I think people need that kind of thing to heal. She hopped over those 900 years. I know Gene Rodenberry never wanted Starfleet to be portrayed as a military outfit, but this has gone so far in the opposite direction that its being run like a pre-school participation awards ceremony. Mary Wiseman: That that could be a very powerful person in the Mirror Universe. (OMG, weve gone way off topic lol. Other ships having counselors in the TNG era was mentioned. Episodes will be. In large part that is down to getting set in my ways with this franchise, so I have to temper my critiques with that knowledge. I mean, there could have been but it was never seen or talked about. Youre perfect as you are. They should have tried to make Tilly more credible first. If you read what Mary and Sonequa are saying, they arent promoting any particular body style or fitness choice, just that they are as they are and only they have the right to choose how that should be. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! Hey writers room go back to TNG and see how a child became an honourary bridge officer on the Enterprise D. (something equally puzzling to say the least) Picard did it because the Traveller who could traverse space time and see the future and past told Picard it was extremely important to encourage the boy. And honestlyKirk wouldnt last a week in a military environment. Jury still out on Books character.definitely ahead of the 2 dimensional bridge crew though. "Hope springs eternal" was the central thesis for Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale . You mentioned that the rest of world laughs at America because of obesity. If there had been a believable logical progression from Cadet Tilly in season 1 to Starfleet Academy instructor in season 4, where they had built up the character to where she shed bits and pieces of the awkwardness as she became more confident in her abilities. Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. Theres a difference between celebrating obesity and accepting individual human beings, treating them as human beings, and not targeting them specifically for emotional harassment. I suspect that Prodigy may use some of the elements that Beyer expanded or created for Full Circle without actually developing any of the overall story arc. And if people are critical of her because her appearance does not meet their expectations, they dont really have a clue of what Star Trek is all about. My lady, you are so fine that I want to have your baby. Overweight is a risk of becoming obese. In fact most iterations of Trek the actors have provided a neutral delivery of their native accent. I look at Disco as adding a new flavor to the existing universe. Lwaxana sometimes I dont mind her simply because she puts Picard and Odo on their back feet, but she was very OTT on shows that didnt really have a lot of OTT characters, and there was little reason for her to keep appearing on DS9 beyond reverence towards Majel Barrett. Its one thing thats definitely been improved upon by the more recent stuff. Plus, TNG literally had a therapist as part of the bridge crew. Good points. I keep reading that no character like hers should not be in starfleet, yet she is. Tilly got fat, that is inexcusable. The reed-thin part sometimes involves unhealthy behaviors. Sure, its not perfect, we all have a nitpick here and there, but as long as it has a message, it revolves around people, and some cool science stuff, its trek to me. Shes responsible for her subordinates and to lead by example. the only one worth saving.. quite possibly the most irritating character in Trek history. To even suggest that is stupidity writ large. It feels the only reason was to have a non-binary character, which after a few episodes ended up fading into the background with the rest of the furniture anyway. Of course my original statement still stands regarding Tilly becoming Sarus Number One. Remember , they had steroids and thyroid problems in the 80's, but the majority of people were off normal weight, which today would be called skinny. Makes sense. Her character, Sylvia Tilly, has had plenty of opportunities to shine without giving anything away, and Wiseman has risen to the occasion. None of us are and its okay. Why do you think being nervous or anxious means that you can not graduate from the academy? I think that in a world thats so repressed and violent, violence becomes these peoples only outlet for pleasure and release. all the outfits here are golden IMO but those shoes murder! Those b@stards, however, totally killed Landry )Cuddles with @actordougjones and @davbentom These men are nothing short of hereoic in prosthetics all day e'reday. In fact most of their fears and phobias were explored in various episodes. Not sure what the formal CBS/Paramount process is for publishing that kind of stuff, but the story was so detailed that I genuinely wanted to begin looking into it. That could explain the weight gain. Where I live people compete on the merits and are proud of their professional or intellectual achievements not their bad habits, bad health or even born with attributes such as divergent sexual orientation that they had no influence over whatsoever. Its a problem in even some least developed countries now. No probably not. It was a good perspective in S1, and lines up with Star Trek values. This was to reveal the true intents and emotions of the players in each plot, which highlights the role they play in momentous choices in high-stake situations. See more at the Paley Center for Media Arts' Star Trek: Discovery Fight for the Future exhibit in Los Angeles, now through July 7th. Mary Wiseman. ;). I just wonder if maybe they are adapting the basic idea to what we are seeing in Prodigy since the Protostar couldve been part of the Full Circle program and was sent back to the DQ for a specific mission? But its at least nice they came to their senses with that ridiculous story turn (unlike Kirk). By: TrekMovie.com Staff Oh, I think its fine they had a counselor on the SHIP; I just think its weird they had her on the BRIDGE. I basically just know the books that gets discussed or reviewed here. Fitness may be in the eye of the beholder, as hes commented himself that contempories his age have to hit the head just a bit more often. There is a great scene back in S1 when Tilly and Burnham are doing cardio training and post workout are eating their protien, carbs and fat nutrition, something that the body requires after a hard cardio workout. I want to really like Discovery, I do. 42 comments so far. KevinB: Oh, I agree with you, in the sense that nothing is perfect and there are flaws and issues here and there. Just underused. I just dont remember if it was something I read years ago or if it was in an interview with Gene. Like her prime universe counterpart, Tilly was portrayed by Mary Wiseman.. Tilly was presumably killed when the Discovery was destroyed in the prime universe.. Apocrypha. Paradise was most likely referring to the shows production and creative teams. I cant stand any sentence (especially related to DSC) which starts off with Everybody loves Its never true. It is one thing to be healthy and quite another to be reed-thin and healthy. You can start with those or the later books in the Time to sequence without significant confusion. So many jerks in this world, its good to see decent people. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. So when Tilly became a teacher I was like, freaky coincidence but perfect!). Do I want to be Sisko or Picard or Archer then most likely yes. I recall when Trek featured a French captain with an English accent. It was a novelty in his first story and they turned it on its head when he got zapped and made super-smart, but most of the time hes very trying, especially when he gets thrown onto Voyager. Ive re-learned through life experiences how to stop and smell the roses again you might say, among other things. And a. Lwaxana Troi, Tilly is frankly nowhere near as annoying as those other characters. You had a variety of body shapes on discovery Tilly was thick. I think you are talking jibberish. She isnt back on Discovery. Ive seen fan-fics with better characters than this. She went away and supposedly became an amazing well rounded person. David Ajala: Ive never thought about that. And to be honest, she never really helped him out all that much. Its gotten very stale now. Shes a little overweighed, so what? Tilly is a Harry Kim, Wesley Crusher, Travis Mayweather sort of character at least for me. I actually had an entire epic story mapped out that I was seriously considering turning into a series of novels. Since you said mum Im going to assume youre in the UK, and I can personally confirm that you can get some great help, including face to face therapy, through the NHS, for free. Mary Wiseman said in an interview after her departing episode that she'd be back before the end of the season. Where are they!? Even 1,000 years into the future, Burham cannotoh well, that is a different story for a different post. That way she wont get the appearance she does now of jumping over more experienced officers and seeming to just get ahead because shes Sarus favorite. Thats the thought I had last season, when they had the perfect chance to wirte out Burnam (I believe it was Reunification III or the one after that) and they just didnt follow through at the end. I mean, it was just so fun! I think the CW has been using something like this for years. The future doesnt have a preferred accent. She would have flushed out of SFA in her first year. I expect that well have her in the world and all of those things. I would prefer to finish the rest of Prodigy first season instead. Its just lazy writing. The ships shrink should not be a Command level position and in fact would make sense to be on the CMOs staff. ..I have a total girl crush. I know most dont share my opinon that after a terrible first half of S1, I have generally liked Discovery but making Tilly first officer was quite possibly the most ridiculous plot twist in the history of Trek. Like maybe he would be way too codependent or something? But the show almost seems to go out of its way every season for some of the dumbest story points you can think of. I think the ship can handle a little chonk. And it was mentioned in one of the episodes of the first season, I dont remember whichwould have to research, that councilors on Galaxy class ships due to the fact that families were on the ship and it was meant for longer than 5 year missions. Good for Mary! As someone with severe and sometimes crippling anxiety whos managed to have a pretty successful high-pressure career, I question your assertion that she never would have graduated Starfleet., You clearly never served in a military environment. Since season one, Tilly (Mary Wiseman). Barclays ticks do get really annoying. Me thinks that your issue is not that fans of nu trek are pandered to to feel better about themselves. This show has disrespected the actress with poor development and no real storyline except oh hey, im awkward guys. Ive finally had the chance to reply to your comment about Lue Elizondo etc on the other thread. Its not SMGs fault of course, its just the way she has be written throughout the series. It was so fun. The episode, titled "All Is Possible,". Then maybe I would actually remember his name! Have to completely agree you T2. With predictive spelling and multiple languages available, incorrect word choice is a constant threat even when one does type in the correct word. What do you think it looks like? Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham hugging Mary Wiseman as Tilly in Coming Home. They just didnt do much with him. :-), What, you mean you dont follow your patients around at work, giving suggestions? I thought her arc was going to end with her being booted from the service for repeatedly failing physical fitness tests? My point is, a lot of the shamers are probably ashamed of themselves for being overweight and project it onto others. GD, what shoes is David wearing in those pics? Lol. But Tilly and the nervous mess Adira has devolved into? In general, the Litverse kicks off with the TNG A Time to series that fills in events between the movies Insurrection and Nemesis. My condolences to you, for your mum. Too nervous and anxious. This show has been for a niche of Trek fandom not the mainstream. Youve got to hand it to Harry Kim. The show had its official opening on Monday, March 21st, and is currently set to run through April 24. I like me. But to play the Devils Advocate here for a moment Tilly as she was originally presented and continued to be for quite some time is not something most women would aspire to be I should think. I like her personality though, mostly. Jerks. They basically wrote her off the show! Understanding? Proceed accordingly. Obviously I dont know what M. Wiseman is like. I suppose thats why some places are rising and others are very visibly in decline. I dont think Tilly is ruined. Every Thursday night I yell Black Alert to let everyone know Im watching Star Trek. All you ever do on this board is show up and attack womxn for being womxn, LBGTQ+ for being LBGTQ+, people of color for being people of color. All are different. That said, the stolid approach to characterization has its benefits as well when an emotional outburst happens it can be devastating (see: Picards breakdowns in the likes of Family, Chain of Command, First Contact), but it also allows for subtler moments to have outsized impacts (Odo asking Garak to breakfast, Seven revealing her favorite color, Picards 1/4 smiles when no one is looking, Spocks eyebrow etc), which is also quite true to life. It explains why each scene is half-redundant and half-contradictory with the others within the same episode. But dont those characteristics fit better on a younger character, while the older one grows up and changes? I think Mary is amazingly pretty and has absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of her figure. I think Saru will just be the surrogate first officer again although he is now a captain. | November 13, 2021 | Some of us dont grasp the very basic foundation of what Star Trek is all about!? (Hey, Im likely one of the oldest people here, and its too easy/lazy to remain stuck in the 1960s and 70s! With Discovery now firmly planted in the distant future, Paradise notes the importance of ensuring that that show remains connected to the larger Star Trek universe through well-placed references . Typical. Not holding my breath hes given the job though, especially since we know Saru is coming back. If anything is being celebrated, or, at the very least, encouraged, its simple human decency and not judging people by physical attributes alone. Most actresses on TV, if theyre 58 probably weigh 120# or less. Two Kelpians and a Disco Kenny (Zero Kelpians were harmed during this shoot. https://t.co/zV56ClHoUZ, Kate Mulgrew (@TheKateMulgrew) December 18, 2020. Neither she nor anyone else with common sense is celebrating obesity. Hahahaha! She opted that she had a different calling within the world of teaching and, in the end, she decided that she wanted to chase that feeling. A statistical average does not justify shaming or ridiculing anyone. I think criticism of the actors is wrong as well, its not about the actors its what they have been told deliver. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. And saying they should be sending this message is just another way to try to bully someone into doing what you want, not what that person wants for their self. I think Saru holds out as being the most consistent, and Tilly is close, but not quite. Its odd that the bridge crew still feels in the background although they are being used more. I truly do love this show, but Burnham and Tilly are so damn annoying. The door is open, I suppose, if that show should fail for some reason, but I doubt theyll just throw her back into the same role on the ship like nothing ever happened. And now, with only three years under her belt in the field, From future Starfleets POV, thats 900 years! And, in that sense, it is okay to be used as it was above. And doesnt that just make the point about the difference between fitness and apparent chunkiness or curveyness. Yes but Star Trek shouldnt be about lazy writing, poor character development and bad storytelling. (laughs). Being encouraged to eat only what ones body needs is another thing entirely. Weight Gain Explained Rumors are going on that Mary Wiseman is pregnant and she has gained weight. All are Trek! A person who we see strive to make themselves a better person. That could be it. Mary shouldnt listen to the haters and Sonequa, I never noticed she looked any different than she did before, body wise. I assume my feelings towards them are what Wesley-haters endure. Mary Wiseman (born July 30, 1985) is an American actress. Not Mary Wisemans fault; the writers fault. By the way, could of isnt English. You can absolutely argue that DISCO incorporates too much emotion with their characters (something I agree with to an extent), but I do appreciate how much more real these characters feel compared to past characters (especially in the early seasons of TNG). This is why Discovery is polarising and this is why people four seasons in still dislike Burnham and Tilly as characters. American actress Mary Wiseman payed several smaller roles in the past but recently gained a big recognition as Cadet Sylvia Tilly in new iteration of Star Trek franchise called Star trek: Discovery. Yes, she was a therapist that say patients in her office but her betazoid abilities aided Picard. In fact, thats all the Discovery crew is qualified as in the 32nd century. Body shaming is just another category of bullying, with the same general goal of the shamer making him/herself feel superior by putting down others around them, rather than elevate him/herself with goodwill and compassion. Its shall we say very variable. And with Troi being a betazoid, thats why she was on the bridge. Bullied badly as a child and teen so I know what I speak of; Im just glad I grew up pre-Internet, and I sympathize with any nowadays who have to deal with Internet bullying on top of real world bullying. Its a tricky one, as someone who is outside America and didnt have English as the first language growing up its more noticeable. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Body shaming is wrong and immature. The Berman era had specific ideas about things like accents and music that kind of locked it into something fairly homogeneous. Discovery may have just said goodbye to one of its crew, but don't worry: She'll be back. It included a lot of the old characters too like Chakotay, BElanna, Tuvok with a lot of new characters. Biography The following contains spoilers from Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale. No spoilers in case I ever decide to actually the write the thing, but youd love it as a DS9 fan. Is her awkwardness all that different from Ezri on DS9? These are not well-written or well-acted characters, and they weaken the series every time they show up. And Im even more embarrassed by this, but Ive never watched any of the Stargate shows. The very basis of Star Trek is in direct conflict with people like that. Tilly accepts herself but she rises to challenges, leads in a crisis, is there for her friends but still explores what she wants for *herself*, and mentors others to help them grow! How is she supposed to sound considering nobody knows what people in the 23rd century will talk like? And I want to take care of me so I can continue to be me. After the first two seasons of high pressure I thought I would have seen more growth. Plus, TNG literally had a therapist as part of the bridge crew. Everyone has their gifts. And I know Chakotay was also Captain on Voyager in those books as well. She wears 36D bra size and weighs 147 pounds. Agreed. As long as the stories remain laser-focused on the *people* their *relationships* and the *emotions* generated therein, instead of ships, gadgets, and effects, well be fine. And Kirsten Beyer probably consults on that show too along with her duties on Picard and Discovery, so its possible at least. Let's get into the details of the actress's weight gain, which has also been linked to her pregnancy. Tillys anxiety got old real fast. Yet, she is. They told us and a handful of other outlets what to expect for their characters and more. It took this for me to finally accept who I am. And yeah, some of us are coach potatoes, most of us certainly not gold cut supermodels. But then again Im not a troll. I originally was skeptical but then I turned around in season 1 and really started enjoying it. David Ajala: Yeah, absolutely. Not with DSC, not with ANYTHING. Theres even a scene where she pretty much turns to the camera and says that shell stay till the very end. Han Van Sciver and Mary Wiseman in At the Wedding (Photo: Marc J. Franklin), Watch Wiseman and cast and crew talk about the season four finale. Just grow up and ignore the random internet comments you are elevating the drama of this internet troll thing by talking about it. I KNOW, people say they are great, I was too focused on Star Trek when those were airing, but I might try and give the original show a shot one day. I feel bad saying this but Ive never a read a Star Trek novel in my life lol. . She let go in S4 of her parents expectations and embraced a new purpose. She also revealed some of her inspirations for this version of Tilly: There is a little Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender in there. 89. Most of what she did was convey the amazingly obvious like offering such useful insights such as, Hes concealing something but I dont know what. And her abilities were never fully defined. Id add Kirk to that at several times over the years. She is best known for starring as Sylvia Tilly in the Paramount+ science fiction drama series Star Trek: Discovery (2017-present). Great interview, Dawn. Maybe sociological issues? Good for her, and I love the character! but it looks like she did simply did it because she was her friend and room mate. She wrote ten books based around this concept and still writing them. But of course this being Star Trek they SPOILER ALERT bring her back to life! I saw someone just last month asking on a Facebook fanpage if Starfleet had some kind of physical fitness standard and if so, shes violating it, ect.the same old idiotic abusive misogyny disguised as genuine concern. But my initial annoyed response to DISCO in particular, well, Ive let go of that in the past two years, as life is too short to get all worked-up angry over personal quibbles with a tv show. Her body shape is fabulousshe is gorgeous. That is not anything to diss. We never saw her effort to become that person. Before we move on to SuKal this Thursday, there are still some bits to catch up on from the Terra Firma arc of Star Trek: Discovery. Every woman is very beautiful. Editor's note, 23 Dec 2020: If you like Wiseman's interview here, then you should also check out interviewer Dawn Ennis's other work. If we dont have tolerance and respect, how are we able to learn and improve humanity!? Absolutely. Her character of Cadet Tilly in Star Trek Discovery is warm and positive. I would not say it isnt a valid creative decision to try this approach, especially in an age where we are emphasizing the need for self-care, its just not to my taste. But how the women look?! By existing? All those wonderful things that dont make you a good human being. Book is Han Solo. Loved that show, so did my wife. Yeah, self absorbed is an excellent way to describe her character, Id never thought of it that way. Except that would imply that her being there was the exception rather than the rule. Mary Wiseman as Tilly in episode 402, Anomaly. So many characters, and all were very well developed with interesting stories. Yes I forgot David Mack is a consultant on this show too and is well aware of all the post-Nemesis stories in the novels. Rumors started when some problematic fans of Star Trek Discovery found out that she gained a few pounds between the seasons. The other big issue Ive always had is the graphic nature of violence, this We are TV-MA streaming, so we can do anything attitude I simply hate that. My preference would be to set it post TUC but quite frankly any other established era would be fine. David, Can we expect any surprising uses of the special things that Book can do in season four, now that he can control the spore drive? For what its worth Picard has an excellent cast, male and female, it just feels they are one or two notches above their discovery peers, maybe again due to writing/direction. Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. 1:15. She is a real girl. Definitely a character created for the TikTok generation to like.. high five, hugs and ditziness with lots of over emotional feelings on display. . Overcome her issues. Yes, I like both Barclay and Tilly. Shes loved. 71 comments so far. PS. I have considered it and rejected it. For me, generally speaking, when Barclay or Trois mom appeared it signaled a terrible episode in advance. Between 2011 through 2015, she attended Juilliard School's Drama Division, where one of her students was future Star Trek: Discovery actress Mary Chieffo. It would definitely be great if Rhys was promoted to first officer. Yes! Tilly, played by Mary Wiseman on Star Trek Discovery is not pregnant. Btw, I really liked the scene of Tilly and Burnham running back in S1 and eating protein, carbs and fat post workout. I will have to go check it out. And, yeah, I've also heard a rumor about a potential Starfleet Academy series, and I'm assuming it's being set in the future setting of Discovery. However, I do struggle with popular media normalizing unhealthy weights whether over or underweight because they are health risks. Originally I imagined him as Denzel Washington or Blair Underwood, but after belatedly watching The Wire and Luther I think Idris Elba would be a really good match. Maybe not but what are your thoughts? Sonequa Martin-Green in Unification III, Co-showrunner Michelle Paradise shared some behind-the-scenes photos from Terra Firma, Part 2.. Tilly once thought being captain was her biggest dream, but after a . But respect is always earned and never enforceable. Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. What? Tilly is not a perfect officer. Mary Wiseman as Captain Killy in Terra Firma, Part 2. And to get to see that visually, that was a very gratifying moment for me to see, Okay, somebody different showed up., Mary Wiseman as Tilly and Oded Fehr as Admiral Vance in Coming Home.

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