The planet Venus is the planet of love and beauty. If the relationship gets to the point where the Venus person is afraid to say whats on their mind, then big changes must be made in order for the relationship to survive. In social relationships, Saturn opposite Venus synastry is also not positive because the partners treat each other with formal coldness. Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. The woman, in turn, is identified with the protection and patronage of her father. And for Venus, Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. However, the relationship can start to feel monotonous or boring much more quickly than other partnerships. The Venus person will be able to bring compassion, pleasure, and joy into the relationship. This aspect can also indicate problems with jealousy or possessiveness. This aspect supports loyalty, tolerance, but Saturn should not insist on paying too much attention to itself. The other is with my TF. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Regardless of past lives, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry couple has a chance to learn that they are worthy of love and that they can accept someone who is different from them once they feel accepted in return. Since Venus is the protector of the arts, this planet is also concerned with the arts. However, for the case of the Saturn person, his/her love towards the Venus person could go way overboard. Both people will be willing to make an effort in order for the relationship to last. Saturn ages whatever it touches. Its essential that they learn how to open up and truly show love and affection for each other so that they can feel accepted in this Venus conjunct Saturn synastry relationship. Saturn can learn how to provide stability without being overwhelming and Venus can learn how to be fun without being too emotionally reactive. Learn to say, I felt that this was rather than this was and ask the same of your partner. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. On the other side of the coin, if the Saturn person is feeling insecure, he or she could find the Venus person to be childishly emotional or extravagant. The karmic connection between Venus and Saturn is one that is based on understanding and compromise. This aspect enhances tolerance and dependence in love and marriage and, if other aspects are favorable, it can play a positive role. Venus also rules the 2nd house, which is the house of material possessions and financial security. We sometimes get too caught up in our own needs that we tend to forget our partner's needs as well. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. Like Venus, Saturn also appears in our night sky, albeit not as bright as Venus. One or both tends to feel as if their relationship is a burden. However, the sociable and easygoing nature of the Venus person will be constrained by the relationship. As a father figure for his symbolic daughter, the man teaches the woman how to channel her creative energy and focus her love instincts so that they ultimately have more meaning. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. Read more in Venus Trine Saturn Synastry. You feel most content with familiar repeated patterns or habits and with creating financial and emotional security. There is a more traditional style of security and material comfort that will be beneficial if these two people decide to start a family. Saturn tends to place great responsibility on Venus and often blames Venus for the problems they faced together. When they start to feel critical of each other, this is a sign to step back and worth through these judgements before they affect the relationship. A karmic connection is possible here for them to learn cooperation and patience. At the same time, the woman may see herself as accepting the fatherly role in order to help the mans consciousness reach maturity. Both accept and understand each other differences. The planets that Saturn contacts get a lesson in maturity. This couple can expect a harmonious and blissful relationship. The Saturnian considers the Venusian lazy, superficial, and lacking self-discipline and depth. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects It shapes the relationship between two persons. Saturn is a critical planet when it comes to long-lasting relationships and marriage, so it is no surprise that this aspect can help a relationship endure. The relationship feels very safe, especially for the Venus person. This is an interesting relationship because theyre usually attracted to these opposite qualities in each other, yet they also feel unhinged when the other person acts so differently from them. Saturn person must be more open-minded and try to be kinder towards the Venus person. The Saturn person's conservative character will block the desire of the Venus person to express itself freely. Being a personal planet, this shows a particular aspect of our life. Under this variation of Saturn trine Venus synastry the woman admires the strength and protective qualities of her partner. Saturn may induce Venus to take on responsibilities in life instead of just all fun and games. Read on to learn more about the Venus-Saturn trine synastry connection. Because of this, the Venus person feels that the Saturn person does not support his/her endeavors. You feel a steadfast commitment toward your partner and see an opportunity to create a traditional domestic relationship, and permanent practical friendship. A Venus conjunct Saturn aspect when it comes to synastry can suggest that you and your partner feel safe, cared for and loved by each other. Venus represents our approach to love and relationships, while Saturn is the planet of stability, commitment, and ambition. This side of the Saturn individual may even appeal to Venusians who know that Saturn is always reliable, no matter what. Both Saturn and Venus when in love tend to give their best and all to their partner. They can lighten up the mood of the serious Saturn. Sometimes in the Venus opposition Saturn synastry relationship, both people can feel like the world wants to keep them apart in some way. Venus Trine Venus Synastry. A Saturn conjunct Sun relationship has a sense of growth, maturity and respect. In any close alliance, Saturn brings sorrow and anxiety to Venus, and the latter will look for opportunities to hide and avoid the influence of Saturn. It's okay to be protective but when it turns to become extreme, it could also be toxic for the relationship. With Sun opposite or square Saturn, despite the strong bond you both feel, there is a difference in how you process and express your emotions. The Venus person can provide support and understanding, while the Saturn person can offer practical solutions and a shoulder to cry on. Saturn-Venus Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Saturn-Venus aspects can often feel karmic or fated due to the sense of deep devotion they represent. You are very aware of the value of your relationship. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Meanwhile, the Venus person should focus on honoring the boundaries that the Saturn person sets and learning why specific commitments or routines are so important to Saturn. Venus square Saturn Synastry. They can be very authoritative and can try to force the Venus person to become who they want them to be. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts If you have the Venus square Saturn synastry aspect, remember that both people can have different viewpoints on the same conversation or event and both viewpoints will be valid. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Just like our natal Saturn represents where we need to put our sustained effort in order to reach the next level of personal growth, in synastry aspects it symbolizes how we build our foundations, values, commitments and responsibilities in a relationship. But this couple's attachment to each other would not be disturbing. Learn more about the Venus square aspect with Saturn in Venus Square Saturn Synastry. Just like what the. It is essential that both parties are able to express what they want without feeling guilty or ashamed. You are likely to make sacrifices for one another without even thinking twice. The Venusian sees the Saturnian as rude, burdensome, cold, negative-minded, and unsympathetic. Too much of this control causes the Venus person to feel stifled. Commitment, loyalty, and responsibility are vital defining factors of this relationship. In contrast to square or opposition, the trine brings about balance and harmony. The only potential pitfall with the trine is complacency and lack of challenge, although it is more than likely that there are challenges elsewhere in the comparison, and in most cases, this interaspect helps . The Saturn person tends to have the effect of stabilizing the Venus persons emotions, and much will depend on how the Venus person reacts and the how maturely the Saturn person acts upon the Venus person. You may be critical of one anothers tastes and hobbies, but at the root of this is some form of jealousy over the attention that you give to outside interests. They can also be leaders, presidents, and law enforcers. The Venus sextile Saturn synastry aspect indicates strong feelings of commitment from the very beginning. Saturn will teach Venus how to become more grounded while Venus will teach Saturn to loosen up and speak what's on their mind, to express their emotions. Venus-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Chart: The strong physical attraction between Venus and the Ascendant person. The neediness of the Saturn person can become too much to handle for the Venus person. The Saturn person gives the Venus person a sense of security and emotional stability. Saturn opposition and square Mars are hard aspects that can go from exciting to annoying really fast. The aspect itself will not guarantee the formation of such a relationship; however, if Venus and Saturn are positive both in natal horoscopes and in the synastry, long-term friendship and mutual respect are likely to arise. Proudly created with. Saturn feels a great responsibility for Venus, sometimes showing excessive concern and criticism. In turn, the Venusian provides the diplomatic and representative side of the activity for the more effective realization of the professional and business abilities of the Saturnian. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. With their charm and quirky attitude, these people can induce Saturn to have fun and chill, even just for a while. They never go out of style. This relationship is favored, and this may come in the long term. If Saturn refuses, the relationship will certainly struggle. She patronizes and supports him, playing the role in which her father excelled in her childhood. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Both people must remain committed to each other but they also need to learn how to have fun so that neither feels suffocated. Ultimately, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry relationship involves a lot of compromise. This will go more smoothly if Venus is in a practical sign, such as Capricorn or Virgo, and will be more difficult if Venus is mutable. When Venus finds itself making a square aspect with Saturn, the natives open the door to a karmic encounter. Venus conjunct other person's Saturn: This contact can represent a binding tie, but not without its share of challenges. You will often find these people dressing themselves up, and they can even pay a higher price for it. Venus when it is in a sextile position with Saturn conveys eternal, long-awaited connections that demand responsibility, trust, loyalty, and obligation, and if this is not present, obstacles become bigger and bigger, until they cannot be overcome. This relationship is favored, and this may come in the long term. Saturn is also about discipline. In astrology, the trine is considered one of the blissful aspects. Under Saturns constant criticism Sun person feels restricted. As Saturn teaches Venus how to become more grounded, Venus is teaching Saturn to loosen up, speak their mind, and express feelings. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. The Saturnian can become cold, insensitive, stingy, and mercantile while the Venusian views the Saturnian from a mercantile point of view. Saturn has a stabilizing effect on the relationship and will calm Venus down if necessary. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. The Saturnian may turn into a dictator, limiting and educating the Venusian to exhaustion, causing the Venusian to seek solace in secrecy and isolation. This aspect is the time where you will think that everything flows on its natural course. In contrast, the Venus person can help the Saturn person feel lighter by stimulating fun and creativity, as well as happiness and spontaneity. If either party takes the other for granted, they may start to feel uncomfortable and unfulfilled. Negative emotions are threatening to cause havoc in the relationship between Venus and Saturn. Like most opposition aspects, the Venus opposite Saturn synastry aspect can be glue in a relationship. If Venus sits in a flighty or independent sign (like Sagittarius or Leo), then Venus will struggle against these restrictions. The Saturn person inspires in the Venus person the kind of love and respect which makes you want to live up to the standards you both share. The square between them is one of the worst synastry aspects, the Venus person can feel frozen and misunderstood. This relationship can be very stable and safe, but it can also feel boring or predictable. The reason for this is that the Saturn person doesn't want to lose the Venus person. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. I often find that these planets represent people who truly desire a deep bond, but there is sometimes a struggle in the way that this is obtained. The Venus person may feel that the Saturn person is always there for them, while the Saturn person may feel that their partner is too dependent on them. If these feelings are not addressed, they can lead to resentment and fights. Saturn must learn a good dose of empathy in this partnership. Venus people, like the appealing goddess that rules them, are appealing as well. If they have been together in a past life, this aspect may be karmic. She may take on the role of a daughter and try to fulfill her fathers expectations through a relationship with this partner. Ultimately, you must learn to temper each other and become more flexible without trying to control. Personal issues, such as insecurity and fear of change. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. One of the first planets to observe karmic contracts and soulmate relationships is Saturn. Being ruled by Saturn, these people can remind the Venuses to also think of their responsibilities. The Saturn person, fearing the Venus persons withdrawal of affection, loyalty, or respect, can easily become critical or demanding of the Venus person. Although this relationship may begin with a strong feeling of comfort and compatibility, over time, some very challenging dynamics are likely to surface. They always look glamorous! Venus' synastry aspect trine Saturn emphasizes the importance of working together to overcome differences. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! A simultaneous square from their Mars means that, despite this harmony, their actions still create tension. With this reading you receive. Avoid negative criticism of yourself and others, because it is counterproductive. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Through patient care and enduring love, this aspect can bring about a kind of marriage where the partners outgrow their childhood patterns to realize fulfillment and considerable personal development. The Venus person may need more romance than usual, while the Saturn person may have a hard time showing affection in certain situations. In this type of Saturn trine Venus synastry, the man learns about his own strength through the protective and supportive position of the woman. This aspect is very difficult but often necessary for those who need this experience for their spiritual growth. They are opposites in some ways yet they compliment each other. This can be an almost overwhelming feeling. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Individual growth does not necessarily mean growing apart. They might just want morefun in their life and could feel that they have lost their spark. Its an easy-going connection as if the planets are working together to create a balanced effect on each other. In fact, Saturn can be a grounding force for Venus, which is beneficial. In order for this aspect to work well, both parties must be willing to communicate openly and honestly about their needs and feelings. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Sometimes, this couple had past lives together and created this wounds together, while other times they simply have similar issues and come together in order to heal. The Venus person could begin to view the Saturn person as unsympathetic, and the Saturn person could come to view the Venus person as childish and undisciplined. In mythology, Venus can charm not only the mortals but also gods themselves like Mars. It creates a sort of an opposites attract relationship when Venus trines Saturn, but in most cases, it tends to work. Saturn is all about hard work, discipline, and responsibility. This couple is very passionate about each other. Brief description of the dynamic between partners when Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Synastry chart comparison Please support my channel on Patreon: https. Opposition/square between Sun and Saturn indicates friction caused by differences in the way you prioritize your responsibilities, wants and needs. In this regard, the relationship is often built on some hidden motives (such as material gain or social status), not on frank friendship and sympathy. In response to Saturns critical demeanor, Venus may withhold affection. Both Saturn and Venus should be willing to make sacrifices for each other in order to get through hard times. There is a tendency that their sense of freedom will be restricted and repressed. Both planets depend on each other; that is why this relationship between Venus and Saturn in this aspect is highly significant. Thus, he/she will find a way to stop the Venus person from being apart from him/her. But in reality, someone has to remind us to stay grounded. Like the ruler of agriculture, Saturn also rules over stewardship. When the two have finally come up with a way to be more understanding with one another, that's the time they will bloom and grow personally. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. Venus Conjunct Saturn Synastry, Relationships Conjunctions between planets can also reveal plenty of things about your relationship by comparing how the planets appear in a synastry in each of your charts. When responsibility and duty overtake pleasure and fun a relationship loses its appeal. Even if they are not in love with each other, they will be able to find ways to communicate and get along together harmoniously. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, The Overall Theme For Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Strengths Of The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Weaknesses Of The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Advice For The Venus Trine Saturn Synastry, Saturn in the 10th House: A Figure of Power and Authority, Venus Pluto Synastry: Power, Sensuality, and Sensitivity, Aries Weaknesses and Strengths - Fiery, Determined, and Reactive, Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon - Polar Extremes & A Decisive Personality, Aquarius in The 2nd House: A Unique Resource Bearer, North Node in The 7th House: Balancing the Self & Others, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. Often, there were harsh judgments between this couple that has carried over into the current lifetime. Venus would find it impossible to love Saturn or, if this happened, it would only be a show caused by fear or anxiety. Saturn will bring reality and practicality to the relationship while Venus will bring optimism, lightness, and fun. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. Venus conjunct Saturn *requested*. They can lighten up the mood of the serious Saturn. The aspect is considered effective for financial and professional relationships, especially when they are associated with art and aesthetics. Saturn will teach the Venus individual how to become more patient and focused, while Venus will teach Saturn to speak what's on their minds and hearts and not take things so seriously. In this variation of Saturn opposite Venus synastry the woman may be subconsciously aware of how her father was holding back the development of her personality. If the other aspects in the chart support this relationship, then the couple can truly complement each other! In a negative scenario, even potentially prosperous relationships deteriorate due to problems that seem to appear out of nowhere. Both planets are committed to making their relationship lasts. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. Venus zodiac sign ruler is Libra and it is represented by the 7th house of relationships and partnerships. ^This is a serious relationship. Venus might feel that Saturn is unsympathetic or cold, but Saturn could feel that Venus is childish, undisciplined, and immature in some way. Both Saturn and Venus should be willing to make sacrifices for each other in order to get through hard times. If they instead ask each other questions from a place of wanting to learn rather than judge, then they will come to embrace the differences between them. Its important that the Venus person learns to work with the Saturn personwithout losing the part of themself that is spontaneous and fun loving. There can be a depressing effect. Its very important that Saturn realizes that Venus has feelings. The feeling of being in love can be a bit overwhelming for two people involved in a relationship. When the first persons Venus is trine the second persons Saturn, they will desire to adopt a serious .

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