The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. The two biggest city-states have always had issues. Disadvantages: controlled little territory, many rivals/more conflict. Athens was full of life and the people living there appreciated all of what others had to offer: arts, music, life, and new cultures. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Additionally, the reliability affected by the emotive language being employed in this article as the author utilises this language it demonstrates that bias is present. Some of the strengths of Athenian democracy include making decisions based on the opinions of many rather than a few, giving responsibility to more citizens and making records available for public examination. Great economy. It consists of two short words: demos which means either a citizen in a particular city-state or the lower orders, and kratos which means either rule or power - but these two are not of the same meaning. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. The ancient Greeks believed that each city-state had one or two gods keeping a special eye on that city-state. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. Since the Spartans were only concerned with being great warriors, the Athenians became the cultural center of Greece during the Hellenic period. Two of the biggest city-states were Athens and Sparta. Two of the most well known and powerful city-states were Sparta and Athens. As a system to control a state or community, government serves for citizens and put them first. On the other hand, direct democracy is not a good chose for America. Sea travel connected Greece to other societies. When you look at the literal definition of democracy in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there is a decently large explanation. The term, Democracy, stems from the Greek word demokratia which means rule by the people and it wasnt until around 500 BCE in Athens where the first examples of democracy originated. Democracy (disadvantage) Only the elite or upper class had a role in government, lower class not represented. They are just more carful. What are the limitations of a majority rule democracy? Advantages: meet outside often, healthy outdoor lifestyle, they had good temperature for farming and prospering, very moderate climate. Some farmers in archaic and classic Greece werent choosing which crops to plant based on local nutritional needs. What were the disadvantages of democracy in ancient Greece? How did geographic barriers affect Shang and Zhou relations with outside peoples? Amongst those city states Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful and considered in Greek history as the most influential states to western civilisation. Children were tortured to become strongerand all men would be fighting and stealing things just to survive. It also represents the control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. The geography of the region helped to shape the government and culture of the Ancient Greeks. It showed him that his taxicab driver lacked knowledge of past history and basically judged a book by its cover. Athenss military prowess allowed them to look down on the other members of the League and treat them as members of an empire instead of equals. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. The main disadvantage for the Athenians was that around 430 BCE, a plague struck Athens. Each city-state had its own government. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In Athen, Schools taught reading, writing, and mathematics, music, poetry, sport, and gymnastics. Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. He distinguishes three aspects: democracy as a principle of legitimacy (power not derives, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Democracy, Democracy. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Athenians valued their political freedom and free thought. For example, if youre poor youre still able to serve the state or be part of the government. Why is that so? The Athens also got to abolish politicians they did not like. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Compare the advantages and disadvantages for settlers of Greece's physical geography. If they did not fulfill their duty they would be fined and sometimes marked with red paint. They became skilled sailors. The Athens lived by the Sea which was an advantage because they had an excellent trading system. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Demo, meaning the people, and kratia meaning the power or rule. Use this knowledge to correct the spelling errors below. Tyranny (disadvantage) Not a guarantee that the people chosen by lottery would make effective government decisions. They became skilled sailors. CON: Much of the citys accommodation is pricey. During the Archaic Age, Sparta was solely focused on fighting wars and training their children for these wars. The ancient civilization of greece was different from many of the civilizations in its time. Its also said that Sparta is the foundation for the governments we now have in the world. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Also, the so called Ostrakismos made it possible to ban corrupt politicians from athens. The different city states had their own ideas on social control and values in their government. Sparta and Athens are very different from the way they are administered as well as their practices. The biggest advantage of democracy in polis was the general possibility of taking part in public life for all free citizens. This article was useful to my essay as it provided detailed information on the gaps in Athenian democracy. They took politics very seriously and made sure that everyone had a voiced opinion. Pros And Cons of Ancient Athenian Democracy and Pros and Cons of American Democracy. Athens is more superior than Sparta through, government, economy, and culture. WebWidely thought of as the birthplace of democracy, Athens is Greece's central hub and has contributed much to the worlds of art, theatre, architecture, philosophy and politics. On the other hand, Sparta had an oligarchy. WebIn Homeric Age, the regime of Athens is citizens can go into politics directly, just like governor who wield the supreme power, this kind of regime called Direct Democracy. How do these two city-states differ? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Athens had a geographic advantage because they were very superior. The word democracy comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos). How do these two city-states differ? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rather than vote for representatives, like we do, each citizen was expected to vote for every law. This completely contradicts the all-inclusive concept of direct democracy that the Athenian government preached so frequently. Due to the geographical disadvantages of grease The civilization was divided into many city-states instead of having one main government. Who were excluded from Greeces limited democracy? 1 What were the disadvantages of democracy in ancient Greece? Apart from many smaller changes, it was mainly based on the opportunity for all citizens over 20 to take part in governing the country. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Although the seed was planted in the 1600s, liberal democracy only properly took form in the 1840s in Canada. All the sciences, democracy, philosophy etc were originally found in Athens. There was a thriving city. Sparta and Athens are very different from the way they are administered as well as their practices. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. Not everyone gets to participate. According to Peter Joyce (2005), the democratic government was initiated in the Greek city state of Athens in the fifth century B.C., so as a consequence, the word democracy derived from two Greek words, demos (meaning people) and kratos (meaning power) , which means government by the people. Athens strengths included its large size, large trireme navy, wealth, and democratic government. The Spartan government is made up of kings and elders only. Unless someone was part of the 1 percent, Athens gave members of society more rights than Sparta. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. WebThe term democracy, like many other political terms, was first discovered in Ancient Greece. They all spoke the same language and they all believed in the same god. Advantages: protects individual rights, input is taken from many different sources to make a governmental decision, people are the government. Mountains covered about three-fourths of ancient Greece. While Athens is widely regarded as the first historical example of a democratic system, some scholars believe that the Roman Empires republic system was more democratic than that of the Greek. In Document 2, an excerpt from The Spartan Constitution by Aristotle theres a quote that states they praise Lacedaemon because it is made up of oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy.. This quote tells exactly what type of government Sparta had. The Spartans changed their society to remove all social distinction and became the greatest soldiers in Greece. Monarchy (advantage) Middle class realized that they could make changes (leads to democracy) Tyranny (advantage) Athenian citizens in that era were generally expected to have respectful qualities, like openness, a rational mind and belief in their authority, although they did have shortcomings. While it has been stated that Athens is the cradle of democracy, and that it was better than any of the other governments in the world, it was still a work in progress. During that year, they were responsible for making new laws and controlled all parts of the political process. They became skilled sailors. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. Ancient Greece is often credited with being the birthplace of democracy. And also huge people complain about the racism and the guns. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Elements of more than one of these forms also co-existed, however, and the modern connotations of labels such as these are not necessarily the same as those that prevailed in Ancient Greece. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The secret ballot, First of all, it is important to know the definition of democracy and its aspects. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. First of all, the economy was very strong in Athens. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Moreover, the article provided a perspective that highlighted the differences in Athenian democracy such as that Athens was a direct democracy and that only some of the population was eligible, it mainly created a feeling that Athens was advanced for its time however the system had discrepancies. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This will only lead to a shift to the left of aggregate demand and is it impossible for the people to pay taxes when the living standards is low. Greek city-states all were very similar but had differences.

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