time to clean it, it will be challenging to clean the tiles properly. q79Er/1bbf8A7iMP/VXFXfolf+rbb/8AcRh/6q4q79Er/wBW23/7iMP/AFVxV36JX/q22/8A3EYf Drug the towel across the surface of the tiles before cleaning it completely. For setting tile, you should use a strong mortar. /;/metadata For inside projects, most types of grout require 72 hours for the grout to cure. It will not be suitable to dry the tiles surface grout. xmp.iid:169FADCE352068118C14BB18EDCB06DF 0000198674 00000 n fJf++9P++L+uKu+o+S/996f98X9cVcLDyWTQR6eSegrF/XFUX/hvQP8Aq3W//Itf6Yq7/Degf9W6 xmp.iid:44182CFA102068118C1483DFCB52BE94 /VLFXfV/P/8Ay1ad90n/AFSxVO9MXUks0XVnikuqnm0FeFK/DTkF7YqgNd/46nlz/tpSf907UsVd saved Epoxy grout contains epoxy resin and hardener, so its ideal for tiles that will be exposed to harsher materials, like acid and grease. Covering Fusion Pro immediately after grouting will extend the cure time. Question: How will temperature and humidity impact curing time . d/4H8r/8sP8AyVm/6q4q7/A/lf8A5Yf+Ss3/AFVxV3+B/K//ACw/8lZv+quKu/wP5X/5Yf8AkrN/ Thats why you may not be familiar with this grout. You will find pinholes after drying the grout properly, and you will find where the four tiles are joined. Fusion Pro grout is a new type of grout. 2012-04-16T08:08:58-07:00 s9j90eKu/RPlL/lnsfujxV36J8pf8s9j90eKu/RPlL/lnsfujxV36J8pf8s9j90eKu/RPlL/AJZ7 /wBJA/6p4q79z/1KCf8ASQP+qeKu/c/9Sgn/AEkD/qnirv3P/UoJ/wBJA/6p4q79z/1KCf8ASQP+ hb``e`````` La1/1ZtL/wCDn/7KMVd/hbWv+rNpf/Bz/wDZRirv8La1/wBWbS/+Dn/7KMVd/hbWv+rNpf8Awc// +An/AOacVd69t4aN/wABP/zTiqrbagLOdLm1bR4po90dUnqKin8vviqY/wCMdZ/5b9L/AOBn/wCa Question: How will temperature and humidity impact curing time . Most manufacturers advise waiting three to seven days before exposing grout to moisture. 2012-03-02T13:20:25-08:00 G7/5Z9c/6S1/6oYq7jd/8s+uf9Ja/wDVDFXcbv8A5Z9c/wCktf8AqhiruN3/AMs+uf8ASWv/AFQx 5. Therefore, it is also money wasting. This cleaning process is not the same as the regular grout. When it is shrinking, it creates several holes in the grout. GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ q79KW3/V1i/7hcH/ADTirv0pbf8AV1i/7hcH/NOKu/Slt/1dYv8AuFwf804quOoRKiyNqUYR6hXO Opinion on Fusion Pro versus Flexcolor CQ We are currently installing porcelain tile floors that look like hardwood. So most users tend to apply more pressure while scrubbing off the extra grout. Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color perfect grout. 2012-08-06T17:05:25-07:00 /wDVtt/+4jD/ANVcVd+iV/6ttv8A9xGH/qrirv0Sv/Vtt/8AuIw/9VcVd+iV/wCrbb/9xGH/AKq4 0000006356 00000 n Adobe InDesign 7.0 3ISgYw6gr0r0rxnOKp9pn+KdHtjaWGgxxxFi9DdI3xGgO7SnwxVGfpTzt/1Y4v8ApIj/AOqmKu/S 2012-05-03T15:02-07:00 saved Starlike EVO Crystal Glass: After 24 hours, the grout can be exposed to light foot traffic. xmp.iid:2CB66EA9442068118C1483DFCB52BE94 3. rv0p52/6scX/AEkR/wDVTFXfpTzt/wBWOL/pIj/6qYq79Kedv+rHF/0kR/8AVTFXfpTzt/1Y4v8A Fusion Pro cures by evaporation so any covering may increase the time needed to cure and the use of non-breathable coverings may halt the curing process. /;/metadata lvsitBUDFWx5d1vTPNOlRQ6E9y/HTIr2aaOO6sZUtrdYZJ0lZFa3kh40Ucjy6+AZVFX/AJL1CS01 /;/metadata It is applicable both inside and outside your home. Adobe InDesign 7.0 Here are some things you can do to make the waiting period less stressful: When grouting, always follow the manufacturers instructions. View the full instructions. View the full instructions. /;/metadata There is no harm in exceeding the waiting time recommended in the product manual. /wDkxHiqzzNc6zYwi+sbm2tbSFR67XCux5MwVeIijkPfFWL/AOMNW/6vGnf8iLn/ALJcVd/jDVv+ Adobe InDesign 7.0 Thats why they do not know the exact way of applying it. It will be best to apply the grout and clean it on a twenty square feet area. to 1/2 in. saved Before drying the grout, you should not wrap it. PDF/X-1:2001 Adobe InDesign 7.0 It takes at least seven days to cure outside, even in good weather. 3Sf814q76t5Z/wCpe1P7pP8AmvFXfVvLP/Uvan90n/NeKr4U8u280c8Xl/UxJEyuho5oymo/b9sV /iS//k0P7m/5rxV3+JL/APk0P7m/5rxV3+JL/wDk0P7m/wCa8Vd/iS//AJND+5v+a8Vd/iS//k0P 5K0EFlo3NW40e1gTkf8AILxqG+jBYcjJ2bqcYswKcDyb5PIqNB00g/8ALnB/1TwuI7/Bnk//AKsO /wCDuf8Aqrirv8Jav/1a9J/4O5/6q4q7/CWr/wDVr0n/AIO5/wCquKu/wlq//Vr0n/g7n/qrirv8 Of8A7KMVd/hbWv8AqzaX/wAHP/2UYq7/AAtrX/Vm0v8A4Of/ALKMVd/hbWv+rNpf/Bz/APZRirv8 jon/AEjW/wDzTirv0Of+rjon/SNb/wDNOKu/Q5/6uOif9I1v/wA04q79Dn/q46J/0jW//NOKu/Q5 2/8A3EYf+quKu/RK/wDVtt/+4jD/ANVcVXwaPA88aT2FvHEzqJHGoxEqpPxNQS9hir0S2vtGtLaG CWotoydkjX7Xtiq/Q/Jvmm08y6RNqMU0tnoN7+j7J6Eg2ZF1P679qfvEWv0dsVey4q3irsVdirsV 2012-06-25T14:53:31-07:00 FUSION PRO SINGLE COMPONENT GROUT FEATURES / PERFORMANCE Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? /wAZ6z/yy6f/ANJ9v/1XxV3+M9Z/5ZdP/wCk+3/6r4q7/Ges/wDLLp//AEn2/wD1XxV3+M9Z/wCW Lets look at two examples of grout sealer to examine the difference between each manufacturers instructions. Your email address will not be published. Its latex based. o7PDKCnT4/OElKS0xNTk9GV1hZWltcXV5fVGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vZHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiY It can also be affected by outdoor humidity. /;/metadata /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA Thats why taking more time is highly advisable and definitely much safer. 2 Heres a look at a few common types of grout: Cementitious grout: The average drying time for cementitious grout is 72 hours. Those factors include the type of grout, humidity levels, and whether youre working indoors or outside. Before starting to apply the Fusion grout, take a light wet sponge and wipe the surface of the tiles. xmp.iid:D060771C1F2068118C14BF694E5E7CF0 /qpirv8ACep/9WD/AKfE/wCqmKu/wnqf/Vg/6fE/6qYq7/Cep/8AVg/6fE/6qYq7/Cep/wDVg/6f Adobe InDesign 7.0 rxp3/Ii5/wCyXFXf4w1b/q8ad/yIuf8AslxV3+MNW/6vGnf8iLn/ALJcVTXT7nzlqtsLuwvtOmhJ hbbd``b`Z$@s`OAb qO/ $MC(.`5DK-#3bFZ0 ] The cracks, crumbles, weak joints, and flaking all allow moisture to penetrate the grout, which can lead to mold and mildew. 31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxVEWuivehjZaHb Its patented formulation can be applied on all tiles and has built-in Microban antimicrobial product protection. 0000014734 00000 n U+EtKafRiqM/xn5P/wCr9pv/AEmQf9VMVd/jPyf/ANX7Tf8ApMg/6qYq7/Gfk/8A6v2m/wDSZB/1 Fusion Pro grout is a sanded and pre-mixed grout. Fusion Pro #381 Bright White 1 Gal. Cement grout has 2 main varieties -sanded and unsanded grout. default y0xf8Gv9cVd9esf+WmL/AINf64q769Y/8tMX/Br/AFxV316x/wCWmL/g1/riqtHJHKoeJg6noykE 2012-03-29T08:20:29-07:00 xmp.iid:B06C1574072068118C14D051CB68CF14 We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. However, the exact drying time depends on the type of grout, humidity levels, and whether youre working indoors or outside. Most people who use Fusion Pro say that it does not wash off easily from tiles. 0000048792 00000 n Fusion Pro #640 Arctic White 1 qt. +pif/pFj/wCqmKu/QXmb/qYn/wCkWP8A6qYquXQ/MgYFvMLMAQSPqqCo8Pt4qyHFXYq7FUl13/jq saved 9UsVd/jjyv8A8t3/ACSm/wCqWKu/xx5X/wCW7/klN/1SxV3+OPK//Ld/ySm/6pYqitP8zaHqtyLS 0000026219 00000 n Epoxy-based grout has a distinct advantage in that it does not require sealant. xmp.iid:AC688BB70A20681188C6AF115C29BC50 saved If youre grouting the kitchen, plan how you will make or buy your meals. You suggestions and opinions are always wecome. xmp.iid:42691374072068118A6DFD4A9B9964ED dirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqS67/x1PLn/bSk/wC6dqWKu8mf8ofoP/bNs/8AkxHiqXec7FpzDeNY 2012-04-13T11:42:38-07:00 It is not easy to manage all of these components. Covering Fusion Pro immediately after grouting will extend the cure time. What type of problems may you face? For curing, leave it for 24 hours in temperatures above 50F. Fusion Pro cures by evaporation, so any covering may increase the time needed to cure and the use of non-breathable coverings may halt the curing process and weaken the grout. This professional grade sanded grout features unsurpassed stain resistance with no sealing required. = "B96 owv}39KorMNrsmy}5Kay&! Adobe InDesign 7.0 PDF/X-1:2001 MI5Op1+KOLUSjHkCmmFxnYq7FWiQASdgNycVefzL5vu7iVk15YAXakIhKhAT9jaMnb3OQMZHq5kM At the last end of the floating grout, you have to drag the sponge to clean the extra grout. 143 0 obj <> endobj xref 143 49 0000000016 00000 n ZJF5stviPmQ1Hb0S/wCDx0w8Mu9plnwHlj+16JbyNLBHI4ozqCwG1CRuMscIqmKpLrv/AB1PLn/b nnb/AKscX/SRH/1UxV36U87f9WOL/pIj/wCqmKu/Snnb/qxxf9JEf/VTFXfpTzt/1Y4v+kiP/qpi Iy/9UsVd/gzW/wCbTP8ApGX/AKpYq7/Bmt/zaZ/0jL/1SxVlOh2M+nadHaXPpGRCxP1dQke7Eiig O6p/1Ypv+4in9cVd/h3VP+rFN/3EU/rirv8ADuqf9WKb/uIp/XFXf4d1T/qxTf8AcRT+uKu/w7qn JK/80Yq717L/AKlSH/pJX/mjFXevZf8AUqQ/9JK/80Yq717L/qVIf+klf+aMVd69l/1KkP8A0kr/ Covering Fusion Pro immediately after grouting will extend the cure time. Up to 72 hours of drying time are necessary for grout to cure. Adobe InDesign 7.0 TYeX9H0yc3NharBKVKcgWPwmlR8THwxVMsVdirsVdirsVdiqS67/AMdTy5/20pP+6dqWKu8mf8of 0000029329 00000 n 2012-01-11T10:36:16-08:00 nTvJWjPaq2p6bHFcknkkU85QCvw0Jl8MVRP+B/K//LD/AMlZv+quKu/wP5X/AOWH/krN/wBVcVd/ If you fail to install this grout on your tiles, you should hire an experienced person. AJrxV3+DvLX/ACwJ/wAE/wDzXirv8HeWv+WBP+Cf/mvFXf4O8tf8sCf8E/8AzXirv8HeWv8AlgT/ It is different from other grouts. hbbbd`b``3ln0 ; endstream endobj 144 0 obj <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Pages 3 0 R/StructTreeRoot 6 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 145 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 146 0 obj <> endobj 147 0 obj <> endobj 148 0 obj <> endobj 149 0 obj <>stream Like any home renovation project, its important to plan for inconveniences. Whether youre installing a new kitchen backsplash, tiling a bathroom, or redoing a fireplace surround, you might be wondering: Grout takes between 24 and 72 hours to dry on average. NP8Aui/piqZDStJIBFlbkHcH0k/5pxV36J0r/lit/wDkUn/NOKu/ROlf8sVv/wAik/5pxV36J0r/ Get the latest reviews, deals, giveaways, and exclusive content. Most projects run into complications and delays, so factor in extra time to account for mistakes or unpredictable occurrences. j/3FIv8AspxV31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxV However, there are several factors that could affect the actual time required. Dg/6p4q7/Bnk/wD6sOm/9IcH/VPFVG58seRbKIz3mj6TbxDYvLbW6L97IMWePFPIaiLPkltrD+Vl Its quite similar to epoxy, but its made of polymers of fortified alcohol.

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