Aughra sees this and begins to explain what the Shard is for when the Garthim attack her home.
However, Kira assured him that neither of the attacks are Jen's fault, as the Garthim and the Skeksis always attacked everything. The wasteland receded and turned green and vital once again. Galleries Show sub menu.
Jen also wears light gray trousers and has brown boots that show his toes and covers most of his feet. However, he was proned to be impatient. He was taken in by the gentle Mystics and is sent on a journey by his dying master to save his home planet. Kira summoned a pair of landstriders to help them on their quest and with the landstriders’ assistance and speed, they swiftly rode to the Castle. A Letter from Cheryl Henson. Kira sees that she and Jen are being spied on via a crystal bat flying in the sky and she explains that the Skeksis can see what the crystal bats see.
Jen got along well with Kira's adoptive family, as well as playing the Firca to the Podlings' song.
Despite wounding him, SkekSil throws Jen across the room and he is suddenly crushed by a pile of rocks. He is not comforted by the sound of his flute, as Jen is fairly close with his master, who raised him from infancy. He is one of the last remaining Gelflings and journeys to heal the Dark Crystal and end the reign of the Skeksis once and for all.
The plot revolves around Jen, a Gelfling on a quest to restore balance to the world of Thra and overthrow the ruling Skeksisby restoring a powerful broken Cryst… The Making Of… Seeing him as a Gelfling, Jen tells her that he is there for a crystal shard that was said to be with her.
To find her, Jen is told to follow the greater of their three Suns for a day until reaching her laboratory. Main: Rian • Brea • Deet Jen • Kira • Fizzgig • Aughra • Kensho • Thurma, Mystics: UrGoh • urVa • urZah • urIm • urUtt • urAmaj • urNol • urYod • urSol • urAc• urTih • urSu, Gelfling: Cadia • All-Maudra Mayrin/The All-Maudra • Tavra • Gurjin • Kylan • The Librarian • Seladon • Maudra Fara/The Rock Singer • Mira • Naia • Onica • Ordon • Rek'yr • Maudra Argot/The Shadow Bender • Maudra Laesid • Maudra Mera • Maudra Seethi • Maudra Ethri • Lath'N • Mitjan • Bobb'N, Other: Baffi • Vliste-Staba • Silksplitters • Crystal Skimmers • Lore • SkekGra/The Heretic, Gelfling Clans: • Dousan Clan • Drenchen Clan • Grottan Clan • Sifa Clan • Spriton Clan • Stonewood Clan • Vapra Clan, Guardian of the Crystal of Truth (formerly). He is briefly seen in Deet's vision when the Sanctuary Tree gives her his powers. Kira sheltered Jen in the Podling village, but the village was also raided and destroyed by Garthim soldiers. Jen is the protagonist of Jim Henson 's 1982 dark fantasy adventure film The Dark Crystal. Quite intelligent, Jen was able to find out which shard in Aughra's possessions by eliminating it to three with ease and finally finds it when he plays the chant of the Mystics on his firca (two way flute). As the emperor of the Skeksis is dying, so is Jen's master, urSu, who is the Emperor's counterpart. He traveled into the bowels of the Castle, fell into a dark Garthim Pit, and eventually made his way up to the chamber holding the Dark Crystal. The duo sneak into the Dark Crystal palace, where they confront Skeksil again. Create. Despite wounding him, SkekSil throws Jen across the room and he is suddenly crushed by a pile of rocks. Age of Resistance Timeline. As Jen tried to escape a Garthim attack, he jumped onto the Dark Crystal and dropped the shard. As Jen tried to escape a Garthim attack, he jumped onto the Dark Crystal and dropped the shard.
Following the Garthim War, Jen believed he was the last survivor of the Gelfling race. The grateful urSkeks restored Kira’s life and departed for their home through the pure Crystal.
Aughra explains the Great Conjunction to Jen and gives him her collection of crystal shards. At this time, Jen is the chosen one. This is essentially true, as Jen had no idea any of this would ever happen. However, at the end of the film, Fizzgig let's go of his hostility towards Jen and they work together to get into the castle and find Kira. The film was produced by ITC Entertainment and Henson Associates and distributed by Universal Pictures.
They see there are two gelflings and a fight breaks out between the Skeksis and Kira, who has the shard with her. At first afraid of Aughra, Jen grew slightly more comfortable around her. He is a Gelfling whose clan was killed by the evil Skeksis. Jen was a male Gelfling who was raised by the urRu after his clan was destroyed during the Garthim War. Jen saw his "Master" as his friend, teacher and master. Now it must be healed or pass forever into the rule of evil. However, at the end of the film, Fizzgig let's go of his hostility towards Jen and they work together to get into the castle and find Kira. Jen also has a sense of remorse and guilt, especially reflected when he blamed himself for the Garthim attacks on Aughra's observatory and Kira's village. Kira assures Jen it is not his fault, as the Skeksis have always destroyed everything. It is only then that they truly understood the Wall of Destiny; they must take the True Shard to the Castle before the Third Great Conjunction and heal the Dark Crystal. However, they are quick to escape and use walkers to get to the Crystal Palace. As he laid dying, urSu the Master instructed Jen to visit Aughra and retrieve the True Shard from her. Jen is a kind, caring and selfless Gelfling boy, due to his young age and upbringing by the Mystics. He is eventually freed when Kira converses with the Nebrie that lives in the swamp. Caring, dedicated, impatient, optimistic, insecure (formerly), kind-hearted, protective, caring, friendly, sometimes sarcastic, considerate, well-educated, remorseful, UrSu †, UrSol the Chanter, UrZah the Ritual Guardian, UrTih the Alchemist †, UrNol the Herbalist, UrAmaj the Cook,UrAc the Scribe, UrYod the Numerologist, UrUtt the Weaver, Kira, Fezzgig, Aughra, Podlings, Ydra, Mystics, urSkeks, SkekSil, SkekAyuk, SkekNa, SkekOk, SkekShod, SkekEkt, SkekZok, SkekUng, Garthim †, Left as the guardian of Thra by the urSkeks with a revived Kira. He meets Kira's foster mother and all her friends.
He is also very caring to his friends. Ages of Thra The duo are interrupted by an exiled Skeksis, who attempts to manipulate Jen and Kira into coming with him and making "peace" with the Skeksis. Terms of Service Jen also has a sense of remorse and guilt, especially reflected when he blamed himself for the Garthim attacks on Aughra's observatory and Kira's village. However, he was proned to be impatient.
Jen also hates the color black because it reminded him of the Garthim and was somewhat frightened of Fizzgig when he first met him.
Jen also began to translate runes and was taught about sciences and mathematics. Jen learns from urSu that he must travel to the Skeksis palace and heal the Dark Crystal with the shard that was cracked off and informs Jen that the shard is with Aughra. He is also determined to heal the Dark Crystal, as it must be so as Thra is dying itself. He also wears a white coat that has several of the Mystic swirls on it and appears to have a Stonewood symbol sown on the front of his tunic. Rather than care that he fixed the dark Crystal, he immediately went to Kira and craddled her while crying over her body.
However, as a child, his parents fwere killed and his clan and villiage were destroyed by his clan. The Official Home of The Dark Crystal from The Jim Henson Company.
Jen is the main protagonist of The Dark Crystal.
They enter Kira's village, the one Jen remembers froM Kira's memories. In his escape to the forest, Jen begins wondering what the shard is meant for, he is suddenly scared by Fezzgig and falls into a mud puddle. Jen even tried to save her from skekSil as he dragged her to the Castle of the Crystal. The Skeksis killed his family, destroyed his clan. The journey of Jen. As a child, Jen's parents were killed by the Garthim, a group of crab-like creatures who were created by the Garthim to exterminate the remaining Gelflings. However, they are suddenly attacked by the Garthim and only Jen and Kira are able to escape.
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