Enter the room you unlocked and you'll find a chest and a hospital keycard. Tiny #1: Starcourt Mall, Scoops Ahoy, backroom. In the next room you'll get another alarm, but this time you have to turn it off using the three pressure plates (so push a green bin onto one of them). *For much of the game, I found Eleven (once I got her) was an excellent choice to use since she had ranged attacks (really helpful against Flayed) and a powerful area-of-affect attack. Taste great, no matter the weather! Talk to Will to get your story quests going, then talk to him again to trigger the Will the Wise optional quest. when checking for breathing and you hear gasps; isakmp protocol number; roadhouse gold steak sauce recipe Head out to meet Murray; if you need to restock on supplies, use the vending machines here first. Report the news via the telephone, but before you leave head to the NE. Youll have a grid puzzle here. And then turn off the power. Theres also an additional x2 Wood Planks and x3 Duct Tape there too. They're pretty easy to find. Talk to Murray at the door and then enter Murray's Garage. An experimental topping. Wow! Now move the Mini-Truck again to the 3rd area. stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttonsdoes the wesleyan church believe in speaking in tongues. Kyrzran is a village located in Kamchatka in Siberia, in the Soviet Union. Now we need to head to the Town Hall. In the next area you'll encounter explosive monsters; at this point I recommend a ranged character. Developer and publisher BonusXP announced on August 25th, 2021 that the Steam release of Stranger Things 3: The Game would be delisted on August 31st. Because of the power cycling you'll need to hit switches and hack boxes when the power is on and skip past security cameras when the power is off. Rewards: Hidden Room, x5 Random Items (Locked Chest) [Randomized Chest Loot Table: Pocket Knife, Sneakers, Ping Pong Ball, Gauze, Foot Spikes, Motor Oil, Ground Coffee, Spark Plug, Chewing Gum, Duct Tape, Rag, Fancy Shampoo, Lighter, Binoculars] Tiny #7: Hawkins Suburbs, Maxs House, bathroom. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. This is pretty straightforward, but make sure you get the Lab Keycard Lv1 from the chest surrounded by the green canisters. Day x-x-x Suspicious trading seems to be taking place around Starcourt, requires further investigation. Head down the stairs to the Hawkins Lab Basement. Walk forward and you'll compete the quest. Backtrack to the opened door for another cutscene. the devil's arithmetic full movie; give examples of strategic, tactical and operational plan brainly. Dustin can open locked areas like the one leading to his room with a timed but trivial button-matching prompt. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Head to the Pizza Parlour; the door in the back of this area is now open (and will lock after this quest, so make sure it's thoroughly looted when you're doing this part). Done for now! Eliminator mode gives you access to all characters unlocked from the start however if you die in the game when you respawn you will lose access to the character you were previously playing as. Now backtrack to the keycard door to the NW. Examine the computer and disengage the lock, then head in the door. With the Mall Keycard Lv1 you can enter the room next to the elevator, and you get a quick tutorial on using characters to hold down pressure plates while you use to switch to the other and enter the back room. A lot of awesome trinkets just opened up, and we almost have all of them. Talk to Chet to get access to the back staff room, then either smash the boxes or hack the nearby controls to access the shed. Delisting. Head SE and you'll see another quest icon in the Hardware Store; enter. You can open the locked door where she was if you want, though. Hawkins Town HallTalk to the receptionist. Just avoid the vision to get to the button to open the door for your other party member, and then if you're like me I just murdered everyone in this room to continue unimpeded to the SE. But don't set the breakers as directedbecause if you checked the bulletin board in the main room, you'll know that they're actually swapped from what they should be. For this I stayed with Eleven as my main and used Erica as my secondary (since she has a chance to stun the enemies and slow them down). Since there's a crafting table here and a way to get a bunch of supplies you may need from the shopkeeper, I recommend working on crafting some more trinkets. Rewards: Hidden Room, Gnome #42: Samantha. If you have all of those items, head to a Workshop and make the Duct and Cover Helmet. stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttons. Nows a good time to craft your Vault trinket, since we found the Large Magnet. After a bit of boarding up windows, you'll hit a cutscene and head to the mall. With that done, lets head over to Hawkins Fair. Open the gate with your new-found combination and loop around the house for another chest before going inside. Just like the Never-ending Story bit in the television show, this defence goes on way too long. Knock the green bin into the next room and use it to hit all three pressure plates, then head through the opened door. Next to Karen is Susan, who has a quest for you; you need to get her a new hair dryer, starting the Revenge of the Geeks quest. My main recommendations are pump up your health as much as possible and then any trinkets that boost Joyce's power. In the next area taking the NE door, there are doors to the SW, NW, and NE; the only one you need to continue is the NW, so I recommend just skipping a bunch of annoying enemies and heading up, using LRR to unlock the path, pressing the button to unlock the next locked door forward, and heading SE to pass through enemies and a kitchen to a computer. At the end of the hall is a door you can enter, kill the flayed, and then hack a box to open another door (this leads back to the start of this floor). We're nearly done with the backtracking gnomes. Use your partner in order to stop the dumpster path and reposition the dumpster accordingly. Head SW from there to find a question mark leading you into Granny's House. Now head back to the eastern path. There will be three pieces of your gizmo to grab, but behind keypads and rocks there's additional crafting materials and goodies I recommend grabbing. No matter how fast I switch characters it isn't fast enough to press the button while the opposite light is still lit. Now head to the NE Abandoned House. Knock the boxes out of the way, but your trapped employee needs the key to get out. . Enter the bolted door to the SE, and youll read a note on the wall that says that theres a map on the floor. You need to damage the Flayer with the cannons; you need to point them at the Flayer and then fire them with energy. Work your way SE and open a path back to the lobby, then head NE and open the path forward by accessing a hack panel in one of the rooms. Hit those switches on, the left-most side representing 1 (and ignoring the duplicate), and make sure . Return the items to Jimmy to finish the quest and get: Ok, now we are getting back to the main quest again. I'm in desperate need of a floorplan of Walker Drive 3833 aka Murray Baunman's warehouse. After you're done, head over the the computer in the corner to complete the quest: Make sure to loot the nearby office as well, and then leave back to the square. Go back to the bear plinths and position them as hinted at. In the next green room, answer the clown 5. You will not be able to return. You'll eventually find a note that gives Samantha something more concrete to remember; head back and prompt her until she realizes it's in the back office and slides you the key. Now head upstairs. Now that you have Erica, that means you can access all those areas with vents in previous places and get their treasures and gnomes inside. The single breaker on the central pillar controls the room you're in, so flip that and peruse the computer for more info. Next, head to Weathertop (while you're here if you haven't got the tuna for the pizza quest, do so by exploring the woods) and head into the nearby building and crawl through the vent. A couple more flayed, and few cutscenes later and Hoppers CabinYoure back. Head to Weathertop via the fast travel screen. Start a new campaign off on whatever difficulty you want; there's no bonus beyond bragging rights for making things hard on yourself. Talk to him and you can choose whether you want a damage or defense-boosting trinket. Tiny #15: Hawkins Hospital, Hawkins Hospital ER, NE room. When you're ready, position your characters by the consoles. You'll wrap up the Slumber Party quest. FINALLY! There were 5 numbers listed in Murray's computer, starting in 1, 1. Keep heading NE and you'll see a series of rocks you can blow up, past which are more Bad Dudes who will drop a combination once defeated. Back in the northern long hallway, enter through the northern door. Hit the switch there to complete this half of the puzzle. Continue on and eventually you'll hit a third riddle. Video game [ edit] A video game adaptation titled Stranger Things 3: The Game was released hours after the third season premiered on July 4, 2019. The solution is just to take the diary dates and sub in 7 for X. The door will re-lock itself later on, forever. In here, you need to explore the bathroom and flip the switch here in the back by the toilet. You'll get stunned by the camera, but should end up on the right side of the beam. You have to activate switch #1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 (Start on the far left). There are 3 bolted doors here, open them all. In the corner here is a crafting table; you can't really do anything yet but it's good to familiarize yourself with it. He will task you with smuggling? When you step on the two pressure plates here, you'll start a really annoying puzzle. You'll enter the house again and find clues that will direct you to the Pool. Its time to score some tickets. Scoops Ahoy!Talk to Erica, then head outside to the loading dock. Now head to Petal Pushers. Now we need a Soviet Keycard Lv2 to proceed through the metal door in the previous hallway, so go SW of Robins room and enter the alarm room. Venture across state lines to Murray's Warehouse. You'll find the vent in the basement in the NW corner. He'll join your party, netting you: Now, talk to Eleven in the living room. Talk to Murray and you'll receive: Assuming you've got what you need for Erica's story question, now head back to Scoops Ahoy. Return to Cerebro for a cutscene, after which you'll complete Radar Love and the achievement: You'll now be tasked with finding Eleven. Eventually you'll be ambushed and back out into the cabin. That's everything for the quest thus far. Now its time we go back and get all the ventilation shaft stuff we missed, yey! As you proceed, you'll also encounter tougher machine-gun wielding Russians. He seems like a good kid. The next area has more lights with a slightly tougher pattern to figure out. Hub: Murray's Warehouse. Tiny #11: Hess Farm, Hess Farm Barn, NE room. After this, youll receive the Starcourt Mall Blueprints. f Stranger Things poster 11 x 17 inches. Now head back to the bear door. Youll find the hidden Gnome #35: Falken! Youll find Steve and Robin to the north of this room, past two locked doors, so go save them. Before heading back to Starcourt, I decided to polish off the other story quest. Make the fuse, then turn off the power to head back to the Rift Room door. Check Pan-O-Rama. You should have 12 by now, so we need at least 18 more to make a total of 30. Now enter the conference. Head into the Women's Locker Room and smash everything to find your googles. Main Character Elimination Game ROUND 9 (MURRAY IS OUT) . Well, our boy Alexei just got gunned down in broad daylight by Grigori, so now its time to enter the Funhouse and enact some REVENGE. In the next clown room, enter the bolted door to find another Medkit. Sep 24, 2018. Rewards: Hidden Room, Money (Chest), Money (Chest). Rewards: Hidden Room, x3 Random Items (Chest) [Randomized Chest/Destructible Loot Table: Flash Light, Metal Tube, Metal File, Nails, Fertilizer Bag, Wire Spool, Spark Plug, Battery, Duct Tape, Lighter, Garden Rake, Metal Chain] Tiny #13: Hess Farm, Hess Farm Russian Base, far NE end of the map. This will make the locked door open in the back, with the chest loot and the gnome for the taking. Report back to get your next task; straightening some photos. Go down the SE path and give that one an answer of 5. Along the way, you'll end up crafting five trinkets, which nets you: While we're in the Square, head to the Library and go the the room on the ground floor with the TV in the corner; on one of these shelves is the Sixteen Molotovs VHS you need. Head to the fountain and when the Mind Flayer shows up, leg it to the store to the NE. Now go through the door to the Library Basement. Then, exit the area and head to Hawkins Hospital. In front of the town hall are a number of shrubs; just to the right of the town hall sign, knock down the bushes to reveal Gnome #14: Mikhail. In this next area you'll have to continue the process of clearing rooms and hitting switches during the power cycles. Murrays WarehouseHead to the east side of the building and youll find Gnome #34: Arnold. Before moving up to the next floor, travel SW where the green arrows are pointing in order to open up a shortcut for this floor. Also pick up the master key here and backtrack to the locked door in the previous hallway (near Peewee Herman's room - yeah, if you haven't been reading the hospital occupants, you've been missing some jokes). If you bought it, you'll still own it, but it will no longer be available for purchase to anyone who hasn't. After that, the northernmost door will open. In the SE corner is a bathroom vent that leads to a room with a hint on the bulletin board and diary, and a computer. Even if you don't know the combo if you move fast you can see which ones are right by the lights coming on. If not, do a find-search on this document and figure out where the items you need are. Tiny #10: Hawkins Lab, Hawkins Lab Basement, west end. Here you'll need to talk to the receptionist, and then head to the NW and slip by the doctor. 2016 | Maturity Rating: TV-14 | 4 Seasons | TV Horror. company owns shopstyle codycross abigail western area 51; wax candy with juice inside troy mi . Lets head to the Nondescript House in the suburbs next. Easy enough, though. Inside the next hallway a wooden door and a gold door. This area is tougher because rats will spawn in, and he'll often do a double-charge that can deal damage when you go in for an attack and he's still invulnerable. You can now access the vent in Dustin's House, which leads to another chest and Gnome #43: Alexandre. Residential satellites Garage Conspiracy wall Kitchen/Dining room Living room After Nancy and Jonathan recorded Dr. Owen's confession regarding the cover-up of Barbara's death and the Gate, the two . excluding 0, the first 6 numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (and 1 is a duplicate in relation to these switches). Now hit the switch on the other side of the door next to you, and move the Mini-Truck to the next area. In the Electronics Store, you'll need to use one character to toggle the security cameras while the other character hits the switch to the NE and then heads down the SE to turn the power back on, then backtracks to hit another switch and head into another depowered area. To turn off the alarm, walk on the switches in the order of (left to right/SW to NE) 3, 1, 2, 4. Carry on, and when you reach the next orange room, give that clown an answer of 10. If you head over to Fanatic AKA Mr Give-Children-Weapons Guy, who now wants brass knuckles (they're $8 in the nearby pizza place). He might have hints on where to find the ingredients. To the NE through a wooden door, youll find Robin locked up. Rewards: Hidden Room, Unlocked Room, Gnome #17: Fletch, Money (Locked Chest), Money (Locked Chest), Money (Locked Chest).

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