offers and supports four informal options (depending on If the employee desires to remain in the altered assignment, the employee shall notify management of the desire within five (5) calendar days and shall remain in the assignment. Guides in all categories will be required to work up to a maximum of twelve (12) evening tour shifts per fiscal year. Seventy Local 1000 members at the Employment Development reporting and an emergency response and action plan. needs to invest in them and the important work they do in Clerks and seeks to change the way the night differential is An otherwise eligible employee absent from the worksite during the bid process for such reasons, including but not limited to EIDL; SDI; Workers' Compensation; leave of absence; annual military leave; illness, etc., may participate in the bid process. job duties and responsibilities that Unit 4 members deliver on a (CalHR) and is a product of Article 5.13.4. of the Master Agreement between SEIU Local 1000 and the State of California . As a result, we won the largest labor contract ever negotiated a new grievance from an LTA whose case is such a strong example Employees being reassigned under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. following: More than 150 newly-elected and returning bargaining An employee who shows up for work at an assigned starting time and has not been notified by the employer prior to reporting not to so report, shall be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work or shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours at the employee's appropriate rate of pay. This posting shall state the following: The opening date and closing date and time to apply for the vacancy; Description of the vacant position including the duties, responsibilities and requirements of the position; The Single Point of Contact (HRSD) to whom the bid is to be sent. An employee who is required to be on standby status will be compensated in the following manner: for every eight (8) hours on standby, an employee shall receive two (2) hours of CTO, which may be prorated on the basis of fifteen (15) minutes CTO for each one hour of standby. A CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employee shall be placed on the salary schedule first by education above the Bachelor's Degree or for career-technical teachers who do not possess a Bachelor's Degree, the equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree (High School Diploma plus seven (7) years of college work and in trade work experience) and second by years of full-time credentialed teaching experience. As well, we clarified that the field is considered facilities, per Section 10.2 of the MOU. College credits, continuing education credits and any CDCR, OCE designee approved work credits from industry for vocational education teachers will be pertinent to the employee's position and not be a repetition of previously acquired credits or work experience. related to a recent court order. When management determines that a vacancy on the requested shift is available to a Unit 17 employee, the supervisor shall consider employees with shift change requests based on the needs of the clients/patients/wards/students/inmates, seniority, performance and attendance, staffing requirements, and needs of the facility. The State reserves full discretion to dismiss an employee for a first positive drug or alcohol test or for refusing to test. Our DMV HEAT Team is doing some amazing work, said Local 1000 As required by CalPERS law, the amount includes interest at six percent (6%), annually compounded. full time. performance appraisals and instead rely on a process where Office Technician, Motor Vehicle Representative, Program Technician: Contract: BU 4 Contract: Bargaining Unit 5; Bargaining Unit Name: Highway Patrol: Representing . Each employee has ten (10) calendar days from the date of posting to contest scores. years. This subdivision is not grievable or arbitrable. units in Local 1000the bargaining team responsible for This section shall apply to employees in the following classifications: All Unit 11 classifications used by the Caltrans. Monthly paid Seasonal Clerk employees shall be paid by the 15th of each month. Department (EDD) regarding the plan to reopen certain WSB offices "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, the employee shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. No bid shall be denied based solely on personal relationships. It's negotiated by our member-led bargaining team and won through the support of the 96,000 people . If an employee did not receive a written performance evaluation during the twelve (12) month period before bids are due (e.g., annual evaluation), the employee shall be deemed to have performed satisfactorily unless the employee received a counseling and/or corrective memo during the same twelve (12) month period. If the State does not schedule CTO within one year from the date the overtime was earned, the State must provide cash payment for the overtime or may, at the request of the employee, extend the time the employee can take CTO. Such transfer requests shall be to permanent positions in the same department within the employee's current classification. CalHR accepts no responsibility for the content or accessibility of external websites or external documents linked to on this website. Governor signed AB 118: 10/13/2019. on your seniority, you should contact the Local 1000 Member The Union and the department shall examine the contracts based on the purpose of this section, the terms of the contracts, all applicable laws, Federal mandates and court decisions/orders. Each facility shall establish and maintain an up-to-date list, by inverse seniority of all full-time and part-time BU 20 LVNs. Review of Personal Services Contracts In Existence. The filling of vacancies by either promotions from eligible lists or external lateral transfers are not subject to P&B. Model. Department (EDD) stepped up to soften the blow for some of their Annual Post and Bid (CDCR;CDCR-DJJ; and CCHCS): Post and Bid Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC): The Appointing Authority or the Appointing Authority's designee will ensure compliance through the department's designee and a local Post and Bid JLMC. Such placement of employees will be done based on operational needs (i.e. Salary Increase Effective on the first day of the pay period following ratification by both parties, all SEIU Bargaining Unit employees will receive a 4.55 percent salary increase. If the most senior bidder is ineligible or disqualified for any reason listed in subsection C above, that bidder will be notified of the ineligibility or disqualification at the time the selection is announced. The State shall endeavor to provide employees with at least five (5) working days advance notice of a temporary change in the employee's workweek hours and workday. The call-in/scheduling of a Seasonal Clerk employee and the hours of work an individual Seasonal Clerk employee may receive shall be applied without prejudice or personal favoritism. . Using the prestige or influence of the State or the appointing authority for the officer's or employee's private gain or advantage or the private gain of another. The Departments recognize and understand the importance of reducing overtime to Unit 17 employees. the least senior employee first, the special needs of employees who have documented medical problems, substantiated childcare problems, or other significant reasons which would impact the employee's ability to work the overtime assignment(s) will be considered. With prior supervisory approval, employees shall be allowed a reasonable amount of State paid time to participate in employment interviews associated with the efforts described in paragraph D above. An employee is working "out-of-class" when the employee spends a majority (i.e., more than fifty percent [50%]) of the employee's time over the course of at least two (2) consecutive work weeks performing duties and responsibilities associated with a higher level existing classification that do not overlap with the classification in which said employee holds an appointment. Each department or designee may establish procedures with regard to how contact is to be made (e.g., electronic paging device, phone) and with regard to response time while on standby. If the employee does not enroll in a Second Tier Retirement Plan within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of initial eligibility, the employee shall remain enrolled in the First Tier plan, as provided under CalPERS law. Californians. Credit/no credit classes may be acceptable if verification of successful completion ("C/average" or better) is provided. Shift Changes with No Vacancy: Post and Bid does not apply when there is no vacancy and internal permanent or temporary shift changes are initiated. The Committee will start meeting sixty (60) calendar days after ratification of this Agreement. As stated in Government Code section 20683.2, effective July 1, 2013, Second Tier members, including ARP members, shall contribute one and one-half percent (1.5%) of monthly pensionable compensation for retirement, and will increase by one and one-half percent (1.5%) points annually. With legal, negotiation and logistical support from union staff, your bargaining team fights to make sure your priorities are reflected in the final contract. Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the California In no case shall more than seventy percent (70%) of the filled RN assignments (as defined above) be held by employees through successful bids. Appropriate call center technology should be applied. At least seven (7) calendar days prior to the effective date of any disciplinary action as defined in C(3) above, and at the request of the employee, the department head or designee and the affected employee and the employee's representative, if any, shall meet to review the notice of pending disciplinary action. Vehicles (DMV) on August 29, 2018 to continue negotiations Services (CCHCS) executive management to discuss the Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for fifteen (15) or more hours, the employee shall have the option to: While on vacation, pre-approved absence, or on full work day absence due to sick leave*, Union leave or State release time, or any other authorized absence from the facility, BU 20 LVNs will not be considered for mandatory overtime. for our union, and our members, and an innovative new Information If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 17 employee. Any full-time CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employee, will be permitted to use available, approved Education Leave credits pursuant to section 8.28.3 Education Leave of this MOU. The parties recognize the value of allowing permanent employees to voluntarily transfer between positions. Telework is defined as performing work one (1) or more days per pay period away from the worksite to which the employee is normally assigned. In the Diagnostic Centers at Fremont, Fresno, and Los Angeles, the academic calendar means the period which the Director of Special Schools shall designate beginning in any fiscal year with the first day upon which the exempt staff are required to be present for duty and ending in the following calendar year with the last day the exempt staff are required to be present for duty, and shall be two hundred nine (209) workdays. The employee shall be placed in a position with the same RDO's and substantially similar start/stop times. Bargaining unit employees who donate blood, plasma, platelets and other blood products to certified donation centers may be allowed reasonable release time without loss of compensation when donations are made either at or in close proximity to the work site. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. Management shall invite subject matter experts to speak on specific items. Attempts for authorization must be supported by documentation as determined by departmental policy. If management fails to provide a Seasonal Clerk notice that there is a lack of work for the next scheduled work shift, management will either provide four (4) hours of work or four (4) hours of compensation at management's discretion. Not only did the Preservation of Eligible Post Ratios: When management alters or modifies the shift and/or RDO of a post that was awarded through the annual post and bid process prior to the end of the twelve (12) month appointment, management shall implement an interim annual post and bid process. All Unit 4 employees are eligible for recognition under the program. When such an employee is called back under these conditions within four (4) hours of the beginning of a previous call or an additional call is received while still working on an earlier call back, the employee shall not receive an additional four (4) hours credit for the new call back. Salary earned during the intersession shall not be considered compensation for the purpose of retirement contribution. to monitor their cell phones for emergencies and to have of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to gain additional information about Unit 4s bargaining team signed another tentative agreement (TA) The CDCR/CCHCS shall establish lists of BU 17 employees by classification in seniority score order. Every department shall have a flexible work hours program which shall include flexible work hours, an alternate workweek schedule, and/or reduced workweek schedule. and the lottery ticket sales specialist series in Unit 4. Nepotism: No bid shall be denied based solely on personal relationships. Upon the Union's request, the State shall consider permitting other employees the additional rest periods. If an exchange is denied, the supervisor denying the exchange shall state the reason for the denial upon written request by the employee. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. meeting was held in response to a cease and desist that our Union Either party reserves the right to submit recommendations in addition to the joint report or if a joint report cannot be agreed to by both parties. When filling permanent full-time vacancies, a department shall consider eligible PI employees within the classification. broad and did not impact any of our members unnecessarily. No employee shall submit more than four (4) Employee Opportunity Transfer applications during an open period. EDD will distribute the seniority list defined above at each worksite employing EPRs and DIPRs. departments current paper-driven business processes with Employees working more than five (5) hours per day, but less than eight (8) hours per day shall be entitled to a meal period of at least thirty (30) minutes. Each hour of additional instructional service shall be compensated equivalent to one-eighth (1/8) of the employee's daily rate of pay. California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) has mailed Full-time service as a pre-tenured employee at one special school in one or more classes of employees for three (3) successive school terms or fiscal year, as applicable; and commencement of service upon reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. Any required course which might lead to an AA, BA, BS, MA, MS or Ph.D. Human Service Certificate Program courses. The CDCR shall provide a copy of their departmental class size exemption policy to Unit 3 teachers and the Union within four (4) months after the ratification of the Contract by the Union and the Legislature, whichever is later. The decision reached at Step 3 (CalHR) of the grievance procedure shall be final. Seniority is defined in Section F. of this Article. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (e.g. Corrections and Rehabilitation Department of Juvenile Justice SEIU Local 1000 only Alternate Vice Chair) and Sophia Perkins (Unit 4, Chair) met with the other affected bargaining units are 1, 3, 4, 11, and 15. When a PI employee in WWG 2 is required to work on an observed holiday, and the employee works one hundred fifty-one (151) or more hours in that pay period, the employee shall receive holiday compensation in accordance with Article 7, section 7.1(G). system of inconsistent, successful, and exceptional from annual A Seasonal Clerk employee may work up to one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours in any calendar year. The Superintendent of Education may grant, upon request of a permanent full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee, a leave of absence for the thirty (30) day Summer Session up to thirty (30) scheduled work days. mobility opportunities for employees working in the California Record keeping for accounting, reimbursements, or documentation relative to other applicable statutes, such as the FMLA, is permitted. From This was our third meeting on fighting for the implementation of. This was our third meeting on Employees losing the right to bid or hold assignment as outlined above may be administratively transferred to the same watch without regard to RDO. Some of the major details from your teams negotiations include The annual bid cycle begins in the month of April for those employees who wish to participate. negative impact. If a job offer is accepted, the employee will report when the department has completed the Post and Bid process. Employees will be given maximum discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to severe operational considerations. A Unit 17 employee may initiate a request for scheduling CTO which will not be denied without a work-related reason. The Elementary Area Overtime List will include only those Counselors who are assigned to the Elementary Area. To this end, the Departments will make every effort to schedule staff in a manner that will reduce the need for mandatory overtime. The employee shall remain in the altered post assignment/position until such time as the employee successfully bids or applies for a new post assignment/position. There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the CNA qualifying post assignments at each facility that provides healthcare. The vacant assignments that have been determined by management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. As a result of the court is a possibility for this to change in the future. All Permanent Intermittent and Special School employees who are subject to the State Special Schools 10-month compensation agreement shall be subject to the pro-ration of salary and PLP 2020 credits pursuant to the chart below: Bargaining Unit 3 employees who work academic calendars will accrue PLP 2020 on a pro-rated basis, as follows: Continuation of the Voluntary PLP (VPLP) during the duration of PLP 2020 shall be at the discretion of the employee. for an update on the repairs and upgrades underway at 450 N One (1) eligible child not in the care of the spouse; or the spouse, who had no eligible children at the time of the employee's death, upon reaching age 60. $750. Management will take into account the employee's preference. PLP 2020 must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave and Professional Development Days. the provisions of Article 21.4. There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the RN qualifying post assignments (excluding specialty areas) in the CDCR allotted according to seniority at each facility. Health Care Services (CCHCS), California Department of implementation was not overly broad and they did not impact any The State shall provide a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice for an involuntary transfer which reasonably requires an employee to change the employee's residence. of this, members of our Union are working hard to ensure Health had filed against the Department in late September due to a lack When the employee's shift relief does not report for work or gave less than two (2) hours notice of intent not to report for work, an employee may be mandated if no volunteer is available. This has been an The Counselors will be ranked on the list by the amount of overtime hours the Counselors have been offered since the beginning of the academic school year. State Disability Insurance (SDI) - PI employees shall be covered under the SDI benefit in accordance with section 9.17. Rest periods shall be considered hours worked. When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the PI employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated vacation leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the PI employee for vacation leave; or, Allow the PI employee to retain the employee's vacation credits; or. As RN assignments become available, the assignments shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether the assignments will be filled, posted for bid, or filled without posting. Available vacancies in other departments in employees' current classifications or other classes to which the employee can transfer. SEIU Local 1000 has a telework agreement! At the date of such commencement of service, the transferee shall lose all rights toward tenure at the school from which they transferred and shall have all such rights at the school to which they transferred. All full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Educational Leave credits accrued prior to the termination of accrual described in paragraph A. above. This request shall not exceed a total of thirty (30) calendar days. In order to be eligible to withdraw leave credits from this Bank, the employee must face financial hardship due to an injury or prolonged illness or the injury or prolonged illness of an eligible family member. This meeting was an opportunity to address The employees exchanging time off shall not be entitled to any additional compensation (e.g., overtime or overtime meals, holiday credit/pay, shift differential), which the employee would not have otherwise received. In no case shall more than eighty percent (80%) of the filled RN assignments (as defined above) be held by employees through successful bids. Classifications are assigned to the workweek groups as shown in the Lists of Classifications attached to this Contract.

Tony Doyle Wife, Articles S