Scott enthusiastically pursued the outdoors backpacking, hunting and snowboarding. Dustin desired that all would know his Savior and wasnt afraid to share Jesus. At 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260 degrees Celsius), the glue that holds the protective layers together begins to melt. In September of 2008, while on an assignment on the Klamath National Forest, the crew received a phone call from their home unit stating that they had just received certification as an Interagency Hotshot Crew. But their home, with its metal roof and stucco walls, was unscathed. Through the use of the Region 5 IHC certification process, which later became the template for the national standard, and tremendous support from the fire community, Granite Mountain persevered. All but one of the Granite Mountain Hotshots crew members died on June 30, 2013, while fighting the lightning-caused Yarnell Hill Fire. In September of 2008, while on an assignment on the Klamath National Forest, the crew received a phone call from their home unit stating that they had just received certification as an Interagency Hotshot Crew. the wildland community has needs just like the families. Crew 7 was a 20 person Type II Initial Attack hand crew, that created defensible space and was completely funded by grants, plus they were, The leadership of Crew 7 included Todd Rhines, Tim McElwee, Marty Cole, and Eric, Marsh. Now four years [] Ohio. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. And so the Granite Mountain hotshotsa young crew of specialist wildfire fighterswere called in. But their home, with its metal roof and stucco walls, was unscathed. As the article goes on to explain, there is a dispute over the accuracy of the report. This elite wildland fire crew lost 19 of its members at 1647 hours on June 30, 2013. How many wildland firefighters died in 2020? Please keep in mind our commenting ground rules before you post a comment. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. The Granite Mountain Hotshots were a crew within the Prescott Fire Department whose mission was to fight wildfires and when not so, engaged in work to reduce growth of fire-prone vegetation. Please remember that there are wives, children, mothers, fathers, and many families that are looking for what solace and closure they may find. He graduated from Bible College in 2010, and interned in northern Canada in spring of 2011. Local landmarks provided choices such as Iron Springs, Sierra Prieta, and Whisky Row, but Granite Mountain Hotshots won out and the crew was named after the dominating land feature just northwest of Prescott. He and his brothers will never be forgotten. He leaves behind his fiance, Tiffany and his daughter, Willow. Ohio. Nothing in the two official reports shed any light on this important question. Along the trail to the site are 19 granite memorial plaques, each with a photo of a hotshot and a short biography. He loved and lived life with a full heart. Chriss attitude was infectious; you wanted to be around him, and he would make you laugh. Joe could always be found at the park with the kids or in the kitchen making up a masterpiece of a meal. Only one Granite Mountain Hotshot survived the fire. Read more. There is no question that they were aware of a 3:26 p.m. weather report that . Their responsibilities were growing along with their abilities. The Vegetation Management Plan addressed the need for fuels reduction and the adoption of aWildland Urban Interface Fire Code. Their job was, in the off-season, to trim brush and limbs to protect the areas in and around Prescott. Anthony will never be forgotten. At 4:04 pm, the Granite Mountain Hotshots were still on the ridge above Glen Ilah. How long does it take for cirrhosis to turn into cancer? We must honor those that have fallen in the line of duty to learn from their sacrifice and ensure it is never repeated. He always strived to be the best in everything that he did, which led him to the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (IHC). Between the years of 2005 and 2008 619 homes were treated, 385 hazardous treesfelled (383 tons), 593 acres treated, 675 plans reviewed, 2586 additional homesassessed, 626 building plans reviewed and 10,875 tons of material taken into the citystransfer station (the transfer station collected fees per weight of material taken in andthen selling the material to various other companies). The park was authorized by House Bill 2624 introduced into the Arizona House of Representatives on February 11, 2014, and signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer on April 30, 2014. You cannot speak of the Granite Mountain Inter-agency Hotshot Crew (GMIHS) without first discussing the foundation that led to their creation. We KNOW why they left the safety zone: They thought they could make it safely to the Boulder Springs Ranch. Wade was honored to be a part of the Granite Mountain crew. Today, the story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots lives on; EMF continues to support the mission and legacy of the hotshots by providing monetary support to wildland firefighters and their families. Crew 7 was on fire assignment for a total of 52days. In September of 2008, while on an assignment on the Klamath National Forest, the crew received a phone call from their home unit stating that they had just received certification as an Interagency Hotshot Crew. The single survivor, Brendan McDonough, was selected as a lookout for the group that day. N7GMH Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial Special Event Every June 30th. Risk reduction through recent adoption of the 2012 Wildland Urban Interface Code, continued mitigation efforts via vegetation thinning and clearing projects, and continuous community awareness and outreach, are the basis for our efforts throughout the year. Based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a group of elite firefighters who risk everything to protect a town from a historic wildfire. Turning the Granite Mountain fuels crew from a wide-eyed group of 20 men not even allowed to set foot on the fire line into certified hotshots was Erics singular focus. On June 30, 2013, 19 of the 20 members of the group perished fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire: The City is continuing its strong commitment to actively manage fuel loads in the wildland-urban interface, reducing the potential and severity of wildfires. The city of Prescott was the first city in the state of Arizona to adopt a wildland/urban, interface code. Why do they call him donut in only the brave? Garret was the most generous, giving, kind and hardworking man. The problem was that the public education was happening, but we could not get the work done on the ground to protect the community. A undocumented/unrecorded radio conversation that cant be verified by other parties is a questionable source of information at this late date. Yet, one of the most important events happened in 2007. Superintendent of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew DIVS, ICT4, FIRB, FALB, EMT. To all, I ask you this and only this. Subscribe today and get 10% off your first purchase. The original logo was a pair of flaming dice that, of course, always came up seven. Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? He would always greet and leave you with a rib crushing hug and never said goodbye to anyone without an I love you.. when did granite mountain hotshots get certified kinn's the administrative medical assistant, 14th edition pdf 1 listopada 2021 | 0 kinn's the administrative medical assistant, 14th edition pdf 1 listopada 2021 | 0 100% of all proceeds from donations, merchandise sales, and fundraisers go back out to the community. Grant moved to Prescott, AZ to attend college and found the love of his life Leah Fine. In January 2016, workers from the American Conservation Experience began work on the main trail. The Granite Mountain Hotshots were born of a simple premise: the town of Prescott needed protection from wildfires. By April 2015, the board decided to purchase the land for the park. fuels crew. Published reports state at least three hotshots were drinking in a local Prescott bar on the evening of June 29. Smokejumpers are paid nothing extra for making parachute jumps; however, they do receive hazard pay equivalent to 25 percent of their base pay when working on an uncontrolled wildfire. To many, they are husbands, brothers, sons, and friends. Todd Rhines was, hired as the Fire Department Fuels Management Supervisor and Eric Marsh was hired, as a Fuels Crew Member. Supposedly Mr. Marsh who normally was the Crew Boss or Superintendent of the crew, told Mr. Steed to have the crew leave the safety zone and to join him at a ranch. This was from a highly respected judge who pulled me aside after the case. by ; 2022 June 3; wadsworth publishing desk copy; 0 . that MacKenzie did not get. He worked hard to help everyone willing to help themselves. Grant Quinn McKee was born on May 18th, 1992 in Newport Beach, CA to Grant & Marcia McKee. Josh Brolin as Eric Marsh, the leader of the hotshot crew. Do you have to pay for Barbizon Modeling? He lives in Prescott, Arizona. Through the use of the Region 5 IHC certification process, which later becamethe template for the national standard, and tremendous support from the fire community, Granite Mountain persevered. I was not very impressed with the results of the official investigation. PHOENIX Brendan McDonough survived one of the deadliest wildfires in U.S. history, an inferno near Yarnell, Ariz., that killed 19 of his fellow Granite Mountain Hotshots on June 30, 2013. Among these standards is that each crew must have at least seven members in "permanent/career" positions. The tragedy was the greatest loss of firefighters lives in the United States since the September 11, 2001, attacks. Johns honesty and loyalty guided him every step of the way and will continue to touch many forever. With Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Connelly. Soon after that, they headed downhill into a narrow box canyon that was smothered with dense, 10-foot-high chaparral. Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park, "New photos show Granite Mountain Hotshots memorial", "What to expect: Hiking Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park", "Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park opens Wednesday",, Monuments and memorials in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2022, at 01:24. Click the button below for the digital press kit for the Canadian tour of Flin Flon Flim Flam. He left his post for . Johns passion for life was deep. Jesse was the beloved husband of Desiree Steed and an amazing father to Caden and Cambria. Crew 7 fought 11 wildfires in the Prescott basin area alone. crew. The story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots begins with 20 men. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew Learning and Tribute Center. If youre considering wading into a lake, make sure the water is not over your head, nor too shallow to cover your entire body. An Investigation that claims that everyone did everything right, but 19 died, doesnt satisfy anyone in the business, and hopefully not the families and other loved ones of those that died either. I would agree that re-living this event is tough on everyone you mention, but caution against trying to shut down the ongoing discussions and questions about what really happened that day. Wade lived a life of honesty, integrity and adventure. Brendan discusses [] Answer (1 of 4): (I'm not a wildland firefighter, but I have studied both the Yarnell Hill and the Storm King disasters in depth. In April 2013 Kevin Woyjeck joined the Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew in Prescott Arizona. Chief Willis was asked to take over the Wildland Division. Robert was and would have continued to be a career Hotshot. In 2003 Eric joined the Prescott Fire Department in the Wildland Division and helped create the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew, the first wildland crew of its kind. Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshots became fully certified as an interagency hotshot crew in 2008. I loved our life together., Not a day went by that we didnt know how much he loved us, cared for us and appreciated us, said Stephanie. Robert E. Caldwell was born on August 7th, 1989. Lloyds of London offers Oregon wildfire insurance with $50 million deductible, Community near Heppner, Oregon first in Morrow County to earn Firewise designation, County Cork fire brigades work through the night on gorse fires, Renewed call for the Holy Grail of firefighter tracking, Hiker owes $300,000 for Arizona wildfire he started, Why Idahos Silver Valley is forested again. He taught his sons to be gentleman, his daughter of her divine worth, and his wife how to love unconditionally. He approached every day with optimism and excitement. I only hope that the lessons learned will in the future will prevent another disaster of this kind from happening again. He was thrilled and so proud when he became a Granite Mountain Hotshot in 2012. After graduating High School in 2009, Wade attended College on a Baseball Scholarship. Otherwise, the crew could not be cleared as a certified hotshot squad to fight wildfires each year. The ponderosa pines were being decimated by a beetle. Federal officials intended to replace the current fire shelter design following the deaths of 19 firefighters near Yarnell, Arizona in 2013. Scott grew to be a hard-working and intelligent young man of faith who loved adventure and enjoyed making others laugh. Firefighters are human beings, and human beings make mistakes, sometimes fatal ones: the best we can hope for is that the lessons learned from their deaths will help others avoid a similar fate. On June 30, 2013, 19 of the 20 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots were killed during the Yarnell Hill Fire. A discussion about guilt, depression, and growth Fire Engineering Host Jim Burneka speaks with Brendan McDonough, the lone survivor of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Granite Mountain Hotshots: (Transmission very over modulated) Breaking in on Arizona 16, Granite Mountain Hotshots, we are in front In September of 2008, while on an assignment on the Klamath National Forest, the crew received a phone call from their home unit stating that they had just received certification as an Interagency Hotshot Crew. John was truly at peace when he was out enjoying the beauty of life. Robert was 23. Note: Since publishing, the USFA has updated the total number of on-duty deaths for 2020. A dedication ceremony was held on November 29, 2016, led by Governor Doug Ducey and state senators Steve Pierce and Karen Fann. A group of men known as the Granite Mountain Hotshots -- a tight-knit team of experts trained to fight out-of-control wildfires -- died on Along with the Double Bar team, the investigation states, those at the Granite Mountain lookout should have been evacuated at 3:30 p.m. as well as the entire Granite Mountain Hotshots crew. Chief Willis applied for and was awarded a state fire assistant grant to begin, defensible space treatment on private property. In the spring of 1990, the City Manager of Prescott, Forest Supervisor of the Prescott National Forest, and Prescott Fire Department Staff met to discuss the potential for a devastating wildfire that could affect the community. Meanwhile, 35 miles north, the Granite Mountain Hotshots of Prescott, Arizona, were looking for something to do. If a hotshot trucker has a CDL and a larger trailer, he or she could haul loads weighing up to 26,000 pounds. Unfortunately, Granite Mountain HotShot family members are casting doubt on this story. Eric was kind and funny. You gain a ton of experience that you can use in the trucking industry as a whole. He then resumed his career as a :firefighter in 2011 with the Granite Mountain Hotshots. The Prescott Fire Department and the Prescott National Forest worked on addressing the wildland/urban interface and began prescribed burns and mechanical fuels mitigation with in the community. In 2001, with the support of PAWUIC and the City of Prescott, the Prescott Fire Department created a Wildland Division. Unlawful Discharge Of A Firearm South Africa, Flashover is deadly because it can catch firefighters off guard, develops rapidly with warning signs that are difficult to detect, and increases firefighting risk. On June 30, 2013, 19 of the 20 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots were killed during the Yarnell Hill Fire. During his rookie season as a hotshot, he attended wildfire training school and was awarded the fire boots for being first in his class. Sign up today and we'll send you a 10% discount code towards your first purchase. Yet, one of the most important events happened in 2007. Originally founded in 2001 as a fuels mitigation crew, they were later formed into Crew 7, a Type II IA hand-crew in 2004, and eventually transitioned into a Type I Inter-agency hotshot crew in 2008. He died along with 18 of his crew members on June 30th, 2013 while fighting the Yarnell Hill fire. Of the total number of firefighters 370,000 (33%) were career firefighters and 745,000 (67%) were volunteer firefighters. Rolling Stone Magazine has become painfully aware of this due to a recent story. Do athletes get paid for the Olympics Australia? Grant was a spectacular athletic who excelled in all sports, but took a special interest in boxing, basketball, football, & wrestling, always a furious competitor as well as a team player. Sign up to give $19 per month to help us support the wildland firefighting community. Anthony could brighten up a room with his smile and sense of humor, and he was always well liked by others. Chief Willis applied for and was awarded a state fire assistant grant to begindefensible space treatment on private property. Eric Shane Marsh (born 9-29-69) was the Superintendent of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Alsothat year the Indian Fire erupted outside the city limits of Prescott. Now, as the investigation into what went wrong nears completion, PopMech. He became a crewmember for the Granite Mountain Hotshots in 2012, after working for four years with the Crown King Fire Department. They moved to Prescott, Arizona where he began the training process for the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Eric's wife, Amanda Marsh, started The Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF). He lives on every day through his daughters bright blue eyes and an unforgettable smile. After growing up together and graduating from Prescott High School, his wife Juliann, was drawn to Andrews pure heart and genuinely kind spirit. Chief Stein Brink retired, in 2009, as the Wildland Division Chief. This crew was fully grant funded with no cost to the city of Prescott. The park, located at the site where the firefighters died,[2] is accessed by a 3.5-mile (5.6km) hiking trail from the parking area off Arizona State Route 89. If the Blue Ridge crew were ever allowed to speak, perhaps we could come closer to putting lingering doubts and questions to rest. Im afraid that legal proceedings, and testimony under oath by all involved, maybe the only way to hear the entire story? Unauthorized use of the Granite Mountain Hotshots logo is expressly prohibited. The Granite Mountain Inter-agency Hotshots were committed to 73 days of fire assignments, completing 356 assessments, 56 homes were treated, 148 additionalhomes were assessed for treatment, 137 chip jobs were completed, 101 hazardous trees felled, and 222 acres were treated with an additional 26 acres of open space. More information can be found at the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew Learning and Tribute Center website. Dan Key retired Silver city hotshot superintent. Duis kalam stefen kajas in the enter leo. The Fuels Management Crew continued to createdefensible space, treating an additional 545 homes. mitigating the problem with in the Prescott area. The GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center opened in 2019! Sean was 26 years old when he and his crew were killed fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire on June 30, 2013. By the time the Granite Mountain crew reached the base of the ridge the fire had swept into the canyon and was heading straight for the men, forcing them to deploy their fire shelters at about 4 . He left the world a better place and was truly a blessing to all he came in contact with. Please respect them, and all of us in their extended firefighting family, in your words and deeds. This continued into2002 with 738 more homes being protected by fuels mitigation/defensible space. The park entrance and trailhead is about 2 miles (3.2km) south of Yarnell.[3]. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved He proudly served as the captain to a crew he referred to as a brotherhood. coinspot deposit not showing. He loved being a wild land fire fighter because he could help protect people and land, while at the same time be immersed in the outdoors and experience the wildness of nature. 928-777-1700. training; thus becoming the Granite Mountain Inter-agency Hotshots (GMIHS). Recommendations from this report included the establishment of a wildland division and a wildland fire crew thatcould respond to wildfires and assist the community with defensible space. Then they remembered their neighbors pool. This crew was fully grant funded with no cost to the city of Prescott. Brendan is the lone survivor of the Yarnell Hill fire tragedy of 2013. Based on this foundation, in 2004, Chief Willis, with full support of the city manager and, city council established Crew 7. He studied at the college level and was fulfilling his dream offighting wildfires when he and his 18 crew members lost their lives in Yarnell. He was forever touched by the love of his friends at the Chapter Five Recovery Center, and he was equally touched by the love of his brothers in the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Brendan McDonough was the Granite Mountain Hotshots' lookout June 30 and wasn't with the rest of the crew when it was overtaken by the Yarnell Hill Fire amid shifting winds. Just by being himself, he made his parents proud and others happy. He and his Dad hiked remote trails in the Grand Canyon and in 2010 Scott was trip leader of a 230-mile,20-day private raft trip down the Colorado River with parents and friends. assisted with 267 homes, treated 159 homes and treating 113 acres. He graduated Bradshaw Mountain High School in 2003 and attended Yavapai College where he acquired his firefighter certification. After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire. He enlisted in the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a team of elite firefighters based in Prescott, Arizona. How much does a Hot Shot Driver make in California? At a fee of $55 per tree, paid for by the homeowners, these fees, covered the cost of the program. The Fuels Management Crew continued to create. Born October 12, 1984 in Prescott, into the family of Jim, Karen and Joanna Norris. He helped create the Arizona Wildfire Academy and taught basic firefighting, squad boss and leadership. He possessed a nature of no fear, always positive, coupled with love & kindness for all who knew him. The hotshots were drinking "at the Whiskey Row Pub, a dive in Prescott's historic downtown," according to 2013 story in Outside Magazine. Andrew will forever be reverenced, revered, and remembered. The largest remaining question about the Yarnell Hill Fire that killed 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew in 2013 south The largest remaining question about the Yarnell Hill Fire that killed 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshot crew in 2013 south This episode focuses on the aftermath of the June 30th, 2013 Yarnell wildfire in which 19 of his fellow Hotshot brothers died in the line of duty. All hotshot drivers are required to file an Interstate Operating Number (MC number) in addition to a DOT number. As facts come to surface, untold stories become told, and as people that where not there begin to speculate please remeber some of us still grieve everytime we see or hear the words Yarnell or Granite mountain Hotshots. On that day, 19 of the 20-man wildfire fighting crew perished while battling a fire near Yarnell, Arizona. when did jason heyward get married; vinagre con bicarbonato para la cara; personalized welcome signs, wood; why did laurence fishburne leave csi; . Nobody wants them to suffer anymore. They were on the cutting edge of the future. All images on this site is copyright Prescott Firefighter's Charities. Honest, Honorable, Remarkably Brave, Our Hero. All but one crew member died in the wildfire south of Prescott after a change in wind direction pushed the flames back toward their position. Entrapments dont last as long in light, flashy fuels as they do in dense, heavy fuels. The park opened on November 30, 2016, and had over 18,000 visitors in its first year. Clayton Thomas Whitted was born on June 27, 1985 and there are so many things that made him special. Brendan McDonough, who had separated from the crew earlier in the day, survived the incident. Scotts wild land fire career started with Payson Hotshots in 2009; he began serving with Granite Mountain in 2013. On top of all of this work Crew 7. went out for a total of 129 days on fire assignments. A Story to Tell Connor Dziawura When the Yarnell Hill Fire resulted in the deaths of 19 of the Prescott Fire Departments Granite Mountain Hotshots in 2013, millions across the country were stunned. He was in the process of building his resume and gaining experience. Prescott Fire Department Station 7 housed the crews equipment and two 10-person crew carriers. Below are the names of the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots who lost their lives while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire: Brendan McDonough, chosen as a lookout for the hotshots, survived the fire. Granite Mountain Hotshot Superintendent Eric Marsh was one of themen who lost his life that day. Unless any claims can be verifiably documented, they are merely speculation, which only serves to add to the pain and confusion of the families and the wildland fire community at large. Cro Mags Age Of Quarrel Record Store Day, (Julie Jacobson / Associated Press) By Nigel Duara June 14, 2016 3 AM PT Reporting from Phoenix Brendan McDonough survived one of the deadliest wildfires in U.S. history, an inferno near Yarnell,. Firefighters have drowned trying to shelter in water that was too deep, or died of smoke inhalation and burns in water that was too shallow to fully cover them, according to Alexander. Crew 7 received approval,from the Southwest Area Coordinating Group, becoming the first hand crew in thenation hosted by a municipality to be listed as an Inter-agency Hotshot Crew (IHC) intraining; thus becoming the Granite Mountain Inter-agency Hotshots (GMIHS). The trail is seven miles roundtrip and features 19 granite memorial plaques to honor every fallen hotshot. On the morning of June 30, all 20 members of Prescott, Arizona's Granite Mountain Hotshots headed into the mountains to protect the small town of Yarnell from an advancing blaze. Explore our childs talent throught the wonderful experience of painting. This included: 343 firefighters (including a chaplain and two paramedics) of the New York City Fire Department (FDNY); So, technically, a hotshot is still worth it. Their commitment to excellence, their hard working attitude and their love for family and community is missed. The radio exchange turned into a dispute. Entering their sixth season the 2013 Granite Mountain Inter-agency Hotshots became instructors at the Arizona Incident and Management Academy. Fire shelters are occasionally redesigned to better withstand extreme conditions. Your email address will not be published. Many young men and women join the wild land fire :fighting force as a stepping-stone to become a structural fire fighter but Robert was born for the job. Travis served in the United States Marine Corps from 2007 to 2010. A short ceremony ensued where the t that stood for trainee on the back of the Superintendents truck was scraped off, finally reading: Granite Mountain IHC. He was a talented drummer and member of several bands. Have a wildland fire news tip? Wade touched so many lives through his faith in Jesus Christ. This incident had a profound effect on public opinion surrounding the Fire Departments new fuels management program and also planted the seed for an expansion of the duties of the Fuels Management Crew. It was June 30, 2013, and it was a dry, windy day. Yes. when did granite mountain hotshots get certified best custom monopoly wlpn lp chicago, broadcasting live 105.5 fm | stay healthy stay safe | live from Bridgeport wlpn lp chicago, broadcasting live 105.5 fm | stay healthy stay safe | live from Bridgeport The total for the year is 96. He was awarded Rookie of the Year his first season. Key evidence, formerly in the possession of the Office of the Maricopa County Medical Examiner, could explain why the Granite Mountain Hotshots moved from a safe location into a treacherous box . 734 Glenferrie Road Hawthorn, NFPA estimates there were an estimated 1,115,000 career and volunteer firefighters in the United States in 2018. He was kind and caring, a hard worker and a man of great faith. These included Zuppiger, Christopher MacKenzie and the crew's sole survivor, Brendan McDonough. He was born in Hemet, California, on August 13, 1987, to Kathie Holland and Harry Warneke. As a born leader, his natural team spirit, compassion for others and athleticism combined with his love for nature made him the ideal Hotshot.
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