BZ!!! She is a 1992 graduate of the U.S. I wont go any farther than that. I remember the swim call in Gatun Lake while heading west through the Panama Canal on SPRUANCE. Precom and of course plank owner on the USS Hewitt, DD-966. Stump was decommissioned 22 October 2004. At sea spent alot of time topside checking out the stars while underway. Welcome aboard and congratulations on your orders to USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), the best amphibious assault ship in the fleet! 345644 entries available online. Bring on the Red Banner Fleet! We slept in the COs cabin, and i had sailors giving me the nonstop tour. She was the Rodney Dangerfield of ships then; fantastic job in Gulf of Fonseca but got no recognition because we werent officially there. There is this thing call Stress Corrosion Cracking (This is also a significant problem with the CGs as well). Meanwhile, worked at Mobil, Nike, Intel and then Microsoft because I moved to the Pacific Northwest. No sooner were they stricken than they were systematically sunk in a series of fleet training exercises, dismantled, or otherwise scrapped. JPME I, U.S. by Ellen Mitchell - 06/14/22 7:24 PM ET. From July 10, 1953 to January 14, 1958, now promoted to full Admiral, he served as Commander U.S. Pacific Command until his retirement, effective August 1, 1958. A close ET school friend was aboard Briscoe91-93. More on this ship below. I was a Plank owner of the Spruance and The OBrien DD 975. Prior to that, USS STUMP took part in Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) 01-1, to certify the carrier battle group for deployment. Returning home in March 1983, she participated in Solid Shield '83, a complex exercise involving U.S. NATO ships and the U.S. Air Force. Arghh.. South America anyone? 102 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1284F6F67DBE824BA8025A75EED7CAB2><13542D5798F657489313BA80B841852E>]/Index[96 14]/Info 95 0 R/Length 52/Prev 371474/Root 97 0 R/Size 110/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The highlight of the deployment was the Tomahawk missile strike launched against Iraq in support of Operation Southern Watch on 17 January 1993. Looking for US Navy memorabilia? Polmar has good reference material on this, but THE ultimate reference book is Michael Potters Electronic Greyhounds. | Specifically, FBE-H further developed NWDC's draft Access Concept entitled "Poseidon's Presence". FRAMs carried on for many years after in foreign navies. In 1988, Stump deployed to the Mediterranean as part of the USSDwight D. Eisenhower carrier battle group (MED 388). The Mark 29 NATO Sea Sparrow launcher on the stern of the destroyer USS STUMP (DD 978). Four years sailing all the worlds oceans 81-85 and I left with a GCM and stars on the SSDR. ", It took me 14 years to get here and now we are Decommisioning? World War 2 Historian, Relic Hunter and expert in identification of WW2 relics. I served aboard USS Cushing (DD-985) from 1990 to 1993, and she was one of the best in the fleet. What's up homies, give a brother a shout out!! USS Stump DD 978 entering Gibraltar on 10th May 2001. Plankowner USS John Young DD973 for Together We Served and/or First paragraph.Five inch/thirty eight caliber gun.there is no such critter as a five inch/fifty eightthat would wind up with a barrel three hundred inches long or so. She received the Vertical Launch System (VLS) for the BGM-109 Tomahawk missile. [3] Stump was also credited with the identification of a low flying plane whose inspection upon landing in the US accounted for the recovery of several hundred kilos of Cocaine. 4 0 become shzpmates f dependents ' 3 cruise from: comdesron ten to: uss stump info: comcrudesgru eight personal for commanding officer info radm watlers dependents cruise 1. the unqualified success of stump's dependent's cruise noted with great pleasure. Note the RAM missile launcher on her stern. We had 2 Class C fires due to shipyard trash being stashed in sealed electrical boxes. 1958 edition | laststandonzombieisland, Goula Sub Sighting (of Sorts) | laststandonzombieisland, VS22 Looking Flat | laststandonzombieisland, Sprucan Desert Shield Watercolors | laststandonzombieisland, Bring back the Garcias! Donald D. Engen July 1966 - July 1967. The reason the Navy dumped the Spruance Class was because of the hull USS JOHN YOUNG REUNION What's up Dookie! Newspaper clipping from Navy New York dated August 1 1983. The Republic of China Navy now operates the four Kidd class DDGs. | Plankowner on USS HAYLER DD997. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Stump (DD 978), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, Stump..What more can a guy say.livin it up in S. America with the rest of CA was awesome. Instead of being crammed full of TLAMs, these new DDGs have to allocate most of their space to carrying surface to air missiles. Dan, I served on Elliot from 81-85 also, sk3 Schwartz, I remember dan the brother of dale hatcher , Im gsm2 winger the most awsome memories and buddies on the uss elliot DD967 early 80s. STUMP than traveled to New Orleans as the U.S. Navy's Host Ship for the 1984 World's Fair. The enlisted on this ship taught me a lot. Mediterranean Sea, March 2 1988, a starboard bow view of the guided missile destroyer USS Tattnall (DDG-19) underway. Very sad to see this great class goand I was not even on any them. 2002 For exceptionally meritorious service as "Commander of the combined operation center of the Allied-American, British, Dutch and Australian air command" he was awarded the U.S. Army's Distinguished Service Medal. NAVAL STATION NORFOLK - Capt. Help| Served aboard Elliot 77 81. Didnt see your name listed there. Served aboard the OLY 1990-1995. later i served as DCA on uss fife (dd-991). Stump provided safe passage back to Norfolk, Virginia. Words fail me. Thank you for posting this. Great ships!! My personal email is:, Pingback: Warship Wednesday: March 17, 2021, Shamrock Cans | laststandonzombieisland. I was the commissioning Operations Officer in USS SPRUANCE (DD-963). The US Navy has dismissed four commanding officers and a senior enlisted adviser in less than one week due to "loss of confidence," a strikingly short timeframe for such disciplinary action . Then the navy in its infinate wisdom sent me to a LST. Not a bad ship! Deck:Work hard play hard!!! The first thing I thought, perhaps horribly, was that I hoped she wasnt alive to have seen it. ALTHOUGH THINGS ARE BETTER SINCE I LEFT I DO MISS YOU GUYS. We were a Gearing Class Fram II with the ASROC setup. My first ship was also the Briscoe .all the spru cans were hungout to dry prematurely. USS Heerman (DD-532) and a destroyer escort lay a smoke screen to protect Taffy 3 from attacking Japanese surface ships at the beginning . My first ship was USS David R Ray DD-971 August 1979-July 1984 made three WestPac cruises. She was named after a Vietnam MOH winner and I remember his mother making visits to the ship. 1940s complement for the Sumners as designed was 336 Officers and Enlisted while some wartime designs (such as DMs) were 363 . SHAREM 125 was the latest in a series of SHAREM exercises designed to test and evaluate undersea warfare tactics, weapons, sensors and procedures. Undated postcard Copyright © Atlantic Fleet Sales, Norfolk, VA. Circa 1977, Passenger Ship Terminal mid-town New York City on the Hudson River. Raines, as well. Bragg is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Just one of their number, the former USS Paul Foster, remains. Secondly, STUMP was awarded the COMDESRON TEN Battle "E" Efficiency award for overall excellence. Stump, along with the rest of the battle group ships returned home on 24 May 2001. Actually it was the Spruance Dd963. I boarded her for the first time 3 days before we bombed Libya. Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Mississippi. Stump deployed in August 1996 for a Middle Eastern Force cruise to conduct maritime interception operations and act as ready strike destroyer in the Persian Gulf. Where to start? Stump's 1980 maiden deployment was to the Mediterranean, serving as flagship for Destroyer Squadron 14. 13 May 1906 - Launch of Ioann Zlatoust (Russian: ), an Evstafi-class pre-dreadnought battleship of the Imperial Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet. DN-ST-88-03644. I have the last picture taken in 2006, over 5 years after she was decommissioned, in the starting process of being scrapped in Texas. In November 1992, STUMP deployed to the Arabian Gulf and North Red Sea as part of MEF (1-93) to serve as a ready strike platform. I believe it was because of the so-called peace dividend after the Cold War. approx Age? Following the return from its Middle Eastern Force deployment in February 1997, STUMP conducted an extensive DSRA and immediately commenced a rigorous training cycle which culminated in a highly successful Final Evaluation Period. In May 1945 he served as Chief of Naval Air Technical Training Command and kept that post until December 1948. Even better crew. While in the Caribbean, Stump again shot naval gunfire support qualifications and scored 495 out of 500, winning the Atlantic Fleet "Top Gun" award for an unprecedented second year in a row. I was on the John Rodgers. No less than 16 Spruance class destroyers are on the way. She served us well and glad to see our old girl still afloat. Capt. I can see mothballing the Spruances during the War on Terror years- but the weird part was how they were all sunk within a few years. Seems he Most 21-year old ships are still in service, with another 10-15 years left on their hulls. 1986 was significant for two reasons. Stump commanded Carrier Division 24 of Task Unit 77.4.2 (Taffy II) at Leyte Gulf and Samar embarked in NATOMA BAY (CVE-62) in October 1944. Also, note the Phalanx CIWS mounts port and starboard. The boat was deemed a hazard to navigation and sunk by small arms fire from STUMP's Small Craft Action Team. June 1979-Aug 1983 and October 1989-October 1991. Commanders of Constitution. USS LEXINGTON (CV-16) (later CVA-16, CVS-16, CVT-16 and AVT-16) Commanding Officers: NS-cv16-co01: CAPT Felix Budwell Stump: USNA 1917: 17 February 1943 - 10 April 1944: ADM: CAPT Ernest Wheeler Litch: USNA 1920 : 10 April 1944 - 30 January 1945: VADM: CAPT Thomas Hinckley Robbins, Jr. They have passed the torch to a younger and more formidable group of ships. I did however find one mistake that you made. Pingback: East Bank buzzing again | laststandonzombieisland. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The ship is underway near Norfolk, Virginia, 07/02/1984 DN-SN-85-09104. Involved in this process was Long Island contractor Dynell Electronics, which was acquired by United Technologies company Norden Systems. Naval War College Hosts Inaugural War Gaming Research Forum, Issues in National Security: "China: The Uyghur Issue", Chinese Sea Mines Are Threatening the U.S. Navy. Jennifer Brokaw, USS Stump Public Affairs In April, and on 48 hour notice, STUMP was directed to detach and proceed to the Persian Gulf to replace the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS which had suffered extensive damage from a mine explosion. She was launched on January 8, 1977 and. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. USS Caron (DD 970. | laststandonzombieisland, Dragging out that Navy Naming Conventions Soapbox | laststandonzombieisland, National Guard Marksmanship Training Center. 1983 1984 Open to former crewmembers and support personnel. Ingalls promoted that the ships could be modified and upgraded for years to come, and Ingalls could build a modular section that could be added as the section they are updating was removed. USS STUMP deployed in late November 2000 along with the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN Battle Group. Exercises at Fort Story, Virginia, in June 1994, Ocean Park Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Virginia Beach VA. 001128-N-6097C-502 Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia November 28 2000, the destroyer USS Stump (DD 978) departs from the piers at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, VA. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Leland Comer. | Surely the Spurances would now be long in the teeth, ranging from the 1975-commissioned DD-963 to the 1983-dated DD-997, they would all be over thirty years old. Welcome USS Nimitz (CVN 68) is the lead ship of the U.S. Navy's Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and is named in honor of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. Highlights of the deployment included rendering assistance to the sailboat OKIVA which STUMP provided assistance in the form of fuel and 75 pounds of fresh food to get the boat to port. Search crew members| Throughout the deployment, the battle group also participated in numerous international exercises, including Arabian Gauntlet, an 11-nation exercise that involved more than 20 ships. USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73) and two destroyer escorts making smoke at the start of the battle off Samar, 25 October 1944. In cooperation with a Colombian Coast Guard Cutter, Stump located and recovered a survivor of a wrecked Colombian vessel. | Were in dire need of an administration, Congress, and Military Leadership that willing to make the right arguments to them both for WHY we need their unequivocal SUPPORT ! %%EOF Other than those small errors, I found the article to be very noteworthy and interesting. 1 user currently logged in and 160 visitors active. The gold shield is symbolic of knowledge and achievement. As a result of her outstanding performance, STUMP was awarded the "Hookem Award" for USW excellence by the Commander U.S. Sixth Fleet. I recall going through a storm that caused a 18 foot crack in the aluminum super structure. As a result of her outstanding performance, Stump was awarded the "Hookem Award" for USW excellence by the commander of the U.S. 6th Fleet. Good ship great crew. But in order to build all those new Burks you have to get rid of the cheap fix. The ships crew was top-notch, but I was quite disillusioned about the quality of shipyard workmanship in building the Hill. 1987 1988 I was shocked that the Navy saw fit to get rid of all of these capable ships! USS Stump is the 16th SPRUANCE-class destroyer. The Spruances, unlike the Burkes, was dedicated to ASW, ASuW, and land strike with both naval gunfire and cruise missiles. Online there are pictures of her being broken in Brownsville, TXVery very sad. That's an even 100-ships, or a reduction by about 58% from the late 1980s. He stopped, thought for a moment, and then told me Never mind, Ill handle this. In October 1989, Stump again deployed to the Mediterranean as part of the USSForrestal carrier battle group (MED 190). The CH-53E is from Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 12 (HM-12) "Sea Dragons". I served on the Fletcher Dd-992 from 1993-1996. Shortly thereafter Stump attended flight training at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola in 1920-1921 followed by postgraduate instruction in Aeronautical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DD Module Erection Area 24 June 1976. Access denial was expected to be the focus of any potential adversary's strategy. Do I understand correctly that they essentially turned these DDs into DDGs, but without renaming them? He was a Ship Serviceman and I was an Operations Specialist. Her story is typical of her class. STUMP returned to Norfolk in August. Length: 529 feet . Yes, of course, the SPRUANCE hulls are the same as the TICOs, thus showing their retirement was early. Albatross (MSC-289) Albert David (DE-1050) Albert T. Harris (DE-447) Alcor (AK-259) Aldebaran (AF-10) Alexander Hamilton (SSBN-617) Alfred A. Cunningham (DD-752) Algol (AKA-54) Allagash (AO-97) Alstede (AF-48) Altair (AKS-32) Aludra (AF-55) Alvin C. Cockrell (DE-366) America (CVA-66) Amherst (PCER-853) Ammen (DD-527) Amphion (AR-13) USS Deyo after her ASROC was removed and replaced with the 61-cell VLS. Mobile, Alabama Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. The Legion of Merit (which he was awarded three times) is indicated by the crossed arrows in scarlet and white. STUMP conducted Black Sea operations, port visits and extensive USW operations. After the fourth hit the destroyer, heavily damaged, began to list sharply to starboard. Dad and I slept in Commander Mullens cabin, and he took the XOs. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY THAT STUMP WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE FOR ME AND I LEARNED ALOT FROM YOU GUYS IN DECK. 1982-85 Best Regards Dave Stangland STG3 Plankowner USS John Young DD973, Pingback: Bring back the Garcias! Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm - 1978 | 1979 - 1980 | 1981 - 1982 | 1983 - 1984 | 1985 - 1986 | 1987 - 1988 | 1989 - 1991 | 1992 - 1993 | 1994 - 1995 | 1996 - 1997 | 1998 - 1999 | 2000 - 2001 | 2002 | 2003 - now She received the Vertical Launch System (VLS) which is designed to carry, among other things, the battle-proven Tomahawk missile. It was named for Captain Jeremiah O'Brien and his five brothers: Gideon, John, William, Dennis and Joseph. USS John Young (DD-973) We attended a reunion in S.Diego a couple of years ago. Old ships simply dont have as many fans as new ones, and their billion dollar contracts, divided among 20 states or so. Great memories!!! But they could all have been upgraded to the standard of the three DDGs based on the Spruance class. Next duty station was Fleet Training Group Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from November 1991-June 1995 as a shipboard instructor on Perry class Frigates, Spruance class Destroyers, and Ticonderoga class Cruisers. And Carson From: Commanding Officer, USS KAUFFMAN (FFG-59) To: Director of Naval History (OP+09BH), Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. 20374-0571 . Bow of the destroyer USS OBannon (DD-987), a Spruance-class destroyer, showing the ships Mark 16 8-cell ASROC anti-submarine rocket launcher, foreground, and a Mark 45 5-inch/54-caliber gun. I loved bothe Sprucans I was on. In 2002 he was named the Deputy Director of CDE, where he was instrumental in the expansion and transition of CDE programs, faculty, staff, and student body to the size and scope that exists today. I went from BM3 to BM2 on her. Yn3 Morris here mar 90- Sep 92. First, Stump was chosen to become the test platform for the U.S. Navy's newest hull-mounted sonar, the AN/SQS-53C. David-Tavis M. Pollard relieved Capt. I put the David R. Ray (DD-971) in commission and served aboard her for 5 years. The crux of the argument in the post is that the Spruances were put to pasture too early when they clearly had another decade or more of life in them. The USS Stump was decommissioned and stricken on 22 October 2004. Saw Al Aumacks name listed and retired from the Naval Reserve as well. I think, for the most bang for the buck, they were GREATand specialized sub hunters like you mentioned. Both Capt. Many good memories. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? Navy made a big mistake not at least mothballing at least 20 of them! My last ship I also put in commission was an Aegis Cruiser the USS Vincennes (CG-49) another great ship with a great crew. 1981 1982 A year later STUMP deployed as USCOMSOLANT Flagship for UNITAS XXII. worked on these boats in 1975, I find it hard to believe that they were decommissioned already!! USS FIFE/DD 991 Stump conducted Black Sea operations, port visits and extensive undersea warfare (USW) operations. . Somehow the helicopters were on Sumner and Gearings. Best command I have ever served on. Talk about packing a lot of guys in a tin can. s5lOVW` p: Hello Jake! hPO0*;ASDP-LSto"kyxooo>rq*D$rW)kt{Bku#UL&Hk5l%>qV! "EK 10QT r \B#oRbp These were small, 3500-4000 ton ships that carried an 8-cell ASROC launcher, 4 5-inch/58 guns in twin mounts, and two triple Mk32 ASW torpedo launchers. In February 1958 when the command was divided, he was relieved of duty as Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, but continued to serve as Commander in Chief, Pacific until his retirement, effective August 1, 1958.
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