Introduction. Most students can be a bystander rather than an active participator. Learning Hub The rationales for using ILPs are addressed in the second section. Lesson work can be consolidated and extended. However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve.Debbie Light is an advanced skills teacher and a deputy head in a London secondary school. wants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. If truth be told, many of us can forget to set homework or set something rushed just to keep up with the homework timetable. Independence, resilience and TAsAsk any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. Feedback needs to be framed in such a way that it is clear to the student what their learning gaps are and how they can close them before moving onto new learning. The bank of Socratic and exploratory questions embedded within the framework enable teachers to turn a basic question into a more complex task that advances the level of thinking. The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression. Something went wrong while submitting the form, Classroom Management and aggressive behaviour. Is your school embracing a stretch and challenge agenda? To meet this new need in teaching and learning, Kerboodle launched their Stretch and Challenge worksheets. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. The effective use of questions is vital for stretching your highest-attaining learners. More activity by Ellie. Teachers as activators results in a much higher effect size; some of the key actions they take are setting up tasks with the goal of mastery learning and teaching students metacognitive strategies. Purchasing Procedure. High-quality maths: Ofsted findings undermined by MPs call for oracy education to be post-Covid priority. Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task. VAT Number 792825685 Onefile Ltd, 2005-2023. Please fill in the details so we can send over the resources. school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo If it hurts, you've pushed too far. Pygmalion in the Classroom (Pygmalion in the Classroom Rosenthal, R.; Jacobson, L. (1968) Theyll give you a. tour of the software, show you how OneFile can benefit you, and answer any questions you have. To find out more about OneFile and how you can use it to improve your apprenticeship delivery, with a OneFile expert. To find out more about OneFile and how you can use it to improve your apprenticeship delivery,download our free guide. Webinar 1hr. Teachers know there should be more 'stretch and challenge' but most have had no training in them. This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the RE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. In order for this to happen, set up a series of structured questions that require students to think hard and ensure students have enough time to grapple with the difficult concepts. Ensure that success criteria for a piece of work makes clear to students how they can demonstrate excellent quality work. Ofsted's 2015 Common Inspection Framework explicitly highlights the need to ensure effective teaching, learning and assessment for the most academically able pupils. Click here to review the details. 4) Find suitable adjectives to describe these benefits? Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. We've updated our privacy policy. Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge. However, this type of differentiation is the most time-consuming for teachers in terms of planning. Download an overview of our classroom toolkit. As Director of Academic Practice in Distance Education, I lead on innovation, evaluation, research, and practice development in online and distance education at the University of London. Stretch and Challenge. In regards to Stretch & Challenge, what is working for you and your students? The chapter first defines and introduces differentiation as a classroom concept which has relevance for educationalists at all levels in providing meaningful and productive engagement with new knowledge and skills for learners. Required fields are marked *. Every school has a range of ability levels and challenge activities should be designed to move classroom thinking forward. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. Question the process. I See Reasoning UKS2 - Gareth Metcalfe. Encourage your high attainers to read widely around a subject outside of lesson time by providing them with information about suitable materials. The problem with classwork is that students often dont have enough time to engage with a challenging task. Book Now ($74.35) Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-nding. Click Accept to consent and dismiss this message or Deny to leave this website. By using this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Metacognition: Challenge, in-class assessment and Cogito, ergo sum: Where next for critical thinking? You are not alone looking for KS2 maths challenges for high attainers. Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort. Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. "The Physics Challenge was a great opportunity to stretch ourselves and also experience some competition from 15 other teams from local schools, which we promptly crushed. This will help you create a learning baseline to build upon throughout the, learners no matter their level. At their worst, stretch tasks ask pupils to do things which are largely unrelated to the learning intention of the lesson. Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. Stretch and challenge in practice Debbie Light offers some practical strategies to raise the bar in your classroom for all pupils. February 21, 2023, 1:00 PM GMT. For many years, stretch and challenge was seen as something for the gifted and talented group. Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. And they showOfstedthat providers are taking apersonalisedapproach to apprenticeship delivery. You can read the details below. Whatever approach you take, embedding a stretch and challenge model in your classroom takes time. In the Third Edition of 'Teaching Today' Geoff Petty (2004) there is an appendix which summarises differentiation . Blue Peter 'Here's one I Prepared Earlier': pre-digested resources. Ensure that students engage with academic vocabulary on a regular basis through discussion, word games and vocabulary notebooks to consolidate knowledge. If an apprentice is fluctuating between grades, it could encourage their employer to offer a little more support and help them achieve the higher grade. Stretch and challenge evaluation 1 Executive Summary Claims that A-levels do not stretch the brightest students1 have dogged the education system in England in recent years. It goes on to discuss why differentiation is relevant, indicates . pass, merit, distinction. In fact, OneFile has everything you need for the new apprenticeship standards thats why its the most used apprenticeship software. Using frameworks such as solo taxonomy and blooms enables educators to explore the academic potential by subtly reframing the learning objective. Liked by Ellie Stretch. 3. Rather than accepting students first responses, giving students an opportunity to practise their response through oral rehearsal results in much more sophisticated thinking. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. The first section of the chapter defines and describes ILPs, and outlines the typical content and uses of such a document. Your email address will not be published. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. measure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. NHS apprenticeships: an interview with Lucy Hunte, HEE, Level 2 apprenticeships are key to social mobility. The registered office is: 6th Floor, Cornerblock, She is the co-author of Lesson Planning Tweaks For Teachers and is one half of @TeacherTweaks. The expectation should be that every student is required to think deeply and make a contribution to discussion. Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding. Within our learning skills framework, you will find various scales that outline the type of behaviours associated with these competencies. This cycle is repeated several times with different students. The stretch and challenge classroom is about creating an ethos of ambition, aspiration and passion for learning NOT creating lots of resources and simply giving students more work. Understanding, On Post-its what can you remember about each man?Make the point about their own talk being more challenging, but also more memorable, Discuss the questions in pairs - feedback. These can be facilitated 'on the fly' and challenge learners to adopt new perspectives on familiar knowledge. If students are producing a piece of homework over a sustained period of time, make sure they are provided with clear structure and steps to success so they can self-regulate. They said that education must challenge and support students at all levels, whilst identifying the most able and ensuring that they are stretched. March 9, 2023, 12:00 PM GMT. Here are my 4 top tips for ditching the differentiation madness. Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children's social care. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. 'Excellent . Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Manchester, If students dont respond to our feedback, then whats the point in marking their work?Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort.

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