9. All rights reserved. Thus was he justified by faith, and received that Spirit whose fruit is in all goodness; but if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 7. and the N.T. "Thee have I seen righteous before me ..." Noah's righteousness before God consisted of two things - his faith and his obedience. Unger read this as "the primeval ocean"[10], and what is suggested seems to be that the waters of the great seas themselves were instrumental in such a super-colossal deluge. Knock now, and it shall be opened, Luke 13:25. It is a quality of both the O.T. The expression is a metaphor for the rain. If there are contradictions, which we confidently deny, why are they there? In this posture death surprised them. All other rights reserved.
Note the following: "And they went in unto Noah ..." This emphasizes and makes definite the truth that Noah did not seek out and drive all of those creatures into the ark; they went in unto him. This is not the record, merely, of God's warning of a great natural disaster, which Noah heeded, but it is an account of divine punishment sent upon mankind for willful wickedness, a punishment nevertheless tempered with mercy in that God did preserve the seed, both of men and of the lower creations, for a new beginning. The "shutting him in" intimated that Noah had become the special object of divine care and protection, and that to those without the season of grace was over ( Matthew 25:10 ). Those that come into the ark, should bring as many as they can with them, by good instructions, by persuasions, and by good examples. The apostle makes it a type of christian baptism, 1 Peter 3:20,21. It really rests upon misreading or misunderstanding what is written, or upon failure to observe the usual Scriptural method. And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God commanded him; and Jehovah shut him in.". . The waters rose so high, that the tops of the highest mountains were overflowed more than twenty feet. It is only those who are drunk upon a little learning who brashly deny the Bible! said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.".
(1) God invites Noah into the ark. Any effort to view Noah's "righteousness" as merely the existence of a subjective faith within himself should be resisted. "And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both birds, and cattle, and beasts, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was on the dry land, died. This chapter begins with an order to Noah to come with his family and all the creatures into the ark, that they might be safe from the flood, which would quickly be upon the earth, Genesis 7:1 and then gives an account of Noah's obedience to the divine command in every particular, Genesis 7:5 and of the time of the beginning of the flood, and its prevalence, Genesis 7:10 then follows a repetition of Noah, his … Such a thing might have been due to the sudden swelling and lifting of the ocean floor; which, if it returned later, would also have expedited the draining off of the flood waters. And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark --The ark was finished; and Noah now, in the spirit of implicit faith, which had influenced his whole conduct, waited for directions from God. "[14], Of special significance in this chapter is that the discriminatory use of the various names for God is evident. (13-16) The increase of the flood for forty days.
Evidently, the author of Genesis, no matter how the question is viewed, did not think there were any contradictions in the record produced. Even the duration of it is ambiguous. Of every clean beast . It rained without stop or abatement, forty days and forty nights, upon the whole earth at once. In what manner this was done, God has not been pleased to make known. So it is today. 2,3. Even if their use as food is denied, this verse cannot logically be viewed otherwise than as supplemental instruction.
God's hand will find out all his enemies, Psalm 21:8. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. There went in two and two--Doubtless they were led by a divine impulse. [5] It should always be remembered in connection with such mishandling of Scripture that there is no textual basis for it. Bibliography InformationCoffman, James Burton. There is hardly anything that makes less sense than the documentary postulations regarding the alleged sources of Genesis. 1. There is no place on earth so high as to set men out of the reach of God's judgments. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It is founded solely in the imaginations of Biblical enemies. The language is not consistent with the theory of a partial deluge.
Of course it did! ENTRANCE INTO THE ARK. (1-12) Noah shut in the ark. The earth had within it those waters, which, at God's command, sprang up and flooded it; and thus our bodies have in themselves those humours, which, when God pleases, become the seeds and springs of mortal diseases. [4] At a time when the human family was being reduced so drastically in numbers, the unlimited proliferation of the lower creation would have become a threat to the lives of men. . "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament". Regarding the first of these, Unger pointed out that "forty" appears in both O.T. "[16] There are simply too many things in this that men cannot explain for some of them to believe it, but, we might add, such men are exactly like Noah's generation who also could not conceive of such a thing.
[6] Of course, his sons would have been about a hundred years of age, as they were born in Noah's 500th year. "And it came to pass after the seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. It is accurately and precisely dated; it is embedded in the matrix of a moral theology that assigns plausible and accurate moral reasons for the catastrophe. The record as it comes to us might just as easily be attributed to Moses as to some anonymous "redactor." Did it really happen? The very next verse (Genesis 6:21), however, stressed that "food of every sort" was also to be taken into the ark; and, if as seems likely (though disputed by some) that animal flesh had been a source of food long prior to the flood, then the multiple pairs of clean beasts and fowl were inherently included previously in God's revelation that ample food supplies were to be taken aboard. . It is, of course, explicit that men cannot know HOW it happened. Genesis 7 – God Destroys the World with a Flood A. Besides, now that the human race was reduced to one single family, it was necessary that the beasts should be proportionally diminished, otherwise by their numbers they would have acquired the ascendancy and overmastered the few that were to repeople the world. as "the sacred number of trial and patience,"[3] there being many examples of it: Jesus' fasting for forty days, the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness for forty years, etc. The number would not be so large as at first sight one is apt to imagine.
But what was the use of the seventh? The source of this record should not be sought in some local flood, as some have attempted.
It is stated in Genesis 7:4 that this event occurred a full week prior to the beginning of the Deluge; and it must be reckoned as a stupendous act of faith that Noah obeyed this injunction implicitly.
Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.". There is room enough in Christ for all comers. © 2020 Christianity.com. And they went in unto Noah into the ark; two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life. The final preparations of Noah for the flood.
fowls--Pairs of every species of animals, except the tenants of the deep, were to be taken for the preservation of their respective kinds.
It was one thing to build the ark, and quite another to enter it and live there a week without any sign whatever of the necessity for it.
Fifteen cubits upward . . When the flood thus increased, Noah's ark was lifted up, and the waters which broke down every thing else, bore up the ark. . . For yet seven days--A week for a world to repent! 1983-1999.
Thus was he justified by faith, and received that Spirit whose fruit is in all goodness; but if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. As always, faith in God is not an intellectual but a moral decision (John 3:19). Noah enters the ark (Genesis 7:1-5); precise dating of the flood (Genesis 7:6-12); the prevailing of the waters in three degrees of intensity (Genesis 7:13-18); and the result and duration of the flood (Genesis 7:19-24). As Noah prepared the ark by faith in the warning given that the flood would come, so he went into it, by faith in this warning that it would come quickly. And those that are not found in Christ, the Ark, are certainly undone, undone for ever. The waters rose so high, that the tops of the highest mountains were overflowed more than twenty feet.
"And Jehovah!
Genesis 7:7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.. Ver. The local flood idea cannot be harmonized with the epic dimensions so dramatically displayed here. God shut the door, to secure him and keep him safe in the ark; also to keep all others for ever out. Now the jewels are all in, and therefore the casket is closed. The day of grace was then over. "In the selfsame day ..." The Hebrew text here is somewhat ambiguous, this expression being capable of two meanings. Noah had taken a great deal of pains to build the ark, and now he was himself kept alive in it. [13] Whitelaw also pointed out this is not at all inconsistent with Genesis 7:4,5, which do not require the understanding that the total entry into the ark was achieved a full week ahead of the Deluge, but that seven days prior to the onset of it, "Noah then began to carry out the Divine instructions. Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. "[18] And, speaking of the amount of water on earth, an unbelievable number of cubic miles of water is stacked upon the earth's polar caps in the form of ice. "[7] Noah did not have to round up the animals and corral them and drive them into the ark; they "went in unto Noah.". It is very comfortable to see God going before us in every step we take. It was manifestly reserved for sacrifice; and so that both during Noah's residence in the ark, and after his return to dry land, provision was made for celebrating the rites of worship according to the religion of fallen man.
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