where is the serial number on vera bradley luggage. Use Your Planter for Planting Cover Crops and Small Grains! All propaganda to spend money. The non-aggressive, 1-inch angled spikes feather the soil in the furrow while simultaneously applying pressure to ensure the furrow is zipped shut. This website uses cookies. Theyreengineered and built to do it again and again. We don't farm any heavy black ground or sand, it's all in the middle of those somewhere. Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. For more information visit our website's Privacy Policy. The width you choose depends on the importance of depth versus compaction - the narrower the wheel, the more depth you'll achieve since the wheel is less prone to obstruction by trash or clumps of soil. The Copperhead Ag Furrow Cruiser was designed by farmers to eliminate sidewall compaction. The winners at each site for 2016 include: So whats the take home message? PO BOX 358 109 S. McDonough Colchester, IL 62326 USA. An open V shape in the seed trench means you do NOT have seed-to-soil contactresulting in yield loss. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Can get more presssure with them, better job at a shallower, Have run 2 copper heads for quite a while. S&I Distributing Finger Tills were the best for us, and Mohawks from Schaffert were almost as good. The style of the Furrow Cruiser closing wheel allows farmers to use it in all tillage conditions, from conventional to minimum and no-till, Brad notes. Dan. Products. how long does sacher torte last. The biggest advantages are seen in saturated soil or dry hard conditions. The one thing I would absolutely recommend regardless of what brand you choose is to put the RK products bearing kit on the closing wheel arm. Historically on our farm, no-till is wet, he says. Since most of our ground is field cultivated, what closing wheels can go both ways without switching closing wheels between fields. 2023 Meredith Corporation. Population Monitor for Planters and Grain Drills. Timber soil and clay hills here. Shawn and Kristy Freeland with some of their cattle, Corn with fuel pump handle representing ethanol fuel. In Stock $ 0.36 - $31.50 Closing Wheel Conversion Kits Copperhead Ag. They are designed to break up compaction without being too aggressive, and work in no-till or conventional soil. Senior Service Representative for Kinze Manufacturing Brad Niensteadt says, There are more than 50 closing wheel options on the market. Coil Closing Wheels, a proven aftermarket part to improve productivity The goal has to be to get the absolute best outcome in terms of time & money from your precision planter and seeder and you will using the revolutionary RYAN NT Coil Closing Wheels. Distributing's Finger-Till Closing Wheels - See the Difference! Conventional rubber closing wheels force the furrow closed from the top, while spiked closing wheels pinch the bottom of the seed trench while keeping the soil above it loose. Every manufacturer says their wheels are best and they work in all soils! Every piece of dirt is different an planting conditions change every year. dwayne johnson rock foundation contact. Consult Becks PFR or your trusted advisor to determine which closing wheel might be right for your farm. What is the best closing wheel or combination to run on everything from full tillage to no till in sand to heavy black ground? These lightweight wheels can close the furrow from the bottom up with enough firmness to keep soils from drying out. The Twister fractures the sidewall as it rolls through the field. In 2018, S.I. To understand what changes are needed to improve your closing wheel system, inspect the seed trench for excessive sidewall compaction, air pockets, and poor seed-to-soil contact. The Norseman gauge wheel arms that are distributed by S.I. The ring design maintains wheel depth and also firms the soil, eliminating possible air pockets. Becks 2018 PFR indicated that aggressive closing wheels, like the Finger-Till Closing Wheels, increased yields and emergence. The rounded center ringsized 12" to match the size of rubber closing wheelsmaintains consistent depth. Distributing are made in the USA, with the same standard of excellence. And spending money on them? We use cookies to continuously improve our services and visitor experience. Acres to pay off uses the price of the specific closing wheel, the corn/soybean price, and the Bu./A. imagine kit homes reviews nz; 1997 mlb draft signing bonuses; city of fort worth sidewalk details; shamrock marathon 2022; The corn plants had already germinated and started to grow, but not having soil over the seed, the nodular roots failed to emerge below the soil surface. Have had them on for 4 years, love the job they do in closing the trench. In addition, there are limits on salt loading near the seed, but by utilizing this system our data shows that farmers can increase their early-season nitrogen and increase yield. 2015 Closing Wheel Study- Which Wheel Types Help Increase Performance and Yield? A rounded center-ring design maintains the depth of the twisted spikes and makes it effective in a wide range of soil conditions. COMPARE SETTINGS: Avoid the most aggressive setting for closing wheel pressure in conventional tillage if you can. Its basically a double life closing wheel, which is a big benefit when guys start talking about cost and ROI.. Mistakes made when setting closing wheels on your corn planter can create issues that impact yield. Distributings Finger-Till Closing Wheels were given the status of "PFR Proven" byBecks Practical Farm Research. The Twisters rounded center ring maintains consistent depth. Black piggy bank with downward trend line representing recession. Don't know what they cost to replace. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. With sharp spikes you need to be aware of them wrapping trash or spearing stalks and root balls. In their defense, I think mine were worn out. I would ask a neighbor what works for them but I wouldn't ask someone across the country. These wheels seemed to do a good job both in the no-till and the tilled fields. We like the Martin spiked wheels in higher moisture no-till soils. If you run the copperheads or getters In conventional tillage can you get good results only running 1 paired with the original rubber? "It also works well in hard or wet ground, where it can be harder to close the trench." +1. The Twister performs in varying soil conditions, cover crops, and tillage practices. Especially with todays market prices. We would expect the benefits of this system to be more pronounced on fields that have more rolling topography. is a conversion kit to adapt to Kinze Brush-Type Seed Meter to fit a John Deere 7200, 7300 and 1700 Series Finger Pick-Up Seed Box. By continuing on this website or clicking "Ok" we will assume that you have read this information and consent to receive cookies on our website. +1 on the furrow cruiser, I have used them for 3 seasons so far, work great in no till and tillage systems, no special adjustment, except spring tension, when switching fields. Data found here is only a starting point. It feathers the soil in the furrow with its wide track design, and is made to work in tough soils. Brad installed the Furrow Cruiser closing wheels on his own planter this past spring. I have probably 700 acres per row on mine and have only changed one bearing. The experience of a Senior Service representative at Kinze Manufacturing with Kinze's new closing wheel, the Furrow Cruiser, on his own farm. Setting row cleaners is a pain. Bullseye Seed Tubes:Reduce seed tube bounce;Reduce excessive wear;Feature a long life with the tungsten-carbide tip;Feature a smooth path to the trench. If a product has been tested in Becks PFR and found to provide annual yield gains and averages a positive ROI over a minimum of three years, that product earns the status of PFR Proven.. Sometimes though, cutting costs or staying stagnant with your management practices could actually hurt your bottom line. Cast iron on clay no till ground works good for me. Distributing explains that S.I. A planter with hydraulic weight transfer can help ensure even planting depth across the entire planter bar. Finger-Till closing wheel for John Deere, Kinze and White planters that use a 5/8" or 16mm bolt to attach closing wheels. Have been using dawns now for 6 years with the lighter spring they show little wear. We like the Martin spiked wheels in higher moisture no-till soils. eFlow also improves the flow of seed from the hopper to the meter. These include wheat, oats, cereal rye, turnips, radishes, crimson clover and more. Its all just a game. Hello from YetterCo.com! It feathers the soil in the furrow with its wide track design, and is made to work in tough soils. All Rights Reserved. Then evaluate your field conditions, soil type, and tillage practicesyou may want to adjust the spacing to ensure you are properly breaking through the sidewall and creating optimal seed-to-soil contact. Cost-effective and easy to install: The Twister Poly Closing Wheel is built for durability with ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) plastic. SCHAFFERT 4 LINK CLOSER WITH WALKING AXLE - CORN, SCHAFFERT 4 LINK CLOSER WITH WALKING AXLE - SOYBEAN, FASTTRAC CLOSING SYSTEM ACRES TO PAY OFF. I was intending to do a fair amount of no-till last spring but ended up doing less than I had originally planned on. The walking axle creates a walking motion of the closing system, allowing the unit to travel more smoothly when dealing with obstructions and increased changes in the soil surface. They still look good. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. As the Zipper closes it creates indentations which allow moisture to sink in. Soil crumbled around the seed, creating ideal growing conditions. In the charts below, a smaller number means the 2x2x2 system "pays for itself" more quickly. Acra-Plant products include: Notched Disc Openers, V-Slice Inserts and V-Shots, Fertilizer Knives, Quick Change Fertilizer Knives and Blu-Jet Parts. Closing wheels include cast closing wheel, Close-N-Till wheels, Finger-Till closing wheels and Rubber closing wheels. Available for Case-IH, Great Plains, Kinze, John Deere and White. "You don't have to change your closing wheel for any specific planting situation," he says. And with a lot of no-tillers in that customer base, helping identify no-till yield-boosting practices is a big part of the effort. Our soils stay wet and tight until you scratch them in the spring. If you use no-till or other alternative till planting methods, you know how difficult it is to properly close seed furrows. We hav No-Till Passport: No-Till Around the World, On Trial: Finding The Best Closing Wheel For No-Till, [Video] Selecting Closing Wheels for Planting in a No-Till, Cover Crop Environment, [Video] PTT Introduces New Planter Blades for Double Disc Openers, Closing Wheels, Taking The No-Till Planter To The Field In Tip-Top Shape - Bill Lehmkuhl - NNTC 2015 Presentation - MP3 Download, Putting Your No-Till Planter In Position To Plant Seeds Of Success - Dave Dum (NNTC 2014 Presentation) - MP3 Download, Cash In On The Secrets Of Proper No-Till Planter Setups, Planter Maintenance: The Foundation for a Successful Season [Webinar], Ask the Operator: Help Me with Cover Crops! Mostly no till in clay soils. Setting 3 averaged 225 bushels per acre. Gauge wheel arms, assemblies and tires available for John Deere drills, Kinze planters, Great Plains planters, Monosem planters and White planters. This resulted in my highest no-till corn yields to date. The PPS Flange Bushing Rebuild Kits will eliminate ALL areas of unwanted movement in the parallel linkage arms. Planting season is sneaking up on us and we will be in the field before we know it. e-Flow is a special blend of talc and graphite improves seed loading and seed release and that improves seed spacing. This double-roller bearing. A properly tensioned seed firmer may do some good. FasTrac utilizes a chevron closing wheel system to help manage the soil density in the seed trench and eliminate open seed slots. Also, make sure its firmed into the soil. If youre rolling the dice with factory rubber closing wheels, or leaving it up to the weather Mother Nature sends your way, youre missing an opportunity to maximize yield. The Yetter Poly Twister performs in a wide spectrum of soil conditions, from wet to ideal. Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. There are many available attachments that can help modify your planter for no-till, but the place to start may be at the back of the planter. Kho St Cng Trnh Ngm kent, wa police news today. Where do you set closing wheel pressure on your corn planter? WHY SHOULD I PLACE FERTILITY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ROW AT PLANTING? Easy to change . No flipping chunks of soil and seed out. This provides good seed to soil contact, leading to more even emergence and higher yields. Forget about it. Just another site best closing wheels for conventional till Mohawk spikes are made of heavy duty cast steel for longer wear, and they penetrate 1 deep to not disturb the seed. 4-YEAR MULTI-LOCATION NITROGEN PLACEMENT YIELD AVERAGE, PLANTER ATTACHMENTS: 2X2X2 SYSTEMS ACRES TO PAY OFF. Getting the slot closed is my concern. They seem to be lasting very well so far. Safe levels of salt (N + K20 lb./A.) This would be into wheat and soybean stubble. Each planting season, farmers face a critical challenge: how to successfully close the seed trench. I've been running the schlagels about ten years here no-till and worked ground. I took the seed firmers off and am satisfied with the results. Works great. The Schaffert Zipper is an angled cast spike closing wheel designed to take the place of standard rubber closing wheels. It works in all soil types, even the toughest of no-till conditions. Have ran schlagels for 10 years. When its established, water easily reaches the seed. In the fourth notch? In doing so, Becks PFR tests claims from the various manufactures that their closing wheels will allow farmers to hit fields earlier in the season, when conditions may be wet and no-till scenarios are less than desirable. Thats the big question Becks Hybrids seeks to answer by putting several closing wheel options to the test in multiple locations. A Twister Closing Wheel can be installed in as little as five minutes. For east-central Nebraska, Yetter closing wheels might be your best option. The Twister Closing Wheel works in wide range of tillage practices: minimum till, conventional, strip-till, vertical tillage, and no-till. Blacksand: You need something behind the spiked wheels. DISTRIBUTING FINGER-TILL The S.I. Inspect behind the planter when tillage practices and soil conditions change. Its what comes on most planters its what most farmers have always known. What impact would a recession have on farming. Another point Brad makes to customers is that the Furrow Cruiser has two wear sides. One site where a closing wheel study was conducted was just outside Union City, Ohio, sister city to Union City, Ind. Get in touch with our dealers today! The adjustment usually relies on the soil condition and type. Over time the closing spikes can wear down. Registered in England and Wales. You may elect to run Keeton Seed Firmers to help with this process. Replace worn parallel arms and bushings in parrallel linkage for John Deere and Kinze Planters. S. IL. best closing wheels for conventional till 3- Classes pack for $45 best closing wheels for conventional till for new clients only. Also corn planted notill into bean stubble, spring field cultivated only, fall chiseled then spring field cultivated, spring vertical tillage on bean stubble and fall made strips for strip till. Another bonus was being able to use this closing wheel in conventional till. The seed V cracked back open, leaving the seed exposed in the furrow. Even then, most of the time they perform fine in tilled ground. Wearparts seed disc openers, with Forges De Niaux blades and PEER bearings, feature improved life with sharp cutting-edge retention due to high hardness. The spikes angle design does not flip or throw soil outit allows for accurate release. Copyright 2023. This double-roller bearing stays tight and withstands the abuse, unlike the OEM threaded bushings. While the Martin spikes have always performed fairly well in no-till, and still performed the best in planting no-till corn into a dry June hayfield, the Mohawks and Zippers performed best overall. The Furrow Cruiser planter closing wheels combine a wide wheel with spiked teeth to provide simultaneous firming and crumbling on both sides of the seed trench. Putting on Mohawks from Schaffert this yearI'll let you know next year if it was the thing to do LOL. With one and one all soil types had better emerges than double rubber wheel, but double Dawn curvatines was to agressve and pulled out some seed on the lighter soils , on heavy soils double curvatines worked very good. You may want to dig a cross-section of a seed trench, perhaps in each row, to make sure youre getting the placement you want. He also explains that the side fins provide depth control and fine-tune the soil. Controls from the cab give producers the ability to manage downforce on the units as well as allowing them to be completely raised when not in use. This results in spindly plants and small ear placement and downed corn in the field. Furrow Cruiser-Conventional Till - YouTube 0:00 / 4:25 Furrow Cruiser-Conventional Till 10,434 views May 13, 2014 20 Dislike Share Save Copperhead Ag Products 422 subscribers The Furrow. Currently running 2 rubbers. Key Benefits: Very versatile, durable, and closes the seed slot with ease. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over. Regarding corn, S.I. Posted 1/24/2023 21:41 (#10058190 - in reply to #10058162) Subject: RE: Best closing wheels or combination. It hasnt changed much over several decades. Which closing wheel is right for no-till operations? Check them out at www.copperheadag.com. The cast wheels are installed in place of the rubber tires on the same frame structure, and feature the same force adjustment as the rubber tire closing system. concepts | standards | trends | latest | research | future In almost all cases, the alternative closing wheel setups helped the fibrous roots push through the sidewall better than the solid rubber control. Do you need a seed firmer if you run Schlagels? But we feel the Furrow Cruiser offers the best bang for the buck., Weve partnered with Copperhead Ag to offer the Furrow Cruiser closing wheel as a factory installed option and as a retrofit kit available for all Kinze planter models, he says. Case IH expands planter lineup with new and updated Early Riser models, Kinze announces 5000 Series row unit, two new planters, 2023 refresh coming to Case IH Early Riser planters. Alternative closing wheel setups consistently outperform two solid rubber closing wheels. Martin-Till Planting Attachments include: Floating Row Cleaners, Fixed Row Cleaners, Fertilizer Opener, Spading Closing Wheels & Drag Chains. I run seed firmers also. The Norseman gauge wheel arms that are distributed by S.I. If they cannot penetrate the sidewall, the roots will not build a good brace root system, and the plants will tend to fall over later in the season. I think you will find that our Thompson wheel performs among the best in true no-till across all soil types for closing action, although it does essentially no seed firming. You may elect to run Keeton Seed Firmers to help with this process. The Living Legends of No-Till History, Wheat Sets The Table For 5-Year No-Till Rotation, Planter Maintenance: The Foundation for a Successful Season [Webinar], Ask the Operator: Help Me with Cover Crops! Make sure the seed trench is closing and you are getting good seed-to-soil contact. I haven't seen better performance from a dual purpose closing wheel than the standard rubber tire. Farm Progress Show annually hosts more than 600 exhibitors displaying new farm equipment, tractors, combines and farm implements; seed and crop protection products; and many additional farm supplies and services. to apply to corn as a function of soil texture and placement. best closing wheels for conventional till INTRO OFFER!!! PLANTER ATTACHMENTS: CLOSING WHEEL ACRES TO PAY OFF. They also use the same bearing as JD rubber wheels. 2 plastic kinze spikes work ok and I have them in my bean rows now. Best closing wheels or combination - thefoolishfarmer: 1/25/2023 07:38. How to adjust closing wheels Goebel recommends this procedure: First, do some digging behind the planter and make sure the seed is at the depth you've selected. Terrasym 401 + DUSTfor soybeansandTerrasym 450 + DUSTfor cornare designed to deliver improved nutrient uptake leading to robust early season root development, enhanced tolerance of abiotic stress throughout the growing season, and higher yields at harvest. If the seed is at the right depth and firmed into the trench, back off closing wheel pressure to the correct setting, experts recommend. It is made to work in tough soils. Goebel notes that White planters are designed so seed firmers attach easily. My vote would be for Schlagel. Closing wheel aggressiveness was compared at seven sites, with the first setting being the lightest and the fourth setting the heaviest. I agree with the statement that you should try some different wheel styles on your soil types. This spiked closing wheel also offers a unique combination of sidewall crumbling and soil firming. Two rubber wedge wheels and drag chains is a pretty good combo for me. As a general starting point, we recommend spacing your Twister Closing Wheels at1 1/4" to 1 1/2". Almost every closing wheel at each of the four sites provided a yield advantage over the control. Use the minimum pressure required to completely close the furrow in order to maximize emergence. Redirecting to https://www.beckshybrids.com/pfresearch/Detail/ArtMID/1316/ArticleID/2736/PFR-PROVEN-PLANTER-ATTACHMENTS wreck in west monroe, la today. Closing Wheel Brackets for your John Deere,Kinze, Case-IH & White Planters. The Drill Cruiser works in virtually all soil types- from sandy to heavy and clay-based, and provides improved seed slot closure in both conventional and no-till practices. It also works well in hard or wet ground, where it can be harder to close the trench., In Brads own operation, he uses conventional tillage and no-till corn into beans. Products include: Acres Plus Seed Box Toppers, Air Design Scrapers, Depth-A-Matic, Down Pressure Spring Package, Seed Tube Guard, Trail Jet and the Trash Guard. For related content and insights from industry experts, sign up for Successful Farming newsletters. best closing wheels for conventional tilltypes of family health services. But We don't recommend pairing them with any other wheel to get the perfect stitching effect. In no-till, its often necessary to go to the heaviest pressure to properly close the slot over the seed, Agco spokespeople say. Bought a new kinze two years ago and I think they make their own now. For more info check them out at www.Prostitchag.com pbutler You dont have to change your closing wheel for any specific planting situation, he says. Outback Wrap Hose Tamersare multiple-hose containment wraps that tame up to 14 hoses! Yetter 6200 Twister Closing Wheels have a twisted-spike design that breaks up sidewall compaction and is effective in a wide range of soil conditions. The Atlanta, Ind.-based, family-owned seed company conducts wide-ranging agronomic trials in its Practical Farm Research (PFR) program in support of its customers in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. CleanSweep is a dual air cylinder that lets you set and adjust your row cleaners down pressure from the cab. Keeton Seed Firmers set the seed at the right depth and create consistent seed-to-soil contact. Precision Planting introduced a new closing wheel system with downforce adjustment, which its testing intensely this growing season. Closing Wheels for Planters Thompson Wheel T32, Built-in Toe-out more $145.00 Add Info toe-out wedge 5/8 more $6.50 Add Info Medium Closing Bracket Spring more $9.50 Add Info Med closing wheel spring, Great Plains Twin Row Planter more $11.00 Add Info All About Closing Wheels for Planters Faster Emergence, More Vigor Most of my ground is no-till each year, just the occasional tilled field if changing rows etc. The Twister crumbles soil to break up sidewall compaction and eliminate air pockets. With the label of industry standard, many farmers find it difficult to even consider new options for closing wheels. Outback Wrap Hydraulic Hose Markers are a "one-size-fits-all" identification wrap for hydraulic hoses that are 1/4" to 1-1/2". Two Dawn Curvetine wheels had a 5.6-bushel-per-acre advantage over the solid rubber wheels at harvest. Thus, good root systems will form and the corn will product a big robust stalk and a good root system with big ears of corn, and they wont blow over like they have in this photo. The FVC does not run in the seed trench, but rather to the side of the seed V opening, making it easier to place starter fertilizer and/or chemicals in the furrow with the seed. In evaluating agronomic practices and input products, not comparing seed products, Becks PFR aims to help farmers maximize their input dollars and increase their bottom line. The wrong setup can negate all the proper placement and depth you have achieved. ", CNC Laser Programmer and Operator - 3rd Shift, Toolbar-Mount Coulters/Toolbars/Rotary Hoes, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Guide. Distributing's Finger-Till Closing Wheels: VIDEO: S.I. Learn more about the different versions and what is included. . We have had good luck with Yetter cast spike wheels and the Martin spaders. More than 110 different studies were conducted in 2016, comparing over 150 products across multiple locations to learn how different management practices and new technologies perform in field environments. Thanks, Martin spaders on both sides. Spoked closing wheels are often added to planters to help close the seed-vee. The winners at each site for 2016 include: Indiana | 2 Copperhead Ag Furrow Cruisers | +6.6 Bu./A. Though the difference was much less in conventional tillage. The non-aggressive, 1-inch angled spikes feather the soil in the furrow while simultaneously applying pressure to ensure the furrow is zipped shut. Available f, or Case-IH, Great Plains, Kinze, John Deere and White. I have run Mohawks for about 8 years with about 500 acres each year. The Andersons grows enduring relationships through extraordinary service, a deep knowledge of the market, and a knack for finding new ways to add value as we have done for nearly 70 years. I dribble 15 gal of fertilizer behind them on each side of row and I think the crumbling effect helps fertilizer get into soil. Would rather have 2 rubber wheels over 2 cast or cast/spike combo. If you have had issues with root balls and other obstructions lifting or impacting closing wheels, then you should consider this attachment. Feature a long life with the tungsten-carbide tip; Wearparts seed disc openers, with Forges De Niaux blades and PEER bearings, feature improved life with sharp cutting-edge retention due to high hardness. The Rebounder is a simple-yet-effective planting attachment that improves the accuracy anduniformity of in-furrow seedplacement by funneling all seeds to the center of the seed V. This eliminates seed bounce, resulting in seeds being flipped on top of the soil. Goebel recommends this procedure: First, do some digging behind the planter and make sure the seed is at the depth youve selected. [Webinar], VIDEO: Longtime No-Tiller Uses Old Feed Grinder to Blend Cover Crops, No-Till, Conservation Practices Boost Bottom Line with 34% ROI, Modifications to John Deere 1890 Air Seeder, 1910 Air Commodity Cart Reduce Drift, 5 Pillars for No-Till Farming Effectively, Efficiently, Making the Precision Basics Even Better with Implement Guidance, Focusing on Smarter, Sustainable Fertilizing Strategies, How We Did It Docuseries: Duo Lift Manufacturing (part 1). The Precision Planting eSet Meter is a retrofit system that goes inside of a John Deere vacuum meter and uses a flat disk without cells that are sensitive to seed size and shape, paired with a floating singulator that doesnt need adjustments. I dont see how anybody can go wrong with either wheel. You can see in this photo where the seed V is cracked back open on each side of the growing corn plant that has fallen down. Futures: at least 10 minute delayed. Mounted behind the closing wheels, Yetter Farm Equipment's 2969 Fertilizer Opener will follow the ground contour and apply fertilizer up to 1.5 inches deep and 2-3 inches off the row. Poor seed-to-soil contact is a major cause of uneven emergence, a problem that can result in yield loss. Features: Closing wheel testsMeanwhile, Darren Goebel, agronomist and manager of global agronomy and farm solutions for Agco, notes closing wheel pressure is one test his company has conducted in its Crop Tour program over the past few seasons.
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