Ive never known anyone who wasnt. Where does it exist?, Penny seemed anxious and a little irritable at being pushed or quizzed. Phyllis, Marvin and Yalom never met together, Love's Executioner General Chapter Overviews, CH 7 Yalom - Transference & Transparency/ CH, . Matthew turned back to me and, until he finished his story, did not again look at Thelma. 2) The freedom to make our lives as we will. Though the nature of the event was never revealed to Marvin, he now believes, on the basis of a few stray comments by his mother, that his father had either been unfaithful or a compulsive gambler. Ill tell you. In those days I would have deepened Marges hypnotic state, regressed her in age, asked her to explore early traumasfor example, her fathers sexual abuseand urged her to experience and discharge all the attendant feelings, the fear, the arousal, the rage, the betrayal. But that day the tears had no end. Far from wanting to take back her freedom from Matthew, she had a lust for submission. And what had she done for their birthdays? Gone also was my patient. Thats beautiful! From her description it seemed an ordinary purse snatching. I couldnt go any farther, but it was too narrow to turn around and go back. . And then I slipped into a reverie about my own letters. I know the feeling, Ive done the same thing. I could scarcely think of a single person with whom I less wished to be intimate. Though nightmares differ in manifest content, the underlying process of every nightmare is the same: raw death anxiety has escaped its keepers and exploded into consciousness. I was unnerved by the image of this woman screaming like a wounded animal, and took a few moments to clear it from my mind. Furthermore, she was convinced that, probably because of my presence, he had adopted a pseudo- therapeutic voice and manner which she had found patronizing. With rare exceptions he learned that the spiritual union was a mirage. If one feels in no way responsible for ones predicament, then how can one change it? She continued: In case you have a hard time believing me, perhaps these will help!. And there with her face in spasm, like Quasimodos, horribly distorted, barely able to talk. No, she lacked the stamina for hiking. But on several occasions he encountered a woman socially, locked gazes, and experienced a spiritual melding with her. Instead there arose a haunting question: In this relationship, who had exploited whom? Matthew was amused that nothing had changed; there was no need to explain anything to himafter all, he knew everything about her. The surgeon admits that was true. Could I see her doing that? To risk placing herself in the situation where she might be obligated to nurse you? Get on with it! For one thing Carlos had, months before, only half jokingly told Betty he was going to take her to Hawaii for a weekend when she had lost a hundred pounds. He said he didnt bother to ask Phyllis: he knew shed raise hell. I was careful not to demean the letters by suggesting he was using them as a means to an end. I never thought of it that way before!. These disturbing feelings had vastly compounded Bettys weight problems. But it was also important that he continue attending his therapy group. He commented once that these dusty events belonged to another age, almost another century. And then a dream providing specific grievances:Im watching a heart transplant. Im sure shes gone: that performance required great vital energy, and by now Marge and I have sucked all that juice out of her. In some desperation, I stretched for ways to be helpful to Betty. He took over the hour: first with the silly business of the glasses, and then with his determination to stick that chart in my hands whether I wanted it or not. Tell me more about what youre struggling with in your life, I asked. A wounded healer, a Christ figure who had sacrificed his own integrity for Thelma? The dying words of one of my patients (in If Rape Were Legal . He arrived at the conclusion that getting rich was what life was all about. You called me a dozen times a day. I can take other guesses. Chrissies death and Pennys deep disappointment in her two sons must have kindled her regret at having given up her girls, must have made her feel that not only did the wrong child die, but the wrong children were adopted. I mused aloud, What would she have said in that situation? Of the thirty-five people who phoned for an appointment, Penny was the first. Another reason we can never fully know another is that we are selective about what we choose to disclose. Theyre printing those things for somebodytheres gotta be a market out there. A little more of this treatment would be unendurable. She added, with a grim smile, A little more treatment would kill the patient.. Then he rose from his chair and paced about in my office, gulping air in great draughts. I just fear were heading toward trouble. whats the word? Books published by Basic Books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. We are meaning-seeking creatures. I have never been loved. What I heard in the session with Matthew was precisely that. She had perceived how critically important it was to me to succeed, to satisfy my intellectual curiosity, to follow everything through until the very end. The second letter was a simple announcement of Dr. K.s death and schedule of memorial services. You see how naturally his caring comes?. During a long conversation about his years fellowship, I mentioned that I once had a friend, Saul, who also had a rewarding stay there. This woman, this Me, she understood me. I didnt know her name and she didnt have much freedom, but we each knew how to find the other. Dammit! Then, at one museum, the aged guardian offers proof his parrot is the real one. Ill make it anonymous. I panic. He didnt know where his boundaries werewhere he ended and you began. I wanted to leave an imprint on your life. The irony of it all. There is no rear-vision mirror. Set a reasonable goalyou can do this as well as I. Im here today to be helpful to Thelma. If there had been any traffic coming the other way, I wouldnt be here today.. Please read the following five stories in this collection: Love's Executioner, Do Not Go Gentle, Two Smiles, Three Unopened Letters, and In Search of the Dreamer. Rememberand she held out a silver chain she wore around her neckI was a latchkey kid., I saw Penny once more, a year later, when I returned from my sabbatical. But what I really disliked about Elva was her anger. The weeks passed, the campaign continued. The information emerged slowly, not because he was unwilling to tell me about retirement, but because he attached little importance to the event. Dave, being a person who needed extensive time in therapy simply to learn how to use it, scoffed at my interpretation instead of considering whether there was any truth in it. When Betty told me about going to a western bar where two rednecks sidled up behind her and mocked her by mooing like a cow, I felt outraged for her and told her so. The most I can hope for is to stay out of a mental hospital. But to make things worse, Im not sleeping. For example, I might point out that she was staking out a role of fragility that would immediately discourage the open discussion she said she wished. Therapeutic Monogamy 10. The night before our meeting, he had had a short dream which was full of mystery. Existence pain. In a way he stood between me and the grave. What happened then? It was the first time he had seen Thelma in eight years, and if he was in any way startled by the physical aging she had undergone, his boyish, good-natured smile gave no evidence of it. It was wrong to talk to her about Marge. Penny replied that she hadnt acted out of love for Chrissie but instead had put herself first. Copyright 2023 Irene Stoppoloni, UKCP Reg., MBACP, MA | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Dont play dumb with me! Before proceeding, I considered alternatives: Was I being too hasty, too active? Start by lying here on the couch and concentrating on your breathing. She had grown up, an only child, on a small, poor ranch in Texas where her mother has lived alone since her fathers death fifteen years ago. Was it malpractice not to do that? Only the deepest despair could have generated an illusion with the strength and the tenacity to have endured for eight years. You are someone Id love to have as a friend, but there is no way to do it on an open basis. I think I just collapsed in a kitchen chair and sat there. Perhaps, he suggested, I was tired of talking treatments and wanted to switch specialties. I noted wryly that my resorting to professional diagnostic jargon meant I must really be angry with her. It sounds like youre still having trouble trusting me and other doctors., If doctors were trustworthy, they would have thought of calling the neurosurgeon in time and my husband would still be alive!, Theres so much going on here today, so many issuesyour pain, your concerns (and misconceptions) about hypnosis, your fears of appearing foolish, your anger and distrust of doctors, including meI dont know which to attend to first. Ive thought it before but never said it out loud., She put her head down, almost into her lap. His voice cracked. Penny went to work at thirteen, dropped out of school at fifteen, was an alcoholic at sixteen, married and divorced before she was eighteen, remarried and escaped to the West Coast at nineteen, where she proceeded to bear three children, buy a home, bury her daughter, divorce her husband, and put a down payment on a large cemetery plot. 1. Over the years Ive always called him whenever Ive changed therapists., But I thought you did not discuss him with all these therapists., I didnt. Thats what really blows my mind. It was also about the time that I was coercing Marvin into recognizing that his sexual preoccupation was in reality deflected death anxiety (see In Search of the Dreamer), and unwisely badgering Dave into understanding that his attachment to ancient love letters was a futile attempt to deny physical decline and aging (Do Not Go Gentle). I get the point.". Dead and in his grave for over a year and a half. When I was eighteen, I went to a counselor at an alcohol clinic who was an ex-alcoholicshe was good, she asked the right questions. Id be living in an empty world. There is no adventure more exciting, nothing so wonderful and frightening, and so fraught with danger, as delving into the mind of a human being. All this rich reality had been blotted out by my obsession. Hes violated the basic code of any helping profession. What changes in his life had occurred then? I was afraid I would find her dead in this large castle on a high mountain. Summary: Love's Executioner offers us the humane and extraordinary insight of renowned psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom into . It began with: Death is all around me. His face fell, she reported, when he first caught sight of her, but, to his everlasting credit, he acknowledged that he was indeed George and then behaved like a gentleman throughout dinner. Sooner or later I know that I will do it, its the only way out. I could have, for example, given more serious consideration to Thelmas twenty years of psychiatric care! Bettys father had died of cancer when she was twelve, and since then she had been terrified of the disease. His self-depreciation took on Gargantuan dimensions. Havent you had enough, for Chrissakes? Id like to wire her jaws shut! In summary, T.H. The bad news was that she had had a violent confrontation with Jim, her older son, and, in response, had been alternating between rage and crying jags all week. Cervantes asked, Which will you have: wise madness or foolish sanity? It was clear which choice Harry and Thelma were making! He freely offered the names of hospitals and his treating physicians if I should want to call. But why? At this point she started to sob. Why does an attractive, presumably accomplished young man select a sixty-two-year-old woman who has been lifeless and depressed for many years? She sensed their dread that she might crowd them by sitting next to them. Maybe youd like to get some caring from the group, but how can you get it when you come on so tough? I was afraid shed be very embarrassed about this later, and I didnt want to make it worse by any hint of criticism. Irvin D. Yalom, M.D., is the author of The Schopenhauer Cure, Lying on the Couch, Every Day Gets a Little Closer, and Love's Executioner, as well as several classic textbooks on psychotherapy.. I guess I accepted Marge as a patient for many reasons; but, more than anything, I believe it was shame, shame at choosing the easy life, shame at shunning the very patients who needed me the most. Yes, a week from Tuesday would be fineno emergency.. Most of all, she regrets her childlessness and her refusal many years ago to see a fertility doctor., Marvin, Im amazed. Hers was malfunctioning: it was located too close to the surface of her body. Concentrate on having a good conversation. Sometimes he talked about his physical discomfort and his loathing of chemotherapy, but most of all he talked about women and sex. Why did he have to say letters of a certain relationship earlier in the meeting? Perhaps Thelma was right in protecting herself from me at this point. She was certain, and soon convinced me she was correct, that the guilt about her shameful behavior was the reason she couldnt let Chrissie go, the reason her grief had been frozen for four years. Marvin put aside his notepad and from memory recited:The two men are tall, pale, and very gaunt. You cant go on living a lie or an illusion! Had I referred her to a therapy group as a way of dumping her or, at least, sharing the load and getting her partly off my hands? . Only Thelma could tell me. Consider ten to be the most significant revealing you can imagine and one to be the type of revealing you might do, lets say, with strangers in a line at the movies., A mistake. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "If Dr. C only knew what really happened." She began to shed bulk. Can you believe I still feel spooky when I think about this?, Your mother? Psichologiniai sunkumai vis dar kartu su gdos jausmu iekoti pagalbos. (He was a member of a half-dozen churches because he believed they provided him with ideal pickup opportunities.) He had always had great difficulty speaking in public: excruciatingly sensitive to any criticism, he had often, he said, made a spectacle of himself by viciously counterattacking anyone who questioned any aspect of his presentation. Marie reminded me of a beautiful aunt who wore her hair the same way and played a major role in my adolescent sexual fantasies. For some reason, Im not sure why, I had a premonition that this day was not going to be an ordinary day. Besides, most are less than three pages. How authentic, empathic, or accepting could I be? It was actually doing something for the patient. Isnt that what depression is all about?, Sometimes when people get depressed, certain thoughts circle around in their mind., I start to feel that I will always fail in sex, that my life as a man is over. I felt pleased with our work but was not deluded into thinking that she had finished therapy, nor was I surprised, as our final session approached, to see a recrudescence of her old symptoms. Thats one place where Marvin needs you and can wield no control over you., Phyllis responded hesitantly at first, and then the words began to pour out of her. Carloss improvement increased exponentially. Carlos had dreamed that he went to a rental agency to rent a car, but the only ones available were Honda Civicshis least favorite car. When Saul called later that evening, I was alarmed by the somber and aloof timbre of his voice. I want my life to mean something. In fact, I stopped reading it halfway through because it was so upsetting, and Im someone who hates leaving things unfinished. I tried to raise this question with her but, no matter how I put it, I felt that I was whining, Why dont you like me as much as Matthew?, You know, Thelma, theres something else going on alongside your letting Matthews opinion of you mean everything, and that is you refuse to let my opinion mean anything at all to you. We had been talking about the end of therapy, and she described how accustomed she had become to meeting with me and how difficult it would be to say goodbye next week, how losing me would become another in her string of losses, when she mentioned, casually, Did I ever tell you I had twins when I was sixteen?. She remained proud, somewhat judgmental, and resistive to new ideas. Twenty years of therapy? My secretary said you sounded desperate. I do a lot of thinking about aging and death, but my thoughts are too morbid to talk about. I had been badly shaken by having expressed some monstrous feelings about my mother, and Olive Smith leaned over the couch and said gently, That just seems to be the way were built.. What had we done to drive Dave away? Finally, it was time to help her turn toward her sons. She watched her mother kill chickens and heard the squeal of hogs being slaughtered. Of coursesoul, not sole! Conquer was his word. At any rate, I wish to dissociate myself from the work.. It would be a delicate procedureafter all, people change, and love never staysbut still, perhaps, it is within the realm of possibility. Youve gotten your meaning out of working. She began to have acute panic attacks and many disturbing dreams, and, as she put it, she died at least three times a night. Christ! Was there any moment when we began to enjoy it? What is the smoke? I asked. My general comment may have been a guess about the whole field and not an expression of my personal feelings about you. But I had never known the real, the secret Jay; and, after his confession, I had to reconstruct my image of him and assign new meanings to past experiences. Or that she had invited Matthew here to speak freely and yet immediately mobilized his guilt by reminding him that she had been on antidepressants since he left her. I told you Phyllis doesnt like to spend moneyshe loves sales. TERM PAPER: LOVE EXECUTIONER (AND OTHER TALE OF PSYCHOTHERAPY) In this Fascinating book Love's Executioner and other Tales of Psychotherapy by Irvin D. Yalom, we can appreciated different techniques used in a session of Psychotherapy, this book was easy to read and understand and especially it was very addictive, making it the perfect tool and inspiration for psychology students who are . I noted with some satisfaction that I wasnt the only one she addressed in the third person. You tell me about a life that is full of despair, but you do it in a bouncy arent-we-having-a-good-time? way., When you stay jolly like that, I lose sight of how much pain youre having., But you come here for help. (She had good recall of the scene that had just occurred.) The front door was ajar, as he had told me it would be. Their sessions started off as research and ended in therapy. Now, there is nothing, Penny told me, more important to her than her house. Carlos said goodbye but later grew convinced that he had missed a golden opportunity by not offering to escort her to her car; in fact, he had persuaded himself that there was a fair chance, perhaps a ten- to fifteen-percent chance, he might have married her. A total of twelve experienced psychotherapists and psychologists who worked in the sex addiction field participated in conversational, semi-structured interviews. Now she saw locks, doors, burglar alarms, and telephones. I couldnt open up my bed until everyone was out of the living room at night, and in the morning had to get up and fold it away before anyone was up and about.. I was fascinated with the idea of release. It seemed to me that if I were to keep the letters, I would be colluding, in a countertherapeutic way, with his penchant for secrecy. The Thelma who deceived herself? Whats the big deal? he asked, and then claimed he personally wouldnt mind being raped by an attractive woman. I scribbled the essentials of the story on the only paper available to me: the blank pages of my passport. Without opinions, without impulses, without inclinations, they become parasites on the desires of others. But Saul, failing to respond to conventionally correct therapy, sank deeper, with each hour, into despair. The monks took me to Bombay, and an Indian doctor put me on antipsychotic medication and called my brother, who flew to India to take me home. A dream illuminated this juncture in therapy:I dreamed that the painters were supposed to paint the outside trim of my house. I just dont want to be there when it happens. But there is another waya long tradition, applicable to psychotherapythat teaches us that full awareness of death ripens our wisdom and enriches our life. This was no time for gallantry and there was something incongruous in the idea of a disheveled seventy-year-old infatuated, lovesick woman. What had happened in their lives that might have pushed them into the choices they made? It was like we had just talked the previous day. How are you two doing it? I thought of the Lorelei legend, and though I knew it would be dangerous to tarry, still I visited awhile. For the first time in eight years, he returned my call and we had a twenty-minute friendly chat., Wonderful! On the day she died, I brought her spirit back home again. Ive taken up seventy-five percent of the meeting already, and I know that others want some time today., Reluctantly, we left Dave and turned to other matters in the group. The drab backdrop of the dozens of hours I had spent with Marge made this engaging phantom stand out with a dazzling clarity. Could we arrange to have payments spread out over several months? The dream about the wedding and the search for a changing room was, Penny thought, about her own bad marriages and her current attempt to change her life. Yet this is an existence storybut one written for the other Marge, the one who no longer exists. Even though we continued our work together for many months after the hour Me appeared, and though Marge and I eventually stopped talking about her, I have never forgotten her: she flits in and out of my mind at unexpected times. She had always walked her dog every morning at six. Dr. C viewed the smiles as Marie understanding and accepting what he was saying to her. Therapy sessions always just stir the pot. Living on a ranch, she was no stranger to death. When I was a child, one of my favorite booksI used to take it to Lincoln Park in Washington, D.C., to read on the benches therewas. I meant the things I said to you, every one of them. He was something else, something I had never anticipated. First, they tell you to evict your tenant. Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. She could take care, she said, of not being poor. Carlos, Im going to be blunt. Besides, it was by no means clear that we could have gone much further. To make matters worse, he had written an important article on a related subject that was immediately accepted for publication. The Four Gives of Life No problem. Like a drifting boat torn loose from its mooring, I thoughtbut a sentient boat desperately searching for a berth, any berth. No amount of patience will help it fly; and, ultimately, each must be pried from the other, and wounds separately splinted. He hesitated and then said that he had decided to return the fifty-thousand- dollar stipend to the Stockholm Institute! It was so hard to talk about this, she said, because she was so ashamed of being ashamed of her own father. For example, he might reveal more of himself, get closer to other men, relate to women as human beings rather than as sexual organs. A nightmare is a failed dream, a dream that, by not handling anxiety, has failed in its role as the guardian of sleep. He was still periodically impotent but brooded about it less. I thought psychiatrists werent supposed to give direct advice. Though I could write a clinical article about Marge or tell colleagues about the course of therapy, I could never really convey the essence of my experience with her. But, obviously, I had miscalculated. The first letter was from a Stockholm Institute postdoctoral fellow asking Saul to write a letter supporting his application for a junior faculty position at an American university. Carlos didnt seem to listen. It was pointless to begin by addressing her weight. I dont know why, but I suddenly saw them in a different way! In fact, I noted with surprise the first stirrings of empathy within me. It was a fantastic day. In order to stay on her pedestal, she was never able to talk to you about her pain and her fearsor not until very recently.. I was reminded of another patient I had treated the year before, a forty-four-year-old excessively responsible, conscientious physician. Thats goddamn good, isnt it to forget it, to be free of it, to be able to live a normal life for a while?. These next few days are going to feel very disorienting. I did not think through my decision clearly and, even after I decided to accept him in therapy, remained unsure about appropriate and realistic treatment goals. It is one thing to improve ones backhand service return but quite another to sharpen ones skills at the expense of some fragile, troubled person. They confronted him directly: Cmon, Dave, how much extra would it cost to come out and say love letters?. Required fields are marked *. Gone forever was the construct of Matthew as sociopath or exploiter-therapist. Just humor me. The drama of age regression and incest recapitulation (or, for that matter, any therapeutic cathartic or intellectual project) is healing only because it provides therapist and patient with some interesting shared activity while the real therapeutic force the relationshipis ripening on the tree. At such times one longs for an umpire of reality or some official sharp-imaged snapshot of the hour. Was there nowhere in the world an odor-free place? Now, unexpectedly, he had broken out and casually rejoined me. Phyllis, even though she knew Marvin was following my instructions, grew irritated with him for ordering her to stay at home. What did you do? I try to get the book back, but it is past the deadline. After forty-one years I still feel my wife is a great lady. He was considering a letter stating that he was returning the money because he had not used his fellowship time productively at the institute. I was sitting Vipassana for three to four hours a day. Saul would fill me in soon enough. In Search of the Dreamer Afterword: On Rereading Lope's Executioner at Age Eighty Yesterday I was talking to Phyllis about all our friends who have died and also about a newspaper article about people who die immediately after retirement. Twins? The moment had come to play my final card. Perhaps, in her twenty years of therapy, she had worked with gestalt therapists who had employed these techniques; perhaps it was her stage experience shining through. He expressed little curiosity about the new treatment plan I had mentioned on the phone. I dont think Ive thought of her once till now., Think about her now. She was six years younger, equally shy and equally inexperienced with the opposite sex. . How to help you see this is guilt without a crime?, My crime is misrepresentation. It should be a loving, joyful act, not protection from danger. On several occasions I refused social invitations, some even from Dr. K., because I would not leave the library..

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