Part # ZZSENSAL0400AA. Trane has the right sensors and solutions to help you provide optimal indoor environemntal quality, occupant comfort and productivity. Trane ComfortLink 1-27/50 in. A zone sensor provides feedback to the control system on elements of the room that affect comfort, such as temperature and humidity, or safety, such as CO2. Part # TZZSENSAL0400AA. Trane offers a full line of wired and wireless temperature sensors. Key Features Wired remote outdoor sensor Maximum length of field wiring to sensor is 200 feet Minimum wire gauge is 18AWG Installation Available RFWEL Engr provides installation assistance for HVAC Sensors. url('') format('woff'), It features a zone sensor with a black and white display, a backlit touchscreen, a real-time clock, and displays indoor temperature and relative humidity. The Trane CO2 sensor measures and records carbon dioxide in parts per million (ppm) in occupied building spaces. Wireless temperature sensors, which provide easy and flexible installation, are a cost effective alternative to wired sensors. Undo, All Filters Removed Trane XL1050 Thermostat We have a new Trane system -- furnace, coils, AC, thermostat. margin-right: 2rem; help@tranehome.comor No sales office associated with that zip code, please click the link for all locations, Air-Fi Sensor Module Front Facing Environment, Renewable Energy & Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Conservation Measures (energy efficiency), CoolSense Integrated Outdoor Air Systems, Controls Solutions for Light Commercial Contractors, Trane Select Assist (Formerly known as TOPSS), Trane/Mitsubishi VRF Diamond System Builder. p=e.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; It's easily accessible from a smartphone, tablet or computer, which makes adjusting the temperature for your family's comfort a breeze. Rfwel Engineering, LLC. I'm hoping that there is a way to have the XL1050 respond to the temperature at the remote thermostat instead of the temperature where it is mounted (it is currently mounted down the hallway which makes my son's room very hot in the summer). If you need information about creating and using automations, please visit Automations Overview. The optional zone sensors and thermostats include the following: 1. *Requires internet service and connection to Nexia. */ Consider other Related HVAC Control Solutions. We bought the top of the line Trane variable speed compressor/air handler system which, unfortunately came with the TRANE ComfortLink II XL1050 , TZON1050AC52ZA thermostat. Tranes XL1050 touchscreen control, with Built-in Nexia Bridge, combines zone by zone comfort control with a smart home hub that makes your home Smart Home Ready. , Manufacturer Terms of Sale| padding: 0.8rem; Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2021. /* Link */ . Amazon has encountered an error. Pricing varies by location and dealer in addition to several other factors. border-radius: 1.5rem; color: white !important; else{document.documentElement.className+=' avia_desktop '};document.documentElement.className+=' js_active ';(function(){var e=['-webkit-','-moz-','-ms-',''],n='',o=!1,a=!1;for(var t in e){if(e[t]+'transform' in{o=!0;n=e[t]+'transform'};if(e[t]+'perspective' in{a=!0}};if(o){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform '};if(a){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform3d '};if(typeof document.getElementsByClassName=='function'&&typeof document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect=='function'&&avia_is_mobile==!1){if(n&&window.innerHeight>0){setTimeout(function(){var e=0,o={},a=0,t=document.getElementsByClassName('av-parallax'),i=window.pageYOffset||document.documentElement.scrollTop;for(e=0;e").attr("src",""); Protect your ComfortLink II XL1050 Thermostat with available base limited, registered limited, and optional extended warranties. Trane Remote Indoor Temp Sensor # ZSENS930 1 offer from $104.95 32 1 offer from $48.19 3 offers from $58.40 $104.95 Product details Item Weight : 1 Pounds Item model number : ZZSENSAL0400AA_v2 Date First Available : September 20, 2019 Manufacturer : Trane OEM ASIN : B07Y5HB7XC } NOTE: The first time you load RoomIQ, you will be presented with a sequence of introductory screens. Temperature sensors feature a full-line offering that provides flexibility for building occupants to choose various temperature and operating mode set points to meet their comfort levels. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Trane Home Customer,, Select a Store for Accurate Local Pricing, How To Improve Water Heater Efficiency With A Tank Booster, Best Pull-Down Kitchen Faucets That Won't Break The Bank, Drinking Fountains & Bottle Filling Stations, How to Grow Your HVAC Business With Smart Home Installation Services, Tips to Prepare Contractors for Cold Weather, Guide to MaP Toilet Testing for Low Flow Toilets, Benefits of Claiming Your Business on Google, 5 Common Trenching & Excavation Safety Hazards, 4 Tips to Minimize the Dangers of Dust Inhalation, 24/7 Commercial Water Heater Express Response, Trane Comfort Controls Outdoor Remote Temperature Sensor, Trane ComfortLink 1-27/50 in. Item # 3395930. padding: 0.8rem; Please try again. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! 5 PM ET. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Please contact us for an estimate. Please use a different way to share. ComfortLink II XL1050 works with a network of sensors to monitor and optimize humidity and temperature in your home, adjusting compressor and fan speeds in real time to give you the most comfortable air operating efficiency possible. The TZONE940 is a wired communicating thermostat/sensor with a display for use with ComfortLink II XL824, XL950, and XL1050 control units to adjust temperatures in a zone. Duralight Furnace Hot Surface Ignitor Direct Replacement For Trane American Standard IGN00034 and IGN00054, SEN01114 Flame Sensor Replacement for Trane/American Standard Furnace Flame Sensor Rod Stainless Steel SEN337, SEN0337, SEN441, SEN0441, SEN491, SEN00491, SEN1114, PSE-T19, B340888-2. I mounted this remote sensor on the other side of the interior wall where the thermostat is mounted, and the problem has been solved. These products fall into one of two tiers, Samsung POWERbot Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum - (click, Nexia HD Wi-Fi Outdoor Camera - (WCO200NX), Nexia HD Indoor Security Camera - (WCW200NX), Nexia HD Wi-Fi Wide Angle Indoor Camera - (WCP200NX), GE Z-Wave Plus 3-Speed Ceiling Fan Control, Trane 400B Home Energy Management Control, Trane 500B Home Energy Management Control, Trane XR524 Z-Wave Smart Thermostat - (Retail), Trane ComfortLink II XL850 Control - (Dealer Only), Trane ComfortLink II XL950 Control - (Dealer Only), Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Control - (Dealer Only), American Standard 500B Z-Wave Smart Thermostat, American Standard Silver 624 Z-Wave Smart Thermostat, American Standard Silver 724 Control - (Dealer Only), American Standard Gold 824 Control - (Dealer Only), American Standard Acculink Platinum 850 Control - (Dealer Only), American Standard Acculink Platinum 950 Control - (Dealer Only), American Standard Acculink Platinum 1050 Control - (Dealer Only), GoControl (LinearLinc) Z-Wave LED Light Bulb, GE Z-Wave Wireless Lighting Control On/Off Switch, Eaton/Cooper RF9601 Z-Wave Plus Wireless Switch, GE Z-Wave Wireless Lighting Control 3-Way Switch Kit, GE Z-Wave Plus Outdoor Module for Lighting Control, GE Z-Wave Plus In-Wall Smart Motion Switch, Fibaro Dimmer 2 Z-Wave Plus Light Controller, Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt (BE469) all finishes and styles, Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt (BE468) all finishes and styles, Trane ZSENS930 Z-Wave Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Dealer Only), American Standard ZSENS930 Z-Wave Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Dealer Only), AWAIR Element Indoor Air Quality Monitor, Wireless Z-Wave Plus Indoor Temperature and Humidity Sensor (TH100NX), Linear/GoControl Z-Wave Glass Break Sensor, Linear/GoControl Z-Wave Siren and Strobe Light, Sensative Z-Wave Plus 500 Guard Door/Window Strips, (Sensative 500 Comfort/Drip and all 700 Series strips are, Andersen Wireless Open/Closed Sensors - (Andersen Dealer Only), First Alert Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm, FortrezZ Water and Temperature Sensor (WWA02) (Recommended), FortrezZ Water and Temperature Sensor(WWA01) (Trane Home supports water sensing only; WWA02 recommended), FortrezZ Z-Wave Plus Flood and Temperature Sensor (Gen3 / 5 Model FTS05), Dome Z-Wave Plus Water Main Shut-Off Valve, Andersen E-Series Windows and Doors with VeriLock Sensors - (Requires, VeriLock Translator and Trane Home bridge), Somfy RTS based motorized shades by Bali, Graber, and Budget Blinds - (Requires, Requires Somfy ZRTSI2 and Trane Home bridge), Budget Blinds Signature Series Motorized Shades, Leviton Quiet Fan Speed Control - VRF01-1LZ, Honeywell Programmable Z-Wave Thermostat, Eaton/Cooper Aspire RF Duplex Receptacle RFTR9505-T, GE Z-Wave Lighting Control Duplex Receptacle, Linear Z-Wave Garage Door Controller (Lowes), Linear Z-Wave Garage Door Controller (Generic), GE Outdoor Light and Appliance Module ZW4201, GE Z-Wave Lighting Control Three-Way On/Off Kit, GE Z-Wave Wireless Lighting Control Three-Way Dimmer Kit, GE Z-Wave Lighting Control In-Wall Dimmer, Jasco Z-Wave Wireless Lighting Control On/Off Switch45609, Remotec Z-Wave Dry Contact Fixture Module, Eaton/Cooper Aspire RF Appliance Module RFAPM, Yale Real Living Electronic Deadbolt (YRD210), Yale Real Living Electronic Deadbolt (YRD220), Yale Real Living Touchscreen Lever Lock (YRL220), Yale Real Living Key Free Touchscreen Deadbolt (, Copper Creek Hardware Touchscreen Deadbolt -, First Alert Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Lowes), First Alert Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Staples). It's easily accessible from a smartphone, tablet or computer, which makes adjusting the temperature for your family's comfort a breeze. Replaces / Supersedes: SEN-1337 , SEN1337 , SEN01337 , ZZSENSAL0400AA , D941786P01 and others. The app will return to the thermostat control screen and report which sensors RoomIQ is actively using. Visit our Dealer Locator page for a list of questions to discuss with your dealer. Wired temperature sensors are the suitable alternative for locations that cannot accommodate wireless sensors or that require a service tool connection. Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning Control with built-in Nexia Bridge combines zoning technology and a home automation hub to remotely control your home, comfort, and energy use. The TZONE940 is a wired communicating thermostat/sensor with a display for use with ComfortLink II XL824, XL950, and XL1050 control units to adjust temperatures in a zone. Please try again later. padding: 0.8rem; p.parentNode.insertBefore(a,p); Wired and wireless building communications each have their benefits and can be used together throughout your building or project. text-decoration: none; You were able to get me better equipment, a better warranty, and a better price without haggling. Sign up to receive email about product launches, events, deals & more! Support via email at call 1-877-288-7707,Monday-Friday 9 AM 8 PM ET, and Saturday 10 AM Its a multi-disciplinary collective of experts using world class technologies and services to improve the viability of your building. . , Date First Available My smart thermostat installed with a new heat pump system is very susceptible to drafts from an overhead fan in the same room. Copyright .sub_menu .menu-item:nth-child(2) a{ Please try again or call us at 800-721-2590.ID: 911307472. b.prepend(ytp_wm)})},5E3)}); img#wpstats{display:none} Choose the sensors you want to use. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. call 1-877-288-7707,Monday-Friday 9 AM 8 PM ET, and Saturday 10 AM Privacy Settings. Ferguson is the #1 US plumbing supply company and a top distributor of HVAC parts, waterworks supplies, and MRO products. /* If html does not have either class, do not show lazy loaded images. Also wondering if there is also an option to have a second thermostat in a different corridor and have the thermostat average the temperatures. If you need information about creating and using automations, please visit. Shop for Trane in Thermostat Sensors at Ferguson. . Please try again. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. At this point, we are not sure if these indoor sensors will work with the XL1050. Nexia can monitor your HVAC system in real time with Nexia diagnostics and alert your Trane dealer if there is an issue. Manufacturer warranty runs for 1 year from delivery date. X . ComfortLink II XL1050 works with a network of sensors to monitor and optimize humidity and temperature in your home, adjusting compressor and fan speeds in real time to give you the most comfortable air operating efficiency possible. check out the. Sitemap. ComfortLink II Zoning system Include the following components; Trane ComfortLink II Control (XL1050, XL850 and XL824), Wireless and Wired Zone Thermostat/Sensors and Motorized Modulating . check out the. Log into the Trane Home mobile app and select your thermostat from the dashboard. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! PrivacyPolicy&Security| url('') format('truetype'), WiFi Temperature Humidity Sensor: Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer with App Alert, Fre SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee Mini Indoor Temperature and Humidity Sensor for Checking the ATIE Neverlube Diverter Valve Kit 4720 Replacement for Jandy 2 Port or 3 Port Never SensorPush HT.w Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer Water-Resistant for iPhone/Android. Homenex Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with 1 Remote Sensor, Touch Display, C-Wire Required Eiechip 5PCS Waterproof Temperature Probe Thermometer DS18B20 1M with Heat Resistan InSinkErator Garbage Disposal, Evolution Excel, 1.0 HP Continuous Feed. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. a.async=!0; This page was generated at 05:20 PM. Sitemap Our Privacy Policy governs the use of your information. text-decoration: none; border-radius: 1.5rem; : Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning Control with built-in Nexia Bridge combines zoning technology and a home automation hub to remotely control your home, comfort, and energy use. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Trane X1351152801 Remote Zone Sensor, 10k. There was a problem adding this item to Cart. Trane BAYSEN01ATEMPA is a wired outdoor temperature sensor that allows Trane thermostats to sense temperature remotely instead of at the unit. Our zone sensors and thermostats provide accurate and reliable sensing that is critical to keeping your HVAC systems running at optimum levels.

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